ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Originally posted by UpbeatPressure

I've been hearing about this but i'm not quite understanding what it is. Does it actually alert a dev when someone enters the mesh? Or is it just extra information for a dev to review when following up on mesh tickets?

The former sounds exciting. The latter sounds great for pc still, but not really something that'll matter for console where meshing is the most rampant.

It allows us to catch and ban people who mesh whether they were reported or not.


Originally posted by ALLxDAMNxDAY

Unless this is a recent change to the family share, I know for a fact I used to have multiple accounts running on my ps4 on official.

I am referring to PC bans.

03 Apr


Originally posted by EyrionOfTime

It's as if a hundred thousand low end PC's all cried out in anguish at once

I feel like that would murder my GTX1080 as well.


Originally posted by Bollalron

I, and the rest of the community are aware of the rules, but I have personally never ever seen them enforced. I've seen a whole server report a raft spammer on Ragnarok multiple times and the tickets just go unanswered. I've sent in videos of people kiting wyverns to others bases, still unanswered. Reported blocked paths and resource nodes with pictures and coordinates, also unanswered.

People greif and greif on pve because they know no there will be no consequences. I know you guys have your hands full with pvp cheaters, but the pve community, however small, feel like we're being ignored.

I suspect your examples are coming from console. My team primarily handles PC Enforcement so I can't speak to exactly how long it takes for a case to be handled there however, we're working on improving the console experience as well as we roll out some new tools to speed up our response time and capabilities there.


Originally posted by alecC25

Well then, what do you think is causing the issue? Doesnt really help much sir

Double checking - are you on PC? The last two pc server updates contained only statistics reporting changes. Are you seeing it in sp as well? we haven't updated the client in 2 weeks.


Originally posted by Radioboy1987

By back tracking on HOD'S ban, WC did set a dangerous precedent. Review one ban, review them all. It's only fair.

The review precedent was set long ago. We do review bans. However, legacy bans are over a year old at this point and we do not remove these.


I've blown up so so many dinos for breaking these rules. I can still hear the dodos' sad warbablaalabls when I close my eyes.

But seriously, these rules have existed for a long long time we just added a bit of clarification to help avoid confusion. Changes: Extinction City Terminals to the list of important resources and clarifying what "spamming tames" meant.

While the listed rules aren't exhaustive they serve as a guideline that I think will help people know what is out of line.


Don't get too attached to your stuff. You've tamed dinos to use them! Use them! :D


Bans are only issued after we have researched the situation. In some cases bans are handed out not for abusing the exploit itself but benefiting from it (for example, a player isn't playing in a mesh base but their tribe mate stores all their valuables and dinos there to keep them safe). As such, we do not overturn bans that we have solid proof of fault for.

The thing is bans don't work anyways, because the real cheaters just family share their game to an alt account and continue on.

Accounts that only have the game through family share are unable to connect to our official server network.


Originally posted by RuneOfFlame

Do you have any comments on the cave building issues players are reporting? Out server admin reenabled clipping temporarily and i noticed the build zones where a bit...iffy. Cant place cliff plats in so many spots i used to be able too on official before this update

We haven't modified collision detection related to building in either of the last two updates.


Originally posted by sporadicjesus

Thats interesting, is there any comments on where and what maps these were added to or where people have trouble building?

And has anyone tested trying to get in the mesh on single player with this new system?

Could meshing on singleplayer get you banned? It is not official but a non intended part of the game none the less.

Example, getting skins tranfer from single player to official, would breaking through the world barrier on single player set off an alarm for official in the same way with this new system?

Our detection metrics only run on Official Servers atm.

02 Apr


Originally posted by Juoven

I get 'Watch your back!' pretty often.

It's unsettling...


Legacy ban refers to a ban that was made before the Enforcement team was put into place. As stated in that message we don’t review them, as a significant amount of time has passed.


Originally posted by ballsofsteelmedic

I think 75% of the loading screens I see say this

indeed, for every non-scorpion related loading screen tip, we have 3 more copies of the scorpion knock-out tip. :)


Originally posted by Kuthander

Yes for the S+ hitching post; sorry couldn't remember what exactly it was called. Outside of building a fence, do you know a way to keep them in a general area without the post so they can defend themselves? Can they breed while they are hitched up? I thought they had to be able to move around.

when you attach them to the hitching post and put them on wander they will breed as long as they are in range.

If what you want is to define a wander area that they will operate in and defend, then yes building a fence, or using the leash that was added in extinction.


Originally posted by BarrowsKing

And apparently said global bans are given to people that have not done any cheating at all. Always legit but globally banned is fun stuff :D

Source: am banned for something I didnt do or know about until after the fact

Quite unlikely, but you can appeal your ban if you feel you have been wrongly banned.


for the S+ hitching post?
Yes from what I remember this is normal. it's mostly for completely locking your dinos down in place to make breeding easier.


A global ban includes all servers in our official network, including Conquest and soon Classic PVP.