Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Originally posted by Seraphiel123

Surely some amount criticism is deserved when Respawn have specifically chosen to adopt the predatory use of loot boxes, purposefully mismatched bundles and other anti-consumer practices?

Not saying that abuse should be personally directed but surely it's understandable that people aren't happy about that?

It's absolutely fair to discuss and criticize and call out our actions. It is not ever acceptable to deliver this feedback in the form of personal insults and threats, and there should be no expectation that people will show up personally here to be yelled at. That's my point.


Originally posted by MediumSatisfaction1

Damn what did he post that had him be so hated on he deleted his comment 💀💀💀

He said it's much worse but some of it is deserved. I pointed out that none of it is ever deserved.

08 Dec


Originally posted by kRypTex43

Honestly, I’d rather have no answer than an answer that won’t be delivered on. It’s completely fair that way and if you aren’t the person who knows, it’s not your job to answer.

Yeah if we have something to say about monetization stuff in the future it'll come through official channels (playapex.com or Twitter), definitely not through my Reddit account. Tell your friends, repost this far and wide, like and subscribe, etc. etc.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Literally none of it is deserved. That was the whole point of my post.


Originally posted by TruShot5

It’s tragically toxic for you guys to be regular participants, as we’ve seen around here time and again. I wish it weren’t so, but there are patterns that emerge from the cash-cow machine that get people lit up. We don’t expect you guys to work for free, or any dev, but things like mismatching weapons skins from their parent skin in the Xmas bundles is a clear cash grab for buying two bundles to match up. If there was honest marketing, you’d get honest purchases. I’m sure the numbers are there to show this model works, but it’s predatory, and there might be a better revenue model if there was honest marketing, as more people would participate.

As a dev, there's no upside to talking about monetization online unless there are positive changes to announce. People want action, not talk.

If y'all see me or other devs popping into threads and then not responding to (totally fair) monetization questions / feedback like this one, please know that this is why. I don't want to waste your time with bullsh*t answers.


Originally posted by Voyddd

Damn i really thought more people played solos then any other Ltm, considering it was the most requested

Thats a shame .. Apex is a team game sure, but for me solos apex was insanely fun - the movement/gunplay alone hold up incredibly well in solos

I've not spent much time thinking about this but no-fill in duos/trios might give you some of what you want. Sure you'll be going up against squads, but you'll be able to fend for yourself at least.

I fundamentally don't think the combat in Apex holds up for 1000s of hours as a solo game. It's built around the pacing of 3 people fighting 3 other people, with all the knock downs, revives, and respawns that comes with that.


Originally posted by kwinz

I don't get mad over cosmetics costing 40 bucks. If I don't like them I can just ignore them and it doesn't deteriorate my experience. Yes I would prefer to pay for the game, so the devs cater to me as a player and not focus their attention to the skin buying crowd that hauls in the cash. And also legally from a customer protection perspective I think it would be better if the consumer would pay for the game. But that's something that is a bigger problem than just Apex Legends.

What really gets me rattled up is the bugs that remain unaddressed for months. How is it still a thing that I start a Christmas special game and the matchmaking puts me in the ranked game that I had looked for but canceled earlier? That one is unaddressed since at least when I started playing in April.

Tough questions or bugs are generally ignored. But if there is a tree to remove oh boy. The game is too much fun to leave behind but I get the feeling that the devs consciously make the tradeof...

Read more

Just to jump on that last point: NO ONE should be idolizing us. I'm seeing that too and it's just as wrong as assuming we're evil villains out to ruin your day / steal your money. It turns out devs are people; people who make mistakes, who sometimes have an off day, people who just want to put in their 8 hours of work a day and be able to pay rent and put food on the table for their family. It's not healthy to form a parasocial relationship with the people who make the games you like over some posts on social media. Absolutely do geek out with us and talk about the games we make! But don't put us on a pedestal or whatever the opposite of a pedestal is. At the end of the day we're just nerds who put stuff into an IntelliJ window hoping not to break the game ;P


Originally posted by eagles310

Can I ask then why not discuss aspects you do work on? I will assume there is discussion there hopefully civilised

I'm very happy to discuss the things I do work on! At the moment that's mostly balance changes to Legends, smaller reworks, and at some point in the medium future there'll be a Legend I worked on.


Originally posted by codestar4

Hope you all do everything you can to keep Mark. That kind of drive isn't commonly found.

I'm a software developer, and my team lost a "Mark" earlier this year. He taught me a lot.

I've seen it too, highly motivated and talented devs leaving for a variety of reasons, often entirely preventable. I think a lot comes down to both creating an environment devs feel happy in and also making sure there's proper career advancement paths for them. It sucks that in our industry, the quickest way to get promoted is to switch companies, to the point where the "leave and come back" strategy is common enough we have a name for it.


Originally posted by The-Tea-Lord

That’s horrible to hear.. I know people can be pretty “undesirable” (for lack of better words) but that’s not ok. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t illegal. I sincerely hope you and everyone you care for is healthy and safe, especially in times like this.

Some of these definitely veer into questionable legality land, but if you've got laws the police just aren't interested in enforcing there's not much you can do. I did go to my local police station once when there was a credible swatting threat and explained it all to them and predictably the answer was "just stay off the internet".


Originally posted by DanielZKlein

whispers it was actually much worse over in League of Legends land you all are kind of tame <3 <3 <3

Lol this is true.

And neither this sub or r/leagueoflegends has anything on r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS


Originally posted by rayden_321x

Is it intended that the teammates of an enemy caustic are highlighted in the enemy caustics gas when you are playing as caustic himself?

I don't understand. Can you show me a screenshot or a video? Your teammates should ALWAYS be outline for you, regardless of whether or not they're in the gas.


Not pictured here: 18 grenades landing at your feet the moment you set up Sheila :D


Originally posted by baconator81

Keep in mind this isn't just a Respawn/Apex problem.. This is a industry wide problem with gaming industry.

whispers it was actually much worse over in League of Legends land you all are kind of tame <3 <3 <3


I've got a lot of thoughts on this topic.

It feels like there's a stalemate between devs and the people that play their games. I don't just mean here, but everywhere.

The same patterns play out in cycles, and it has all become very predictable.

Devs hide in their trenches, mostly, and occasionally you'll see one stick their head out and get torn to shreds. Cue the thread with 20k upvotes with players lamenting it. Then next week there'll be some fire about pricing on a cosmetic, and it's back to trench warfare.

We're hoping to help break the stalemate with things like seasonal AMAs, more regular messaging on our owned channels (like new content types on Respawn.com), and with more direct support for brave soldiers like Daniel Z. Klein who like to wade out amongst the people. That stuff matters, and it'll be worth doing.

But man. I sure wish the overall relationship between devs and players online felt different.

07 Dec