
Eco Dev Tracker

14 Oct


Also playing around a bit with possible art:

Let me know what you think.

12 Oct


Originally posted by Celestia_VR6

With your current future plans will there be some ability for direct competition between 2 independent governments even if it’s not through a military?

Sort of like politics between nations, trade tensions, or stuff like that.

Yes, no details for release yet, though.


Originally posted by Celestia_VR6

I wonder if the devs will ever increase map size

You can increase the map size already, but we have no plans to support any higher map sizes as 4km² (what works above this is unsupported nontheless, but from a technical point you can go up to 16km²), as the map sizes we offer are very sufficient for any playstyle we've seen yet. The tendency of players to create maps that are too big is a 'player-issue'. It simply makes many important matters of Eco like Ecology and Property Disputes void and inexistant. If you want to play Eco as we intended it, the default size and depending on player count the sizes up to the maximum supported size of 4km² are very sufficient.

If you do not want to play the intended way you can still use up to 4km² with support or up to 16km² when you know what you do and never need support. But your experience will be vastly different and without any worries.


Update 10 is currently planned to introduce multiple governments on the world that can be independent or different stages of governments like City < County < State < Nation or any combination of three to four tiers where laws of the higher stages overwrite lower stages. So this is somewhat already planned and being worked on.

We won't have any military stuff, though. That's not the point of the game.


Can always do a themed server like the people that do a server that starts after the meteor has hit.


Originally posted by Chribblai

To be fair, any admin who banned you for polluting would be a boring admin. The game's challenge comes almost exclusively from mitigating that shit with laws and sound governance.

That depends on if you just put your 'sh*t' everywhere to annoy other people or if the pollution is just created by playing the game. The type the 'boring' admins ban are the first. Rightfully so, imo.

01 Oct


Originally posted by tangent90

There are more than just a "Chinese name" to consider as there is simplied and traditional deviding the population. And not to mention words that are exclusive to Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese and Taiwanese Chinese.

It's supposed to be the games name on distribution platforms which can only be a single name, for localisation we only offer simplified chinese afaik.


Originally posted by Meow874

You could do one iron, 1 copper.

That's the intended way to do it currently.


Originally posted by ch4rl1e97

I mean, it's in the files somewhere, it is surely possible to dig it out and make it load in a server conventionally?

It's interesting that it has stuff moving about autonomously, is that some scripting going on that could be used in future for game mechanics or just loading the models manually and inserting them in the menu scene?

No, it's a premade scene.

29 Sep


Hey everyone,

what do you think should be Ecos chinese name?

Feel free to add your own ideas as well. (Include english meaning and description)

External link →

28 Sep


It's a world, but it's not included in the game.

21 Sep


If you can consistently reproduce it not working, please report it as bug on our tracker :)


Originally posted by salbris

Jesus our server has also been plauged by broken government tables. It's like they didn't test 9.0 at all...

We did, more than 6 months. Not having this issue on any official server nor on any of the test servers. Sometimes stuff simply breaks for very specific reasons in very rare cases.


Originally posted by greasemonknl

Make a new currency and make it exhangeable 1:1 with one of those exchange machines?

We did, more than 6 months. Not having this issue on any official server nor on any of the test servers. Sometimes stuff simply breaks for very specific reasons in very rare cases.


Please report a bug for this on our tracker with the savegame attached and the coordinates to the mint.

18 Sep


That is a known issue. It's actually not the traps being the issue, but the fish. They do no longer like moving as much as before. We'll try to convince them moving more again in one of the next updates.


As sync0s mentioned this is the typical sign of the port not being reachable outside your computer. By default 3001 needs to be forwarded.


Originally posted by WickedJustice

Sorry, the only thing I’m active in at the moment is disappointing people..

Aww, that doesn't sound too good. Are you fine?


Originally posted by salbris

Yup. However, I'd highly recommend playing this multiplayer. The game is designed from the ground up to be played as a group. It has systems for an economy and government. All of which don't matter when solo. Not to mention that it's a huge grind without others to help.

You can drop the slider for crafting cost in "Custom" though.


Haha, no you cannot raise the sealevel via admin command. But feel free to pollute enough to make it raise. Just stop fast enough :)