Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by CubanOfTheNorth

Is the ping necessary when the scope should tell you the distance to target? Or could that also be bugged? (Not personally having this issue, just wondering)

For the optics that do that, that should be fine, as long as you're adjusting your aim to the mildot after range finding but before firing.


Originally posted by DeadpanLaughter

Wait, really? This explains why I have so much trouble using the scope. At 200m the 200 mark never lines up. I always have to be between 100 and 200. Is there some way y’all could make this easier on the users? If anything, just adding to the scope what it is zeroed to? That way I know for certain the center is meant for XX meters.

If the 200 isn't lining up that's a bug. You can verify if it's working or not by pinging a location, checking the reported distance, lining up the mildot, firing, and checking the impact point vs. where you pinged.


Originally posted by OrlandoMagik

Another issue with the snipers is that you guys have decided to make the center zeroed at 50m, instead of 100m, with the first mil dot being 200m, so you have this f**ked up 150m not evenly rounded zone of confusion between the center and the first dot.

That's a good point. The 50m had to do with the ranges that engagements actually tend to take place in Apex, and the exaggerated velocity and drag of the projectiles (there are reasons for that too, but they're outside the scope of this discussion). The combination created instances where targeted headshots at average engagement ranges (generally far less than 100m) would pass over the head of the target, due to the upward trajectory required to zero at 100m.

That said, I believe at some point we increased the sniper class weapon projectile velocities, so it seems worth revisiting the zero distance. I realize that user adjustable zero distances could also help resolve this, but it's a pretty meaty feature to add for a type of gameplay (long range sniping) that isn't really how Apex tends to be played. (that doesn't mean it's completely off the table)


Originally posted by weeenusaur

Can we get a clarification on what actually happens there?

Projectile has a velocity, the velocity is modified by gravity and drag. I think the calculations are done using Runge Kutta 4, which is pretty standard in games.


Originally posted by deXrr

The thing that causes problems is that the game is very selective about what realistic (if exaggerated) mechanics it acknowledges: It has the progressively worse drop, but the bullet velocity is always constant, which is sort of a mindf**k.

EDIT: Apparently my data about this is off. See Respawn response below. (The point from the rest of my comment stands, although I am now unsure of what exactly is the culprit.)

This also leads to the rather insane case where you have to lead people who are no more than a few meters away from you with shotguns and SMGs, because instead of having their bullets start out fast and rapidly lose speed over distance, the game averages the two extremes and has them move like softballs all the time.

> ...but the bullet velocity is always constant

For the record, this is completely untrue. Where did you get such an idea?

Edited for clarity; quote shortened to relevant portion

09 Sep

Who’s got the skills, raw nerve, and competitive drive to be the last team standing in the biggest Apex Legends™ tournament yet? It’s time to find out! The next living legends will be named at the Preseason Invitational, where the best of the best – including X-Games Gold Medalists TSM, Fnatic, Virtus Pro, T1, MVP, and more – will battle it out in the arena for their share of a $500,000 prize pool. Up to 80 elite teams from around the world will compete in a double-elimination bracket all the way up to the heart-pounding Finals – taking place at 5:00 p.m. CEST on September 15.

You can catch every unbelievable elimination, squad wipe, and surprise comeback either live in Kraków, Poland or streaming on Apex Lege...

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Who watches the man that no one can see? Time to find out when you grab these exclusive Mirage and Kraber skins, free with your Twitch Prime membership. Mirage has trouble written all over him in his electric-blue Holo Man skin (that’s only kind of a joke), and by the time the enemy spots your Night Watch Kraber skin, they’ll already be dead.

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08 Sep


Originally posted by bobotriate

I think this is to do with client/server replication. Arc star is thrown by the player. The client stimulates the path it follows and so does the server. But the server has the final say and will update the client the next time it sends an update. On the client it hits wraith but on the server it misses and hits the bin. The weird path it makes is the client interpolating between where it thinks the arc star is, and where the server says it actually is.

I am not one of the experts, but I believe you are completely correct. 👍🏼

07 Sep


Great stuff here, hope it gets more visibility!

06 Sep


This is the old town that used to exist, but now Octane's Gauntlet is there, and has been for over a month.

So, some old bug that was screenshotted over a month ago, has definitely been fixed since then, and then posted 2 hours ago?

05 Sep

04 Sep


Originally posted by NewBliss

I think he means how much of this is/was planned from the beginning. Basically how much unreleased lore are you guys sitting on?

Ah I see - A lot actually. :) So while the details of this short were written specifically for it, the concept was created during her inception. We flesh out backstories for all our characters. It helps us figure out their personalities, desires, motivations, etc. We're careful about what we release because in cases like this short film, we want to insure we can properly pay it off. Also once it's out there, it's canon. Since we don't want to retcon anything, we need to be sure.