ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

02 Apr


A global ban includes all servers in our official network, including Conquest and soon Classic PVP.

01 Apr


Although there is no formal pre-download, participating in the PTR should drastically reduce your download size if you switch back your Steam branch after the final patch drops. Who knows, the final release patch may actually be deployed byte-for-byte on PTR before being promoted to the main branch! So... Join the PTR :)

31 Mar


Originally posted by ark-jesus

Is there some fundamental piece I'm missing that would prevent this from working or that causes false positives? I suspect there are some obvious holes in a few maps that might cause issues for people just looking around and not actually trying to mesh but in my testing so far I have not really found anything fundamentally broken with the method.

It can produce false positives in a variety of circumstances in real world tests, but we've been working to eliminate them. We generally don't talk much about these changes to keep them effective, but when you see a patch like you did Friday, it's because we're tweaking things like this.

The fact that it produces false positives means that it cannot be used automatically, but ideally we could get it there. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good method - we just can't rely on it solely if it's going to ban innocent players.


Generally we don't talk specifically about what we do to catch cheaters because it gives them an advantage to know what we're doing, but I think it's worth saying that this is a method that we are aware of and have used. Thanks for passing it along.


Gotta go fast!

In all seriousness thanks for the report, this one is on our to-do list. :)

30 Mar

    Panda on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not being able to load the full list usually is attributed to your connection. In short its an issue querying with Steam. As above, I'd recommend trying to use battlemetrics or similar sites for a more comprehensive list as these work on a cached system rather than direct Steam query like we have in-game.

Originally posted by 60247

Arge ptera i am lazy asf dont wanna tame them

Very good! Carry on. :D


Originally posted by Fallarmy777

If u wonna inforce rules better check

Here alot ppl who trade for real money like 2 years. But who care right?

We've banned many people that use that site and likely many more.


Originally posted by AberrantSurvivor88

I recommend a bottle of whiskey as well if you are going to Scorched

We made it much friendlier than it used to be. That being said, it is still very unfriendly. Scraping together a living in the desert is rough so naturally the beasties there are gonna be rowdy.


Originally posted by snarksneeze

The majority of patch notes are for the developers, not for the players. It's important only in that it helps them to keep track of major changes. They use short sentences that rarely make sense to people who are not in the weekly or even daily meetings. The fact that they even release the notes is kind of strange to me, since most of them are "fixed an exploit with x" and really don't impart anything significant. We are begging for more information but they so quickly changing their minds on certain issues that we (the players) would be at turns excited and then disappointed almost daily, it's kind of better for us not to know all of the things they start to add or fix and then stop for no better reason than they just don't feel like doing it right now.

This one was a small change for my analytics work I've been running.

29 Mar


We're continuing to look into this issue. As someone else mentioned below you can ARK in DX10 mode in the interim (-d3d10) which should prevent or at least reduce the crashing until a solution is found.


This left me with joy.
Thank you for that.

27 Mar

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Great suggestion, i'll put it to the team!

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Stuff like this is fine in off-topic. In fact if you want a super cool GTA V "Movie", check this out!

26 Mar


There is no official ARK discord. There are several quite popular fan-maintained discord servers however which is where I suspect this is happening.