Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

29 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Empyrean male & female concept art. We shared our most recent art of this race during the July Development Update livestream.

Your feedback matters to us! As a direct result of your previous feedback and our creative direction, you can see that major changes have been made to the Ren’Kai race in comparison to the last time you saw the Ren’Kai.

Empyrean Concept Art
... Read more

26 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm mostly thinking about all the crazy things that heavy UI customization lets me do with a touchscreen laptop.

Being able to change hotbars to vertical orientation for example, would be amazing for this, but I'm mostly considering how much the various UIs for crafting can be changed, and looking forward to giving lots of feedback on UI customization for those.

Woah! I've never thought about doing this. Have you adjusted UI elements on a touchscreen laptop before? I'd love to see what an end result would look like!

I also haven't personally considered changing UI specifically for crafting. I've never been an excellent crafter before, though. Mostly a PvP junkie 😈
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I really like clean interfaces, so controlling things like;

Opacity of the bars
Removing and bar/UI art
Size and spacing between buttons
Positioning (moving bars, buttons, etc.)

I love a clean-looking screen! I use an ultrawide so being able to move UI elements around so I can see more of the world around me gives me joy ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

On top of that the existing customization already mentioned with the floating combat text font size and color is amazing and I can't wait to dig into it.

Neither can I! Although, I'm not sure how I would even change it. Do you have any thoughts as to what you'd do?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Personally, I look forward to adjusting my action bars and minimap to fit my style ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

📊 Players will have the option to adjust a wide variety of UI elements, including floating text!

🤔 What other elements would you like to change and adjust?

21 Jul

    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct
At first I thought the OP was just wanting to drop bombs from behind the arc in A2, Steph Curry style...
    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct
5. Kaelar
4. Vaelune
3. Ren'Kai
2. Minotaur (can't help it, love those guys)
1. Dragons (of course)

19 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Our goal is to have a robust set of tools at our player's fingertips within our own game and UI! We'll have more information on these systems as we progress further in development ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
It's always fun to see posts with quite a lot of thought put into them! Thank you for sharing :) Can't wait to see what other thoughts and suggestions y'all share in the future!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
There sure is some passionate and insightful conversation happening in this thread! Love to see it ^_^

14 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion - World Map Discovery
Would you like to see a traditional MMO world map that, once explored, updates with the ever-changing state of the world, or would you prefer to see more innovative ways of keeping maps up-to-date?

Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding Tank Participation...

06 Jul

    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct

Fun fact: dwarves are excellent cliff divers.

Their stocky forms definitely make the best cannonball splashes!

05 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
User @Jahlon has a similar thread up discussing this topic! The discussions are slightly different, so for now I won't merge the threads 😅. However, you might find yourself interested in that discussion as well! That can be found here: ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I think there is certainly a possibility of some unique and interesting weapons in Ashes of Creation 😉 We'll have to stay tuned to see what our designers and artists come up with!

What are some additional examples you all can think of for weird, unique, and cool weapons you'd like to see in Verra?

04 Jul

Thanks for the feedback.

Generally I try to keep an eye on this, but if I do sprinkle in some God mode, I think a bit of mystery/theory-crafting is acceptable and not disruptive for the community.

As the demonstrations grow closer to a fully comprehensive showcase of combat/gameplay you will begin to see less God mode utilized. (Except for insane health, need to keep the camera man alive).

02 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello all!

Before you submit feedback in our basic weapon attack combo thread, we’d like to clarify some information regarding the basic weapon attack demo.

[*] Ashes of Creation utilizes a HYBRID combat system! ^_^
[*] This means it is ... Read more

30 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I wanted to provide some clarity from what was shown during the livestream!

Ashes of Creation is utilizing a Hybrid Combat model. Basic weapon attacks, which we demoed on the livestream, lean on the action side. However, we also plan to have tab-targeting in Ashes of Creation and Tab-target abilities, as well as action combat abilities and targeting. We want a healthy medium between the two.

Another note: The abilities shown are also not associated with the basic weapon attacks, such as the whirlwind or big hammer, or dashing :) (those are not the official ability names, either ^_^ ) ;)

We will have more examples of this in the coming months! ^_^

You can read more about Hybrid Combat here, on the wiki:
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Edit: Combat Clarifications - Click here before dropping your feedback! :)

Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback on the Alpha Two Basic Melee Weapon Attack Update discussed during the June 2022 Development Update Livestream.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:
[*] What aspects of basic melee weapon attacks are important to you?
[*] Do you feel anything is missing from the basic melee weapon attacks we’ve shared so far?
[*] Are there types of basic melee weapon attacks in other games that you feel are done well?... Read more