Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

25 May


Originally posted by lonon_78

That was quick also do you guys even play test this stuff

Never happened in playtests. Computers are wild sometimes.

24 May


Sharing this with the appropriate people.

22 May


I like it!. It reads well When it's huge. When this gets smaller will you still be able to see all the legends though?.

21 May


Originally posted by Darth_Fatass

Odd question but seeing as she does better at high levels, do you think it's at all possible that it's only high skill players picking her and therefore skewing the data?

We look at histograms showing percentage of matches played on any given legend for different skill buckets. Wattson's doesn't skew in any unusual way towards higher-skill levels. What is significant is that her win rate is significantly higher alongside Lifeline's in the bottom 90% of players. She's still hovers at the top amongst the best 5% of players, but is not an outlier. This could mean her kit isn't doing her many favors at the level where people hit their shots, and that her invisible power is very much in her size + no LP for the vast majority of skill buckets. There are obviously many more confounding variables that y'all have pointed out (playstyles, solo queue vs. pre-mades, ranked vs. casuals), but the point is, there's no balancing bible for Apex. As DZK has mentioned, the paramount goal is to create a fun game. It's not as simple as inferring actions based solely on aggregate data, but it's definitely an essential tool in a game of such scale.


I post Twitter threads more actively than I post here (although I'm always lurking everywhere). Seeing as Wattson's been a hot topic these first couple weeks of Legacy, figured I could link to some additional comments I made on a u/DanielZKlein thread with some more context.

Also, fix for Wattson fences coming Monday. Sorry bout that and thanks for your patience! W...

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20 May


Originally posted by Blood_Hoonter

What’d you work on in RDR2?

I'm sure I'm still under NDA and can't get into details but I was on the MP Design team. I worked on some free roam events, lobby and a handful of smaller gameplay systems


Originally posted by DeadlySpoonMan

I’m curious. Is the work experience at Rockstar any good compared to other companies?

Eh without saying too much, not really. If you read glassdoor testimonials for R* San Diego, let's say I had a "typical" experience there.


Originally posted by rRevanentmain

so i can asume this was done purposely on your part?

Ha no, I had nothing to do with this :)


Originally posted by No-Engineering5186

do you have an artstation account?

I do not

19 May


Having worked on both, I upvote anything that combines RDR2 and Apex :D


Originally posted by Testobesto123

WoW I love you



Originally posted by SLEEPWALKING_KOALA

Silly little question for /u/StryderPilot - What is the inspiration/reasoning for skybox and ambient light changes for map updates? The new starry twilight Olympus is pretty, but as a weather nerd, I miss my thunderhead :c

And for /u/AmusedApricot - How do you guys decide which guns get reactive skins during what season, and how they're designed? They're easily my favorite part of the battle passes.

lol glad you like it! Our skybox artist wanted to change it up to show a change in time. When I first saw it, I was stunned we were so close to space, and how pretty it looked with the planets and such. No storm clouds this high up, sorry!

If you want to check out our skybox artists' work, find him on ArtStation - Marcos Shih.



The whole thing being an Octane selfie makes it even more perfect.


Originally posted by ManchRanchSpecialist

Your username brought me back!

Stryder with the triple threat was the best combo in TF1. Boost in close, unload right into them, drop a cluster missle behind them and electric smoke in front, boost away. Atlas and Ogre's didn't stand a chance.


If you're reading this, did the triple threat get dropped between 1 and 2 because it was unpopular or OP?

Also, thanks for your and the rest of Respawn's work on the titanfall series and universe. Titanfall 1,2 and Apex have been my favorite shooters of the past 8 years.

Haha I came up with this username as huge fan of the first Titanfall, and I had no idea that years later I'd end up working at Respawn. What a crazy world.

I honestly have no idea about about anything Titanfall related, as I joined the team a few months after Apex launched. Sorry!


Originally posted by DanielZKlein

I'm kind of upset nobody (that I saw!) asked me this question because I'm getting it like 5 times a day on Twitter, so I'm going to ask myself:

Hey /u/DanielZKlein, any chance we can get the option to bind Valk's jetpack to a key other than jump?

This is something we've talked about and thought through during development and ultimately decided we were not going to do. Come with me on a magical journey as I talk you through just how much game designers overthink everything!

So first of all note that there are a limited number of buttons on a default controller, and we have in fact used all of them! There simply isn't a button left. Now we could use the binding we call "extra character action" (by default bound to d-pad down on controller / H on keyboard), but you'll notice that most of the existing uses of this (for instance, toggling Gibby's arm shield) are infrequent uses (like that toggle). If you've played Valk a bit you'll know by now that you're constantly engaging and disengaging her jetpack; either of those two buttons would be in really awkward spots for that use case.

Okay then how about if we make it purely optional? Surely we could just LET people opt into a binding even if we think it's awkward? ...

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Originally posted by DerpJerd

I know this is late, but I'm wondering if we can play custom 3v3 matches with our friends in arenas?

Soon (tm). But seriously, it's being worked on with no date in mind yet.


I'm kind of upset nobody (that I saw!) asked me this question because I'm getting it like 5 times a day on Twitter, so I'm going to ask myself:

Hey /u/DanielZKlein, any chance we can get the option to bind Valk's jetpack to a key other than jump?


Originally posted by Heroneman

I really love Legacy and this season a lot. One thing that feels underwhelming though is the new Olympus update. The new POI is great and the atmosphere is wonderful. In past seasons weve seen more than one changed or added POI though to the map. What was the decision to only add one POI without really having an impact on other previous POIs? Was it a covid related thing or story wise it made sense? u/stryderpilot

I totally understand and this is a tough one to answer without giving developer insight. A little of column A and column B. We have some big ideas for Olympus. The ship and the outbreak it brings is only the beginning.


Originally posted by kmgenius

u/StryderPilot is there a reason why world's edge has no trees?

A really early artistic and design intention. Kept World's Edge from feeling like KC and gives the map its own identity.