I'll throw this out there for ya too: Make sure to check out the wiki and read through its many pages of helpful information! https://ashesofcreation.wiki/PvP
- Magic Man
I'm kinda disappointed and Steven literally saying ''we lean more towards tab targeting'' was uh..expected but yikes anyway. Spell effects are decent and the mobility ability was cool. Other than that.....4/10 I'd say
- Parsalian
My first thought is "why?" Hunger and Thirst mechanics are staples of the 'survival' genre, which Ashes is not. If it were able to add something tangible for players then I guess maybe, but it's not really a part of MMO RPGs for a reason - it just doesn't serve a purpose. The driving force of survival games is...surviving. Having hunger and thirst in those games makes sense as it pushes the player to seek out ever-more-efficient means of procuring those items. That's not really a thing in Ashes (and personally I hope it never is). It just doesn't seem to me that it would have a place.
I'm curious as to why you would want it though. Since you're asking for it, what do you see in those mechanics that you think would benefit Ashes?
Read more
- JamesSunderland;d-53556
Reading the recent threads regarding the Lawless Open Sea, i saw a sentiment from people more PvE oriented, it seems like they believe that the open seas are a area with PvX more tilted towards PvP High Risk vs High Reward and it made think of the possibility of a Area with PvX more tilted towards PvE High Risk vs High Reward.
In this thread, i would like people to discuss and give their opinions and ideas towards the concept of "PvX more tilted towards PvE High Risk vs High Reward".
Let me provide an idea:
Lorewise we know the Underrealm is the place the people who weren't able to leave from Verra fled to escape from corruption, how about making the Underrealm a Area with PvX more tilted towards PvE High Risk vs High Reward.
How so? How about making it an area where you gain more corruption when killing players, killing monsters and death reduces less corruption, monsters there are stronger th...
- Dygz
There are some other government positions. Yes.
Priests, Bishops, Acolytes...
Chief Bounty Hunter...
Patron Guild leaders...
Possibly Social Org leaders...