Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

14 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would crap my pants if that thing attacked my ship :open_mouth:

You and me both, lol!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Fuppo Headhunter

Yas Bob the Bait will live on... oh mighty hero that sacrificed himself to bring the Negalith near land!

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

In a world where sushi eats you, only one hero can save us from the Negalith. Bob "the bobber" Baitman. The only one brave and stupid enough to try to kite the big fish boss away from the vulnerable verran fleet. Will he succeed? We very much doubt it, but please watch the movie anyway! Coming to a tavern near you. Rated F for fishy. DISCLAIMER: Any relationship to Nega Scott (Pilgrim) is almost purely coincidental.

Bob "the bobber" Baitman

L O L - rated F for fishy killed me hahahaha
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hope there is content inside of it.

What content would you put in the belly of a whale? [spoiler]Bonus points if your answer isn't inspired by Pinocchio[/spoiler]
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We spoke briefly about our Aquatic Two Raid Boss during the March 2022 Development Update. Replay timestamp here for easy reference.

While this was on stream, there was mention about "we should have provided something for scale." Today on our social channels, we shared these images:

I can't wait to fight this thing >:) how about you?

08 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Our design team knows how important customization and character appearance is to players! I know those of us who love to really make our characters look and feel the way we want them to are in good hands.

What other armor/clothing combinations have you seen or can you think of that you'd like to see in Ashes of Creation?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I can't wait to make myself in the character creator! I'm going to try to make it as accurate as possible ^_^

04 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Can't wait to battle big monsters while I'm out at sea >:)

What other monsters/sea creatures do you hope to see in Ashes of Creation?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
The endgame loop in Ashes of Creation is player-driven. This will make it quite different than some other popular MMOs, such as the one you (OP) are familiar with :) You can take a deeper dive into the endgame loop here!

Another thing I'd love to introduce you to is the node system of Ashes of Creation. This is one of the central focuses of player endgame and progression. The server and world of Verra is living, much like a character. This means i... Read more

02 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
At the moment, the plan is for players to not lose gold upon death, no matter their corruption level.

01 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
An interesting and unique idea, for sure!

I've never seen anything like that in a game before. I wonder if such technology exists in another game?!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
These are super cool! :O

We'd love to have epic Ashes of Creation gamer thrones one day ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I appreciate the largely positive and constructive conversing happening in this thread. Obviously, this topic is going to be a little spicy here on the forums.

With that said, I'll stick this here as well. Disappointment is defined as "sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations."

I highly encourage you to stay tuned to our socials if you're excited about the game we're making, as we often try to help people when it comes to understanding what to expect from our development updates ^_^

31 Mar

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

It was awesome seeing all of your reactions to the current WIP for the Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Character Creator during the March 2022 Development Update livestream! We’d like you to provide any feedback you might have, and let us know what other features you’d like to see for our Character Creator in the future.

NOTE: The goal of our Character Creator isn’t to just help you customize your character. You’ll also ... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting discussion so far, everyone! ^_^

What are some creative ways you can think of to reimagine the XP bar?

29 Mar

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would really like the same WOAH vibe as the scene with Dumbledore and Voldemort fighting in Order of the Phoenix. Sound design is also extremely important. It can make a single small spell feel very powerful.

Something i think you can take from video below is that Dumbledore is responding to whatever spells Voldemort is trying to cast on him. The glass turning into sand etc. Love that!


I loved this scene so so much. You're SO right about sound design. This is actually the first time I've watched that with headphones rather than speakers and it was epic!


I'm loving this thread everyone. Keep these great ideas coming! What other spells would you love to see imagined in the world of Verra?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
As fun as currency exchanging is IRL, I'd be afraid to have to think of it in a game as well (╯ ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)╯┻━┻
Could you imagine a Verra where each region, race, or node has its own currency?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion - Enemy Indicators
When it comes to enemy “conning” (indication) systems in-game, what features do you like? If you do like indicators, to what extent or delineation?

Below are some examples of these systems, what they mean, and how they work. Let us know which you prefer, or if you have any new ide... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We plan on keeping some content, especially lore, under wraps for the sake of surprise, mystery, and fun!

Open development can be bittersweet in the sense that, while we get to show off all this cool stuff as we complete it, it also means there may not be heaps of mystery and surprise. So it's all about balance so we can maintain that element when the time for release comes, but still show off all the cool things we make as we make em'! :)

For example, nodes won't be in their final locations during some of the testing phases. ( ͡^ ‿‿ ͡^)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

my head hurts from all that analysis.... but I like it!

My thoughts exactly ^_^ This was an intense but nevertheless very interesting read! I love the thought and effort you put into this post, @Goalid !!

Math impresses me because I suck at math ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)