Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

22 Jan


Originally posted by Can-not-see

three of the emails i have tried dont work.. why not?

Some kind of error appears? Or what?


it was never about "nerfs". Ir's a test of fuel shortage and Jaeger is only supplier who started to change other traders fuel trading strategy (and also fleamarket players). We simulated initial great shortage, then after some time other Traders saw how is it going and started to sell fuel too (at the quantities they actually were able to buy from Jaeger). Then (yesterday) Jaeger found another source and started to increase his fuel restocks which started to normalize the inflated flea market prices. It was a test and hopefully in the future we will have more of such AI-led dynamic events.

21 Jan


Originally posted by Tea2theBag

  • 0 spread across the map is still 0. ("They are the same")
  • on customs they deleted a whole late wave that was 2-4 scavs before
  • on shoreline a late wave has up to 4 scavs less
  • on factory theres up to 2 scavs totall less at the start
  • on reserve at the start theres 2 scavs less**

Do you deny this? Source

  • Things are not "fine"

  • Customers paying for a working product are not responsible for making that said product work. Google it or hire someone that knows what they are doing.

yes, i deny that. we debugged scav counts - they are the same as it was before patch


Originally posted by tehgathering

scav numbers... are the same

servers are fine

Well, there goes hope for improvement. Everything is peachy boys, pack it up. Геймдев из альтернативной вселенной все сказал.

i said that servers are fine in technical term. hardware is more than powerful


Originally posted by sA1atji

we checked scav numbers - they are the same

Wow, really? Damn, I must've been super unlucky for the first 10ish raids on customs.

Follow-up question to the scavs: Is there a way for you to check if they "cluster" more? I had a feeling that you either find 4-5 scavs grouped together at one point of the map or none at all, so maybe that's why people think the maps are empty.

yes, this thing is being addressed


Originally posted by [deleted]

Yeah but Nikita same stutters Desync same problmes 3years down the line... what the hell is going on in past 2-3days... 4-7second freezes... what did u do? or better should i ask what was not done?

no, its not. its not the same how it was.


Originally posted by Dynasty2201

Nikita, netcode and servers are different things, but there's clearly something wrong and if it's true it's more on the servers than your own netcode then you're still responsible for the pretty woeful performance this wipe.

Everyone is noticing the lack of scavs on each map. Either it's a bug, or you've reduced their spawns to reduce server load and aren't admitting it.

[Edit] looks like a recent datamine showed scav spawns HAVE IN FACT been reduced, when you Nikita have said nothing's changed. ARE lying.

We saw and seeing it on our monitoring also that the server lags decreased. Overall the situation is not as bad as ppl from community are trying to put some flames on.

But...what you're seeing, isn't what we're seeing. There's so many clips out there of it happening where shots don't register or more to the point, you're getting hit behind cover and not even seeing the guy that shot you etc.

It's like...

Read more

we checked scav numbers - they are the same, they just spreaded more across the map.
servers are fine - the hardware are 100% fine, hundreds of servers already
and how do we fix global internet problems tell me? how can we fix server hosting troubles? we change providers but every provider has problems related to hardware and other inner troubles.


Originally posted by lcg1221

They rarely release any patch notes. Do you really think they are gonna spend their time to do something like that?

stop lying that we rarely release any patch notes.


Originally posted by RivenStockingsFetish

Im curious if the server matching function has anything to do with netcode. I turned off auto and only prioritized the closest servers on east US and havent had any problems. 6+ hours a day of raids.

the servers you select for matchmaking are really important. its always the best to switch on "auto" but sometimes some close servers selection works better


Hello!I decided to say a couple of things about it.

  1. The netcode in the game is in the best state right now relatively to old times. We did a lot of things, plan to do a lot of things. It's not perfect, sometimes it's not even good enough, but it's a hard task that always was a highest priority. We are constantly working with unity, constantly implementing new methods and optimizations to increase quality of the networking and we had increased it lately. With the last patch we received much less complaints about it in general. We saw and seeing it on our monitoring also that the server lags decreased. Overall the situation is not as bad as ppl from community are trying to put some flames on.
  2. The method called "let's put more pressure on these fcking devs" will not work. We all been there, it will result in alienation, frustration. Everybody will lose with that - especially reddit community. When we have a problem - we work it out. That how it is and how it was...
Read more External link →

20 Jan


Originally posted by Kameniev

Although spoke too soon cos I've now spent 3+ hours trying to play today and every game I join takes 10+ minutes then instantly kicks me on loading in, so guess I'm going to do a full reinstall.

I think this is a different problem. Here you should create a support ticket for this issue.


Originally posted by mushipeas

Okay, restarting and rerunning seemed to have helped. I got the email on the first attempt. Not sure what was causing the original problem.


Most likely it was a timeout

19 Jan


Originally posted by Kameniev

Can confirm this finally worked - last straw after trying combinations of most things in that reply was just granting all users of any type full acess to the game and launcher folder.



Originally posted by SubaruSoup

[email protected]

Hello Sova13, I am having the same issue of not recieving the varification email. I submitted a support ticket, #9002512. Thank you for any help

Hello, please check your ticket


Originally posted by HolyBajezus

Might I recommend the devs to use mail-tester . com? There are many things you can try to improve your email's chances of reaching someone's mailbox. This is the first time I've heard of a company outright disabling the use of certain domains

I think this has been checked more than once) However, I will pass on the information just in case


im ok about publishing items/weapon stats changes etc but could you please not post spawn chances changes? its pure datamining - regular user will never know this and this is how it intended. don't force us to spend additional time to apply encryption to this info and this will mean the end of 3-rd party datamining stuff that we allow to be happen for now.


you must done a lot of scav on scav violence and now you spawned in purgatory (did you send a bugreport at least?)

18 Jan


Hello. Support response time is 4-5 days. If you are not answered longer than this (on the website, not at the support email) - let me know the ticket number, please


Originally posted by Can-not-see

i would like to try buy i cant even register to buy for 18 days now. liol

Hello. What exactly is your registration problem?