Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by pinedsman

This is actually false. What is happening is that when the damage reduction happens, it is possible for some to bleed through the shield. When I say some, I am talking less than 1.

The problem is that the client inspects the damage and sees that it did any damage to health at all so it thinks the entire 25dmg or whatever was applied to the health so it decides to not display any of the shield effects.

Again, in reality, most if the damage went to the shield with only fractions of a health point deducted from health.

Still a bad bug since it confuses people but it's not really as bad as this post makes it out to be

Of course I did the dumb internet thing where I didn't watch the video and made a comment. Ok now that I've watched the video 😥

It does look like the bleed through can instantly kill you. I've seen this bug before in testing and we've fixed it but it looks like the fractional bleed through is triggering it again.

This is worse than I originally described it for sure so I apologise about that. Either way, we should definitely fix it soon


Originally posted by Drakamon

Yes, the patch that was meant to reduce dmg by 10% for them didn't work at all, you instead now take that 10% directly from your health instead, meaning you don't actually have any dmg reduction at all and now you risk dying even when having shields.

And don't even get me started on the other bugs this introduced, sometimes you can't even see them wear armor, or the colors will be wrong, fx showing gray armor when they actually have purple

This is actually false. What is happening is that when the damage reduction happens, it is possible for some to bleed through the shield. When I say some, I am talking less than 1.

The problem is that the client inspects the damage and sees that it did any damage to health at all so it thinks the entire 25dmg or whatever was applied to the health so it decides to not display any of the shield effects.

Again, in reality, most if the damage went to the shield with only fractions of a health point deducted from health.

Still a bad bug since it confuses people but it's not really as bad as this post makes it out to be

    EA_Darko on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with the community  @Myway186.



    /u/dko5 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


I prefer referring to it as my double chin, but I guess you could say it's a fat neck.


Originally posted by AoyamaSpanner

He just got banned lmao https://imgur.com/a/5xxPSbT

now he is using another AC

Whats the other account? :)

22 Apr


Originally posted by Leeeeeee-RSPN

He has a pretty solid win rate (unlike the 2 thicc boys we just buffed), so no planned changes in the near future.

Lots of good discussion in this thread! Love it. To clarify, we do look at win rate across skill levels, as well as pick rate, kills per game, ability uses per game, aesthetic appeal, etc.. I condensed all we do into too short of a reply, sorry about that :)

I agree with a lot of what's said here. When I said "no planned changes" I was (unclearly) referring to major reworks such as a new ultimate or whatever. That type of change competes directly with our ability to create new characters, and we think that's a better focus for the time being, given that he's in the "solid" category. That being said, in the short term, we are definitely open to tuning value level changes - things like "invisibility" opaqueness, invisibility length, ability cool downs, decoy health, etc. He could definitely use a little nudge upwards.

TL;DR - In the shorter term, he's likely to get tuning buffs (while Wraith and Lifeline get some gentle nerfs ;), but Mirage is unlikely to g...

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Post a few logs here, or send my way

19 Apr

    EA_Darko on Forums - Thread - Direct

Locking this thread. Creating a new account to bypass a ban will result in that account being banned and any sanction on the primary account doubled.



Glad you’re enjoying the changes!


Originally posted by Pughhead

So what you’re saying is that you have nobody working on the issues?

Not at all, I'm saying we have the right people working on the right Issues.

18 Apr



I did this last time too. Give it 15 and it should be fixed and the game should be playable again. Sorry for the inconvenience.




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Hey folks, I don't have ETA but we're aware and working on a fix internally that we're testing.

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This week, the Respawn team released Patch 1.1.1. Product Manager Lee Horn (Leeeeeee-RSPN), Senior Designer Sean Slayback (RespawnSean), Community Manager Jay Frechette (Jayfresh_Respawn), and Lead Designer Brent Mcleod (Scriptacus) took to the Apex Legends subreddit to discuss the changes with the community. Check out all the details in their own words below, or head over to...

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Originally posted by EmkayUltraMagoo

Please, allow me. I replicate this issue every day.

For hit reg, anything is potentially helpful. If you can remember any particular circumstances around when the issue happens... e.g. only with a certain gun, only in a certain area, whenever you're playing a particular legend, etc... Clips like the one in the thread are very helpful, because we hope that they can provide a some clue as to the trigger.

    EA_Darko on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm locking this thread.


Please do not imply that people are cheating. Any more threads created to attack an entire region will be actioned with bans.



Originally posted by Orval

So what's the deal with the radio silence.

What's the hold up? Why is none of this stuff being addressed, or any info about it being made available?

Why is your community manager posting once a week? Why two weeks without a patch or any comments about when one will be, while all your players are wondering?

You guys made a great game. We want to play it. But it needs fixed.

There's no radio silence, it's just that nothing significant has changed. Afaik, we have tracked and resolved some audio issues, which should be fixed in the next patch. I can't give an ETA on that, nor can I say exactly which audio issues were resolved. It might be just one of them, or all of them, or something in between.

We are still actively investigating hit reg and server slow down, but unfortunately we are still unable to reproduce them in our dev environment. Because of this we are engineering new solutions that will help us pull more information from the retail servers when these issues happen. Progress is being made, but once again, no ETAs. I know that isn't really the answer you want, it's just a wordy way of saying what we've already said; "we're working on it".


Originally posted by Orval

Unfortunately, there are far more things for us to spend our development time on than there is time, so we have to prioritize.

Respawn's reply when people complained about their lack of updates (before the last patch)

so we have to prioritize

Hitreg, sound issues and laggy servers were noted in the patch notes as still being worked on.

But changes to legends and guns made it to the patch.

Their priority is not on fixing these bugs ATM.

It's not a priority thing at all. Our engineers don't balance the characters and weapons, and our designers don't write engine code.

    /u/dko5 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


The FOV change is not the cause of performance issues, but rather there's a lot of stuff being drawn when their ult is popped. I do not know when it will be live in the game, but we do have a potential fix in the works for the performance issue. Performance probably won't stay 100% stable even after the fix - but it should get to a place where it doesn't drop as severely to the point where it hinders gameplay as much. I have not personally tested the fix, but I have lots of faith in our programmers :)