Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

22 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, I can answer some of this for you :)

The design team wants our combat to feel weighty and impactful. Like @George_Black said, nice animations are also a main focus for combat.

There's a balance between restrictive and agile that was being played around with during the Alpha One playtest that we got some good feedback on.

We will have to wait to see what the design and engineering teams have been working on most recently, but I know that they can't wait for feedback on it once they show it off :)

I'd love to hear more about your favorite combat experiences in other games, what you liked about combat in Alpha One from what you saw or experienced, and more on what is most important to you with combat in RPGs and MMORPGs :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I look forward to reading this question in the Q&A thread ^_^ thanks for the submission!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct


so a cleaving weapon type attack, while not 'tab-targeted' will still only hit one player, and only if they are combat-flagged?

You have it half-right.
A cleaving type of attack might damage multiple "targets," but it will not hurt a non-combatant player unless the attacker has opted-in to allow damage to non-combatants.
The same holds true for healing. Unless you have opted-in, you will not heal a corrupted player if you are not corrupted as well. Even if it is an AoE heal.

The default has these options turned off.

Well said, @Virtek !

21 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I think glass cannons are integral to the MMORPG genre :) I myself never play them in MMOs (though I love playing them in D&D) I like the idea of assigning skill points into larger hitting abilities at the cost of other parts of your kit for big damage. I suspect spell casters in Ashes of Creation will have the possibility of outputting major damage, but we shall see as we progress further through development ;) What other cool ideas can you come up with for the Archmage? ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Neat ideas! I especially like the #1! What other great boss mechanics and abilities can you all think of? ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a bad idea at all!

I'm excited to see the combat prototypes so we can see what the design team has planned for combat and mobility within combat! :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Explorable terrain within the skies sounds very neat. I love floating islands that can be explored like those in Nagrand or Pandora. Though, I'm not sure we'll see content in Ashes of Creation anytime soon.

I'm curious, what types of content in the skies do you think would fit in Ashes of Creation, given that flying mounts will be very limited and rare and that scientific nodes may have a form of ... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I came to ask a follow up q

In the latest Development Update Steven revealed that some aquatic mounts will have skills that can be used in fishing. What are your thoughts about this and what kind of skills would you like to see used in fishing?

I was about to say exactly this but it looks like you were thinking the same, @-T0Mb- ! I'm curious to hear more about what people would like to see from this feature of the game :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

AI is a programming limitation.
The design for this game does not have a goal to try to overcome those limitations.
That being said:

One of the design elements that we're implementing into our raids is that the raid will not be exactly the same every single time. You're going to have variables that can't necessarily be pre-planned out for. You can pre-plan out for a lot of the raid like how many DPS do you need and healers and support; where the key position and all that kind of stuff; but I think the compelling aspect of Ashes raiding will be the difficulty in achieving this content and having that content change from session to session as well. We want there to be variables that get manifested by you know what type of node got developed elsewhere. Is he going to have acolytes or cultists? What will the acolytes have skills [available] to them? What kit is the boss gonna have? What available skill repertoire will ...

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    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We know that having options and the ability to see the awesome and unique character that one makes is important to our players :)

Stay tuned for more information on gear appearances as we progress further in development! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)

What are some of the appearances you'd like your character to take on in Ashes of Creation?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Woah! There are some awesome ideas in here! I love threads like these c: Super fun to read!

Keep those ideas coming! ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
We would love to see South American servers as well as Brazillian Portuguese localization for Ashes of Creation. We hope to make it a possibility!

We will have more information as we progress further in development on whether this will be possible for us or not! We appreciate the passion shared in this post ^_^

20 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm looking forward to the hardened leather one-man walking bell, and yes these were a thing :)

Haha I never would've thought of something like this. I wonder what other weird weaponry and defenses used to exist!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very cool! I enjoyed this thread and hope to see a part 3!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct


Based on a quick search in the Ashes of Creation Wiki;

NPCs will have voice acted audio greetings.[1][2]

Narrated quest lines are not currently planned.[1]
Adding voice acting into the game at a later point is a fairly cosmetic change.[1]

Here is the link;

Doesn't look like this is on the road map before launch. Might be a possibility after launch though. Sorry mate.

Well said!

It's something we would LOVE to have in Ashes of Creation, but is a substantial and monumental cost and requires a lot of time. We'd love to see it in the game one day, but it isn't a planned feature for launch.
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Cool thoughts! I do think it would be cool to see potion launching or potions as a form of weaponry in the game.

Can you imagine fighting against a potion-slinging alchemist in a siege?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Slimes sound cool! I suppose we will have to wait and see if they make an appearance in the game! ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Our messaging for players who need to verify or re-verify can say that you've been "unbanned" rather than "verified." Rest assured, this does not mean you've been banned and unbanned if that is the case!


We are all patiently waiting for Alpha 2. I know I'm tremendously excited to play it as well! Luckily I have some other games I'm playing in the meantime to hold me over, lol.

What games are you all playing while you wait? ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting idea! In what ways do you imagine this would change the way the game works? Especially when it comes to spying, espionage, and guild vs guild play, I wonder? ^_^

14 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct



I hope there is content inside of it.

What content would you put in the belly of a whale? [spoiler]Bonus points if your answer isn't inspired by Pinocchio[/spoiler]

Maybe once it's been 'defeated' the body would sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Only skilled divers/master gatherers (requiring some water breathing buffs) could get down to the corpse.

If just a skilled diver: they could enter the corpse they need to find items lost inside the body (bones of other sea creatures, broken ships from other adventurers [with chests], etc.)

If a master gatherer: Once there they could enter the corpse (through the mouth?) to harvest special rare gatherable inside the body (digestive bacteria, specialized organs, etc.)

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