Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

03 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

... But, it doesn't make or break TableTop RPGs.

This is SO true! I didn't even think of this! Funny enough, combat is actually one of my least favorite things about playing D&D haha! I think that's such a good observation.
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I agree with the general sentiment that combat is a major, if not THE defining factor of a good MMORPG. That's why our team is working so hard on it after receiving quite a bit of feedback after Alpha One!

What about combat do you think makes or breaks it in an MMORPG (or even any RPG!)?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Neat idea and good conversation happening here :) Certainly an idea worth thinking about! I do like Dygz suggestion of that feature being tied into max-level adventurer game loops as well.

Either way, I can't wait to see what the design team has planned and what they're going to show us! I think the event system will be an awesome, organic, and fun way to make Verra feel everchanging and real!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
The wiki is a great place to take a deep dive into the many planned systems and features of Ashes of Creation. For example, you can read up on some of the planned features of our crafting systems ... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very neat and interesting idea. I could imagine so many different ways this would work. Sounds like a monumental task for a design team to figure out. Would love to see it in Ashes one day!

What other features would you like to see in Ashes, perhaps after the game launches?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I think once all the races are complete and customizable in the character creator, people may find themselves more intrigued about the ones that are planned to be in AoC at release!

If you were to add other races to Verra, what would you add?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very neat!

What other cool armor sets would you like to inspire our artists with?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

This post reminded me of that raid a guild called Serenity did back in the early days of WoW... 😬

I'm curious - If I'm understanding you correctly, you only don't want players to... well, do stuff like that ☝ in safe zones? Freeholds are safe zones, so maybe it would be best to host RP events such as weddings within those? 😜

02 May

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
As @NiKr pointed out, these are our current plans: 🏗

29 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback on the event system discussed during the April 2022 Development Update Livestream.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:

[*] What aspects of the event system are important to you?
[*] Do you feel anything is missing from the event system we’ve shared so far?
[*] Are there types of events in other games that you feel are done well? If so, what makes events in those games good?
[*] Is there anything, in particular, you’re excited or concerned about regarding what was shown for the event system?

Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above. Feel free to share anything you’d like about the event system for Ashes of Creation.

We’ll be compiling a report for the design team... Read more

28 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Go learn something. A foreign language maybe.
Do some volunteer work to help people or nature.

This is also a GREAT idea! I study languages as a hobby and back when I could afford it, I took classes and made friends through study partners!

27 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I think @AidanKD did a good job of pointing out how Sieges won't happen as often as you may be concerned that they will. Siege scrolls won't be overly easy to come by, and sieges from the very beginning to finish won't happen overnight! That'll give you time to prepare for sieges so you're not blindsided.

When it comes to animal husbandry being an aspect of what is lootable from a freehold... We will have to stay tuned for more information! That might not be a bad question for our monthly Q&A whi... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
It's certainly interesting seeing this thread, and others like it come up recently. I think we still have yet to see a large majority of the different gear appearances in the game (whether in-game achievable or cosmetic). With that said, I think there may be gear sets in the future that please some who are concerned about this! Steven has said he doesn't like the idea of 'bikini armor' but hasn't ruled out form-fitting gear appearances, or more revealing ones ^_^ If you have thoughts on this and you're just happening to see this thread, please feel free to drop your thoughts in a comment!

26 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We understand that some of our players would like to see macros. Though as @bloodprophet mentioned, Steven has said in the past that it's a difficult decision to make. One of the primary reasons is because of security concerns.
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Great question and topic, @MybroViajero ! Personally, I love WoW's chatbox. I believe I use an addon that hides it when not in use which makes it a little dynamic, but I think it's a great tool for communication and serves its purpose very well. I especially liked when they added class colors to the chatbox! It's cool seeing the visual examples that @MybroViajero provided of some other MMORPGs that I am both familiar and unfamiliar with! I'm certainly curious to read more about what everyone thinks is best for Ashes of Creation!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
This is something I'm currently struggling with as well, having moved to a new city across my country to work at Intrepid Studios. You're not alone :sweat_smile:

Making new friends can be difficult, especially for some more than others. As a gamer, I find it all too easy to head straight home after work and hop on LoL all night. Certainly not a good way to meet people lol.

So, I've been doing things on my own more often. Going on hikes, I go to the gym multiple times a week (which can be a good way to meet people who are also into fitness), I've gone to some local PC gaming cafes rather than home to game, which is a great way to interact with people who have similar interests as us! I also have been using a few meet-up apps (which is not my favorite, but I'll try anything at least once!)

I recommend finding some hobbies and interests that you like or perhaps that make you feel comfortable or excited. Preferably ones that might involve other... Read more

25 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

As we go through your feedback on the Alpha Two Character Creator that was seen during the March 2022 Development Update livestream, we’ve noticed many players discussing the desire for different types of hair and hairstyles to be available in the ... Read more

23 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Deleted my original comment to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.*

We will have to wait and see for more information as we progress further through development. I'm also curious to see what the design team decides to do when it comes to the direction of healing and dealing damage to corrupted players!

22 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Perhaps a color accessibility feature for colorblind players to choose different color schemes for UI elements would be helpful? ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Part of what makes Ashes of Creation so neat is the fascinating and impactful stories than will unfold on any given server. This is because the servers will be unique to themselves, and no single server will be the same as another.

While there may be some cross-server functionality (arenas, for example) I don't believe that the current design intention is to have a cross-server auction house or economies. If that were to change, we'd let you know! ;)