Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

15 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm very excited to see what you have in store for us all! 🥺👀

09 Jun

    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct
You may want to ponder on the possibilities of node Trophy Parks ;)
    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct
"Booty Conveyance"... why didn't I think of this?! The idea was right there all along!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct


Instagram - [spoiler][/spoiler]

This is an old combat animation, right?

It most likely is!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

mmmmm hmmmmn
The problem with this WWYD is that I would prefer to give the loot to the Goblins in a diplomatic attempt to boost faction rep, but... that's never an option in MMORPGs.

Those would certainly be some diplomatic goblins, in that case 😅
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey all! Thanks to those who stopped by and a special thank you to those who went to our socials and posted a response! The results can be found below 👀

[spoiler]💰 The bag has been acquired, but you have not gone unnoticed. It’s time to take down the nearby goblins that have been alerted to your presence!

🛶 After vanquishing the goblins, you decide to cut the expedition short and head home with your newfound wealth.[/spoiler]

Twitter -
Facebook - ... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
OK! I guess some people ( @Talents , @PenguinPaladin , @CROW3 ) are liking that rowboat 👀

I'm curious, what is it that you guys like about it, specifically? Are you wanting to see more hot rowboat content 🥵🤔?

08 Jun

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct



Always take the loot

Make sure to submit your answer to one of those polls! 😉

Are the polls just commenting on Social Media or is there a poll I am not seeing?

Good question! So, on Twitter and Instagram there is a poll. As for Facebook and LinkedIn, you can leave a comment with what you'd like to happen!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Always take the loot

Make sure to submit your answer to one of those polls! 😉
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings glorious Ashes of Creation community!

I’d like to introduce you to a #WWYD (What Would You Do) scenario that we’re doing over on some of our social media channels!

Make sure to get your submission in within a few hours after this post goes live!


🤑 Exploring abandoned ruins can be quite lucrative!

🤔 As you explore these ruins you notice some glorious loot nearby. Do you grab the loot, or leave it and slowly exit the room? #WWYD?

(Click on either link below to submit your answer!)



LinkedIn: ... Read more

06 Jun

Moved to General Discussion.

31 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We haven't stated whether taverns within ... Read more

29 May

27 May

    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct

PS. We need the backstory on the Golden Chanclas lol

Legend has it that if a people can find and recover the Golden Chanclas, setting it in a place of honor in a town's reliquary, it will bless the settlement with fortune and fleetness of foot.

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback on the weather system discussed during the May 2022 Development Update Livestream.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:
[*] What aspects of weather in-game are important to you?
[*] Do you feel anything is missing from the weather system that we’ve shared so far?
[*] Are there types of weather in other games that you feel are done well? If so, what makes the weather in those games good?
[*] Is there anything you’re excited or concerned about regarding what was sho... Read more
    Jindrack on Forums - Thread - Direct
I really love jungles in my MMO! Jungles have always equated to adventure for me. Must go back to my love of Indiana Jones and pulp adventures, like Conan. Loved the Feerrott in EQ1 and 2, the Kunzar Jungle in EQ2, Stranglethorn Vale in WoW.

26 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct


I think we had an amazing community on Thistledown back in the day (year 2000). We even had to have the developers intervene in a live event, because the community banded together to protect the Shard of the Herald, that other servers killed, but we elected to level up and save instead. I forget now if it was @Roshen or @Vaknar that experienced this as well? :)

I don't think @Vaknar is old enough to remember peak Asheron's Call 🙃

My 'old-school' MMORPG is OSRS lol. I'm old enough to remember dial-up internet but that's about it 🙃

The future is NOW old man!!!!
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think we had an amazing community on Thistledown back in the day (year 2000). We even had to have the developers intervene in a live event, because the community banded together to protect the Shard of the Herald, that other servers killed, but we elected to level up and save instead. I forget now if it was @Roshen or @Vaknar that experienced this as well? :)

I don't think @Vaknar is old enough to remember peak Asheron's Call 🙃

Thistledown x Shard of the Herald event seems like such a unique moment in MMORPG history, both from the player and dev side.

On the player side, the server community organized to create unexpected gameplay. Devs had to intervene... Read more

24 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion - RNG
Which systems do you feel utilize RNG the best? Where do you feel RNG does not belong? What RNG-based systems or features have you enjoyed the most?

Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding Time Dedication!