
Barotrauma Dev Tracker

23 Apr

    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you using mods by any chance? Especially the "Transparent diving suit helmet" mod seems to cause this.
    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It should start to pick up quite rapidly after Europan Ridge
    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We actually have a issue with the current patch where it spawns too many creatures that it ends up causing framerate issues, so in what difficulty are you playing at? Start of the campaign?

22 Apr

    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you using some type of mod which changes the diving suits, like the transparent diving suit helmet one? Also did this happen at the very start of the campaign with a totally new save?
    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BevvRatBites:
Originally posted by Rokvach: This is a bug, most likely desync related as I believe sometimes you can do it but sometimes you can't. Can't confirm when its going to be fixed but its on our radar.

It happens in sub testing mode when I use the "ragdoll" command on a bot, that would point me towards believing that it is not desync related.
Thanks for the extra info, this will help with figuring out what is exactly going on

Update: ... Read more
    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a bug, most likely desync related as I believe sometimes you can do it but sometimes you can't. Can't confirm when its going to be fixed but its on our radar.

Hello everyone!

The Embrace the Abyss update has just been released. Please be sure to update your game to the latest version to be able to host and join multiplayer servers, and venture into the game now to find…

  • Abyss monsters.
  • New campaign features – side missions as world events, gate locations, optional radiation, and more!
  • Abandoned outposts and related new missions.
  • Numerous quality of life changes and player experience improvements.
Please see ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

19 Apr


Originally posted by TorokFremen

Amazing! Do we have to make a new campaign though to enjoy the updated abyss and stuff?

We always aim for backwards compatibility with existing saves. With this update however, the radiation feature will only kick in once you start a new campaign, and additionally, we are aware that old campaigns may not correctly spawn missions for abandoned outposts – this latter one is an issue which we are still hoping to fix before the update though. Aside from these two exceptions, you should not need to restart to get the new features!

16 Apr


Hello everyone!

The next update, Embrace the Abyss, is coming next week. It’s a big update with a lot of additions to the campaign, new missions and monsters, as well as various changes to improve player experience; read more on our blog[], and let us know what you’re looking forward to the most!

Improving new player experience While Europa is unforgiving by its nature, we want to make Barotrauma a little less demanding to get the hang of. To this end, we’re adding…

  • Contextual hints about the game that are shown when you encounter certain things for the first time during a round.
Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Hello everyone! The next update, Embrace the Abyss, is coming next week. It would be tempting to say it’s all about the campaign, because there is definitely (again) a strong focus on more progression, and even some new bits of lore. That would be selling it short, though, because there are also some major content additions and important quality of life changes that are not limited to any one game...


09 Apr

07 Apr

02 Apr