Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

02 Dec


Originally posted by rickyk22

Out of curiosity, what was the reason behind the havoc + alternator? I have a feeling it might be too OP. :)

Thank you for your time.

That group of loadouts was S-tier gun but B-tier secondary. I decided Havoc+Supercharger was S-Tier, but even the fully kitted Alternator isn't more than B tier. I might be wrong!

01 Dec


Originally posted by HypericSam

Does this mean the gun loadout itself changes (the mag/scope/etc) or is it just the same thing but rotating to different legends in different combinations?

Correct! There's 14 loadouts and each day each loadout will be on a different legend. Same as last year.


Originally posted by draak1400

I did not check yet, but please tell me you included the sentinel with an alternator as one loadout

There's a Sentinel/Mastiff, currently on Horizon!


Originally posted by borderlander12345

No offence but have you seen the state of your game? You’re the lead game designer, acting like this is out of your knowledge and control is very confusing to me, please explain instead of asking patronising rhetorical questions.

I am a lead designer. Lead is a job title; it means I have direct reports. My direct reports work on Legends. You're right, though, as much as possible everyone should feel full ownership over as much of the game as possible. You just have to balance that against barging in on someone who works on this stuff and telling them how to do their job. The only way to deal with this is to default to trusting that everyone has the best intentions but may have constraints you personally don't understand. There are not enough hours in the day for me to learn all the ins and outs of how the people who work on the store come to their decisions.


Originally posted by jfphenom

Bruh can you make dailies count in the winter express mode? :(

Unfortunately this turned out to be a little bit harder than we anticipated. Definitely want to look into this for future modes. The TLDR is that under the hood the systems for badges and for challenges are the same system, and we do NOT want Winter Express to count for badges. We would want it to count for dailies, but we couldn't make that happen without doing some re-engineering under the hood to separate them into two systems. We discovered this too late to get it fixed for Winter Express :(


Originally posted by brazilianfury24

Are there patch notes with the update?

No patch notes because nothing changed other than us turning on Winter Express.


Originally posted by borderlander12345

Without being too critical, if that is true then the cohesion of your team needs to be better, these bundles are predatory and feigning ignorance is an embarrassing defence

No offense but have you worked in game development? Because I don't think you understand what you're asking for and why that would be hard.


Originally posted by rRevanentmain

thx and speaking of revanent. If you plan to buff him next season giving him fortified is a great place to start he has a pretty sizeable hit box

No plans for next season


Originally posted by bighugechild

I was sleeping on the longbow till you put that on wattson. Fire load outs my dude, good job

Reminder that loadouts still rotate every 24h! Tomorrow it'll be on someone else.


Originally posted by Tummerd

I am so sorry to say, but we get a recycled mode with mostly recycled skins, and we dont even get a small patch with it?

I am starting to get worried

I really wouldn't call Winter Express a recycled mode. Mark worked his ass off to make it so much better. Between the supply ships and the new stations and a LOT of behind the scenes changes to reduce downtime it feels so much better to me. (I also spent a few days working on the weapon loadouts to make them more spicy and interesting; if you hate any of those, that's on me!)


Originally posted by RustyFridges

This was Respawn’s idea of dialing back bundles?

Sorry, also not my department. I generally learn of what's going on with bundles at the same time you all do. There's really a lot of people involved in making a video game and all you can do is try to be as good as you can at doing what you do. Sorry this isn't the answer you were looking for!


Originally posted by rRevanentmain

quick question

to my knowledge were supposed to get more lore on the source code situation this season

at what point can we expect that?

I have NO idea! Very much not my department, sorry! I just fiddle with numbers on Legends.


Originally posted by Kloakentaucher

So that means no major update in two months. Oof. :(

That's how it's always been tho! Nothing new or particular to this season.


Originally posted by paradoxally

No patch notes for this update, just the release of Winter Express LTM and cosmetics.

Correct! No changes or new content in this; we're just turning on WE. (Not sure what's going on with games not starting yet)

Next patch is scheduled for January.

30 Nov

29 Nov


We heard your concerns over the ambient noise in places like Solar and Turbine so we disabled the fans /s