Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

16 Aug


Originally posted by NiceUsernamesTaken

So you're using the good old "start two steps over the line and then give one step back so that people think you appreciate the criticism" right? f**k off with that nonsense.

"Why don't devs talk to us more here and be more transparent?"


Originally posted by LordFarce

Hey man I'm just glad JayFresh is still alive. The silence from him killed us a bit

I don't engage when you guys are being hostile. I wasn't being silent, I was letting the sub cool down.


Originally posted by Party_McHardy

Naw, they just made a f**k load of money off the whales, Dev even admitted it, and now theyre doing some damage control for the average player base

Or we're doing exactly what we said in the post.


Originally posted by [deleted]


"Hey why don't devs talk to us more here?"


Originally posted by Pm_Me_Your_Worriment

EA's paid shills out in full force on this thread. Yikes.

Edit: if you see someone commenting by the name of u/LB-2187 just ignore him. He is all over the thread doing some sort of bizarre form of anti-damage control. Don't waste your energy on arguing with them.

haha oh no you got us!

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Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for the great feedback.


Originally posted by Zesty__96

Thank you for your response finally, I know it takes a couple of days to collect data and such but it was pretty clear the way this was heading..

Marketing F2P is a fine art which is yet to be nailed, I hope you see this is the wrong way about it and stay true to your word about the releases going forward.

Edit: /u/Dko5 really drew the short straw on this one, the community can be harsh (including my post yesterday) you’re only human take it easy on here.

That's true we do use the time to watch data but we also take time to let folks cool off. We appreciate and actively seek out critical feedback and we want to know how folks feel whether you like it or not but the personal attacks and rage are completely unacceptable. We understand people get angry but if you're screaming about conspiracies and calling devs, scum then you might as well title your post "don't talk to me".

    /u/dko5 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by asdgred

Is that why you felt the need to tell us we have no idea how companies are run? Even though yours had to be saved by EA after two bombs? It's amazing how fortnite has managed to be as huge as it is without your surprise mechanics. Did you ever stop to think that your store would be better off if you had awesome skins in it like from this event more often instead of the generic recolors you charge $20 for? Maybe it's us who are wrong the whole time. Btw paying streamers to open your boxes so kids will buy them is still scummy.

Again, the misinformation in this thread is huge. Titanfall and Titanfall 2 were huge successes. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They made profits, and since we were independent at the time we got royalties. If you think selling a small studio for almost half a billion dollars is failing - I wish I could fail a lot more often!

Yeah, if we wanted to chase 200M players and sell even more expensive skins we could. We'd make the game VERY different than what you're playing now, and that is just not the creative vision we have for Apex.

And we don't pay streamers to open Apex Packs. Where did you hear that randomness?

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Originally posted by BasicallyMogar

Calling the reaction your playerbase had a temper tantrum in the same breath that your company is admitting they f**ked up with the pricing model is really disingenuous. Personal attacks suck, but the vast majority of the complaining I saw was about the content you guys are admitting was a misstep.

Being upset with the event is fine, thats not what I'm saying. What I am say is that we won't just magically show up, post a bunch of random promises, and shower everyone with cosmetics when a thread gets upvoted that is nothing but a hate parade.


Originally posted by Hypersite64

I just dont like how you can throw money at a limited time items and it's ok? Like what happen to earning your stuff like man modern warfare was soo good I miss doing that stuff but I guess we will never get that because of ea huh?

Modern Warfare was a $60 game.


Originally posted by DanTheMeegs

I’d wager that this game has made more than most $60 games already. If you add up your revenue, how many copies of Apex Legends @ $60 does it translate to? Close to 10 million?

At this point, there’s really no need to overprice stuff. You’ve made your money. $7 for a loot box is too high and $18 for a skin is too high. Halve those prices and you’re closer. You’ll probably get more players spending with lower prices too. Heck I’d probably buy a skin each fortnight or so if they were $5-$7 (and good)

You don't have any of the information needed to make that assumption. If you have feedback about the prices: awesome - but don't make the argument that "you can sell stuff cheaper because you make more money than other games I think"

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Originally posted by Xeno_The_Chained

Amen. Sorry if my post came off as rude by the way.

Nah, you're all good :)

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Originally posted by QueerPrideForever

We're open and honest and doing the best we can.

so thats why it took you 3 days to show your face in this sub

Would you rather we come on here and go "Uhh, nothing to say yet. Sry"? We needed time to ensure we could get the items in the store, get approval for the changes, and ensure we weren't going to be promising stuff we can't fulfill. This stuff takes time.

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Originally posted by Atr3idus

I have a sincere question @dko5... by buying the battle pass each season, am I supporting the game in a way that makes it feasible to operate profitably? In other words, is $40-$50 / year per player enough to make this game work or is that not enough of a contribution?

I think of my purchase of the battle pass as my support for the game, rather than spending a lot of money for specific skins in a one-off event. But would be interested to know if I actually qualify as a real supporter at that contribution level.

I'd have to ask much smarter number people to answer that question. The reality is, though, that most people don't buy a single thing.


Originally posted by J04K0CL

Disabling votes tell something, Jay.

I didn't disable anything.


Originally posted by xcharybdisx

So just to be clear, you're not apologizing for the outrageous prices, the massive paywall, or the gambling. You're apologizing for not telling us about it first?

You should read the post again.

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Originally posted by daviss2

"Iv been in the industry long enough to remember when players weren't asshats to developers"

Oh.. Well I guess you can also remember when developers weren't money grabbing f**ks that scammed their players too? Free to play blah blah blah that doesn't give you any right to charge $20 for a skin you should be setting the tone for other company's to follow and stop f**king your player base who commit their time to play you're game. Good riddance to your game I loved it at release bought both season pass's lvl 100, hundreds hours but after seeing how greedy you got (no surprise really as you're ea's bitch) the games uninstalled and anything from you in the future can die as quickly as its released IMO. And f**k anyone that's saying this is better, like take there dick out your mouth and have some respect for yourself. Yes iv gone over the top and I can blame the whiskey all I like but iv gone from thinking oh shit these devs care to yep just as bad as ea's reputation. You had n...

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Hey everyone - found the dick I was talking about. Guess what, I didn't even read your comment except for the first sentence and last. This kind of garbage doesn't warrant a reply - but lucky for you I already made a comment about this earlier. Go find it.

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Originally posted by asdgred

You are people, not very good people but people nonetheless.

I hope your day gets better.

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Originally posted by Vorlonator

Yeah but he called "someone" a dick. Not you in particular.

I think technically I was calling gamers dicks? I dunno. I had a spicy lunch, feelin' it.


Originally posted by skraptastic

What I read was "Whales didn't buy enough apex packs to make up for everyone else not buying so we have to do something to get "pretend goodwill" from players.

You should work on your reading comprehension.