Greetings Capsuleers!
CSM 17 is well underway, and they’ve had roughly 20 hours of meetings since being elected! I’d like to shed some light on to what the CSM has been up to. Before we start, I wanted to touch on attendance. Despite needing to accommodate a bevvy of international schedules, the lowest attendance record is 80%, and there’s no single member who has missed more than 3 meetings. Very proud of our incredibly active CSM. But let’s get to it!
June & July
CSM 17 saw seven new members on the council, so the summer started with onboarding and transitioning. With so many new members, it was vital to give the transitioning phase plenty of time and opportunity to ensure the knowledge share between CSMs stayed intact. Beyond transitioning, the next area of focus was planning and prioritization for CSM 17s first quarter goals.
Our first joint meeting was to discuss Factional Warfare plans, and a high-level look at what was plann...
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