EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

14 Oct

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Capsuleers!

CSM 17 is well underway, and they’ve had roughly 20 hours of meetings since being elected! I’d like to shed some light on to what the CSM has been up to. Before we start, I wanted to touch on attendance. Despite needing to accommodate a bevvy of international schedules, the lowest attendance record is 80%, and there’s no single member who has missed more than 3 meetings. Very proud of our incredibly active CSM. But let’s get to it!

June & July

CSM 17 saw seven new members on the council, so the summer started with onboarding and transitioning. With so many new members, it was vital to give the transitioning phase plenty of time and opportunity to ensure the knowledge share between CSMs stayed intact. Beyond transitioning, the next area of focus was planning and prioritization for CSM 17s first quarter goals.

Our first joint meeting was to discuss Factional Warfare plans, and a high-level look at what was plann...

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11 Oct

    Brisc_Rubal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Because one is true and the other is not.

Everyone knows highsec has the most accounts, and nobody is suggesting that CCP only listen to null, nor have I ever advocated for null alone or at the expense of the rest of the game.

You have this odd tendency of saying things that are untrue and then get bent out of shape when confronted with reality.

    Brisc_Rubal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Or it could be that somebody pinged him.

Stop with the dumb conspiracy theories.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think Shines identified a lot of issues that players of many playstyles feel is important; some of his answers are null-sec focuses, but the problems are more universal. I’m oversimplifying, of course, but:

  • I want a reason to undock
  • I want some goals that are within reach, and some that are harder
  • I want more people in space to interact with
  • I want iterative changes to systems I’ve mastered

New, old, null, hs - I think those are some topics that a lot of players can get behind.


Эй, капсулер,

Я использую инструмент переводчика, приношу извинения за любые несоответствия в тексте ниже.

Не могли бы вы отправить заявку в игре или написать нам по адресу support@eveonline.com, чтобы мы могли продолжить расследование проблемы? Плата брокера не должна различаться между приложением портала и входом в Jita 4-4 при продаже/покупке предметов, не стесняйтесь включать любые скриншоты, которые у вас могут быть.

С наилучшими пожеланиями


Removing OT and Disscusion Moderation Posts now, be aware, when you proceed to disscuss Moderation, we wil takte further Actions then.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! We’ve absolutely seen this thread and are actively monitoring the discussion :+1:

    Brisc_Rubal on Forums - Thread - Direct

#2 - No RL politics. Which is a rule on pretty much every video game forum.

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the feedback on Photon UI so far! It was extremely helpful to hear everyone’s thoughts on the Drone Window. We now feel like Photon UI is ready to be set as an opt-out beta to gather as much data and feedback as we can on your interactions and thoughts when using it.

In this update we have changed the way the Neocom looks to be more in line with the rest of Photon as well as enhanced the compact mode even further.

It’s completely understandable if you still prefer the old one but we would nonetheless ask that you try it out and then please share if there’s anything that comes to mind that we can improve upon with Photon to make it more functional for you.

Along with the new things, we also did a pass on issues you highlighted, they can be found at the bottom of today’s ...

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    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Hello everyone,

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

For thoughts on Photon UI, we have a special thread for it where you can discuss and relay all your Photon UI related feedback.

Feel free to post any feedback you have in this thread.


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    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known Issues:


  • In some cases sounds can get stuck. Please still send bug reports about this, if you encounter this problem, as we need more information about it. As workaround you can try to disable and re-enable audio through the settings menu.


  • The Paladin Hull has lightning VFX on the default hull and most SKINs.


  • Neocom Icons are sometimes not appearing correctly. Workaround: Resize the Neocom.
  • Classic UI - Unable to select items when creating contract as the checkboxes are not clickable.
    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 20.09 version of EVE Online, first released October 11th 2022.

Quick Info:

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05 Oct

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you have downloaded the data, there’s a few lines in the sheets in the downloadable data that were not pulled correctly.

The correct one is being worked on and I’ll let you know when the new one becomes available to download.


    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Excel-lent news capsuleers,

The Monthly Economic Report for September is ready for your enjoyment.

Click this to view the report → REPORT

As always there is also the downloadable data for you here to do with what you please.


03 Oct

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

We currently have an issue that results in the rewards from the Air Career Program not being completed as they should, even though your tasks are being completed.

The completion of the tasks is being saved and should come in sporadically over the next few minutes to an hour. We have already applied a fix that should momentarily resolve this, mark your tasks as complete, deliver the rewards and resolve this problem.


29 Sep

    CCP_Habakuk on Forums - Thread - Direct

I replied to your bug report about this with additional questions, as I cannot reproduce this so far on my machine. It would be great, if you could provide additional details.

    CCP_Explorer on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tranquility is fronted by Cloudflare’s DDoS protection and TCP proxy and so always has the same address across world, tranquility.servers.eveonline.com //, but you are routed to the nearest Cloudflare colo.

    CCP_Explorer on Forums - Thread - Direct

On the one hand, please see my post above ...

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    CCP_Explorer on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello all; posting a status update even if not much has changed. We haven’t forgotten about this issue, we are still working on this matter, but since we don’t have contractual leverage then we are trying to influence the parties involved to improve the internet and this is moving slowly.

The issue has been identified to lie between Deutsche Telekom and Cloudflare involving a carrier called Lumen (previously known as Level3 and CenturyLink) and a saturated carrier link.

CCP has a contractual arrangement with Cloudflare for DDoS Protection and various other services and then with various carriers (but not Lumen) for network traffic between CCP and Cloudflare. CCP doesn’t have contracts with Deutsche Telekom or Lumen and not with Cloudflare as pertaining to external network traffic and routing.

Deutsche Telekom doesn’t peer directly with Cloudflare but we have been encouraging that such direct peering be established since we have seen that resolve issues such as t...

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28 Sep

    CCP_Habakuk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for participating in yesterday’s mass test! We got very good data out of it and are still investigating a few things, like why sound was a bit too silent in some case.
2 million skill points have been added to 369 characters.