
Eco Dev Tracker

31 Jan

30 Jan

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Die deutsche Lokalisierung ist zu etwa 75% fertig, da aber alle unsere Übersetzungen von der Community erstellt werden, wird diese nie wirklich vollständig oder richtig gut sein. Ich habe mich selber in letzter Zeit darum gekümmert, diese zu verbessern und 8.0 wird einen spürbar größeren Umfang in der Übersetzung haben, aber eine Übersetzung garantieren können wir generell in keine andere Sprache als Englisch.

24 Jan

Fellow Eco-Players,
the Big Eco Game community event with Jeff Grubb and friends started this night.
They're playing through Eco 8.0 all month long with 70+ players and three major factions!

Multiple people are streaming this event, so here are some of them you can follow to get a look on Eco 8.0 in action on a highly populated server:

- GamesBeat on Twitch
- Jeff Grubb on Twitch
- DrJonez on Twitch
- Rinderblock on Twitch ... Read more

22 Jan

    WAVES on Steam - Thread - Direct
We're blown away, it's so great to see people 'get' what we're going for with the game, and this is just the beginning, still in Early Access, so much more to come.

"Eco made me realize that games are actually crucial for understanding our relationship to all kinds of natural and man-made systems. The thing that gives me chills is that I think it is only in games that we can play with economic systems. And I walked away from my experience in Eco feeling like I learned so much even though we had no instructor. No one was connecting the dots for us. We simply learned through play."

20 Jan

19 Jan

17 Jan

We have released patch 7.8.9 with the following changelog:

  • Fixed annoying issue with resetting Store public access permissions after server restart


Backups logic fixed and reworked to be more predictable. There are now following options (default value in brackets):
  • MaxBackupsInLastHour (2) - max number of backups for last hour (if backup frequency less than 1 hour)
  • MaxHourlyBackups (24) - hourly backup is a first backup in a hour, in average it is one backup in a hour
  • MaxDailyBackups (3) - daily backup is a first backup in a day, in average it is one backup in a day
  • MaxWeeklyBackups (10) - weekly backup is a first backup in a week, in average it is one backup in a week at Monday
    With default settings it will keep hourly backups for last 24 hours, daily backups for last 3 days, weekly backups for last 10 weeks.

... Read more

14 Jan

12 Jan

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Der Plural wird aktuell durch Code hinzugefügt, der die verschiedenen Sprachen leider nicht beachten kann. Wir planen das zukünftig zu beheben, aber der Aufwand dafür wäre aktuell höher als der Nutzen.

21 Dec

17 Dec

03 Dec

02 Dec

22 Nov

20 Nov

    Ket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Ladders - We have added ladders to Eco. They will be handy for construction and and for getting up tall towers and down deep mines.

Sleeping - Primarily a tool for servers you can now sleep using beds. This will greatly speed up skill gain, crop growth, and crafting. This will also speed up the meteor by an equal amount so use it with care.

Item Filters - You can now filter by item name, type, and tier in the economy viewer.

Expanded Chat Commands - We have made chat commands easier to use and added a few new ones. Most notably /unclaimabandoned which will unclaim all claims belonging to players that haven’t logged on for a variable number of days.

And many more improvements and fixes.

If you want to see everything we have done you can read the full changelog[ec... Read more