Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

01 Jan


Hello. Check with Xsolla if your payment went through. If yes, write to support and we will fix it soon


Hello. Try downloading the launcher from the site. Is there no error?


Originally posted by Artistic-Ad8739

I dont know if you have seen the forums, but its escalated to almost all and GMX users not being able to receive a verify code for the launcher

I have seen


Originally posted by Justasimp69

I am already waiting since Wednesday Midtime, i just bought the Edge of Darkness Edition few days before and cant login now, after i set my windows new up... Please guys fix it fast ;( I get the Emails for New Device every loggin, but nothing from the Launcher as FlyingThunder already explained.

Ticket with Infos


Hello. Check the ticket, please


Originally posted by BRTI

#8527047 same issue as well.

Hello. Check ticket, please


Originally posted by Hornyy_YT

Have the same issue :( i do not receive the email with the security code for email verification. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

I write you to PM


Originally posted by spacecalboy

Greetings. I understand you cannot answer everyone, but I need help. My friend was falsely banned recently and he cannot get help. He's hundreds of hours in and wants his account back. Can you help us, please? He is Salimander.


If you think you were falsely banned, please contact BattlEye support. If they didn't help you and BattlEye left the ban in effect, then this case cannot be reviewed.
In other cases, after contacting BattlEye support, you can contact Escape from Tarkov support with the attached request number and the BattlEye support response itself to the message to consider your appeal further.


Originally posted by wardog1234

I did. It took 5 days for a response, only for support to tell me my email settings are wrong. It was very unhelpful.

Write me your email address, to PM


Originally posted by False_Juice

I got the exact same issue, Ticket #8519700

I receive all other mails except Email Verification from the launcher.

I'm down to changing the linked Email Address, but can't do that on myself and don't receive an answer from support.


Check this ticket


Originally posted by tiatafyfnf

I emailed support 3 days ago for the exact same issue and no response. Is there something else I should be doing? People can't play because of this.

The response time is now slightly increased due to overload. However, they should answer soon


Originally posted by PhaNDoMs

thanks, this really has to be fixed. the game is so great but youre losing tons of players due to that :( may i PM you for the issue my friend has? i really wanted to play with him this weekend but he has this exact problem

Yes, you can


Originally posted by Stormy92

Hello. The specialist mistakenly asked you to confirm your account ownership, he shouldn't have done this. Please write to the ticket with the e-mail that your account is registered to. We will send it to our system for verification.

Hi (Happy new year btw!) I already submitted a ticket (#8533626) but I give it another shot with a direct reply if you don't mind. I received the hardware ID codes in the past without any problem and still get mails from the exact same mail, except for the ones with the verification code. I added all BSG mails to my contacts and whitelisted them, including the one that sent me the code in the past but no luck so far. I also disabled any kind of spam filtering by my provider ( I got another backup mail at (which is also listed in my EfT account)

At the moment we continue to study the situation


Originally posted by PhaNDoMs

its NOT a email provider issue!! if all other mails work except that mail you tech support need to check the differences and why it doesnt work. hundreds of people have the same issue.

At the moment we continue to study the situation


Originally posted by DukeCrofford

Wtf - why did you tell me in pm it's a provider issue @sova13 !?!?

At the moment we continue to study the situation


Originally posted by FlyingThunder2992

hello, what is the procedure / is this issue going to be fixed? the exact same thing happened to my friend after BIOS update - tarkov thinks its a new device, all mails come but the hardware change mail does not. would suck hard to have to play without him...

We continue to study this situation


Originally posted by wardog1234

I am having a similiar problem. Trying to download the launcher, but I can’t even log in to the website without receiving an email verification code that never gets sent.

Hello. Write on [email protected], please


Originally posted by Gu1n3aP1g

Yeah right now im waiting. Honestly im so annoyed that i7 4790k cpu was really good, i only used to play videogames when i owned it but now i do video editing and redering proffesionally now and again so i need the core / thread count of ryzen otherwise i wouldve got the same again. Ik i fell for all the youtube marketing like linus tech tips ect saying how great ryzen was but honestly ive not seen it myself, ive owned more amd than i have intel but like intel more already. Keep that cpu for as long as you can to be honest if your only gaming and doing light work theyres no point in a change

Well, I happened to do video editing, and the rendering was on the processor, and there were no special problems =)

So it is suitable for such tasks as well, although it probably does it more slowly.

31 Dec


Originally posted by _BulletProofCoffee_

Thanks for the answer but some already did without any result.

And as I and a lot of others already wrote: We do get ALL the other mails from [email protected]

Registration Confirmation, Welcome Mail, Support Ticket Confirmnations - all these mails are coming from [email protected] and those mails are coming in.

It's only the hardware verification mail that is NOT coming in.

And this problem should be solved by your postal service. Because letters have been sent from our side. Perhaps they only block the letter with the authorization code for the launcher by the content of the letter


Originally posted by fpsdabs

I'm confused by what you mean "write to the ticket" do you mean send an email from my email address the account is connected to? Should I include the support ticket number?

You have already done everything right, don't worry)


Originally posted by BringBackManaPots

First time I tried was Dec. 24th. I've tried logging in a bunch of times since then (along with emails sent to [email protected]) and I've still not received anything.

Again, I really appreciate the help!

Write your e-mail adress to my PM