EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

28 Sep



We’re investigating reports that the market in The Forge region is unavailable after downtime.

More details to follow as investigation continues. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Update 12:11 - Found the cause of the issue. Looking into correcting the issue.

Update 12:18 The Forge market is back open for business.

Thanks for your patience.

27 Sep


400m is pretty good! Hopefully I’ve paid off my debt to society. :rotating_light:

26 Sep


Hey again everyone!

Rewards have been paid out to the characters that submitted their videos in this thread and you can find the rewards in your item hangar in the Jita 4-4 station!

Thank you all for taking part in GM Week and I hope to see you again during the next GM Week!

-GM Team

23 Sep


The Community Beat is back for it’s 25th publication! This week we cover the Alliance Tournament, some amazing IRL projects, and a focus on taking your EVE knowledge to the next level with the help of our amazingly talented creators!

Do you have any tips or tricks you’d like to share?!

21 Sep



We are planning a mass test on Singularity on Tuesday, September 27th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time) to test several technical improvements aimed at improving your audio and visual experience, while drastically improving performance!

What has changes and what exactly is being tested?

  • Sound prioritization has undergone several improvements since the last mass test. Audio in EVE now sounds much clearer and will use drastically less CPU, resulting in more immersive and clearer sound experience, especially during heavy scenes.
  • There has been major refactoring in how we handle controllers for ships, which impro...
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20 Sep


Oh, this was an oversight by myself and should be fixed now. Very sorry for this.

19 Sep


Hello all!

We hope you had a wonderful weekend, the results are in and we are here to update you on the poll results for the top 3 places in each group.

Group 1 winners are as follows:

  • 1st place is “Rist Ozuwara”
  • 2nd place is “Ithica Hawk”
  • 3rd place is “Celltear”

Group 2 winners are as follows:

  • 1st place is “Rist Ozuwara”
  • 2nd place is “Celltear”
  • 3rd place is “Dhuras”

The winners can pick a SKIN of their choosing following the parameters of the original post and then the character that submitted the video will send an in game mail to GM Banquet with their SKIN selection.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you everybody for participating.

I hope you enjoyed GM Week, we had a blast and we’ll be looking forward to next year.

-GM Team

16 Sep


This is completed now.


Thanks for pointing this out, I’m fixing it as we speak



A new mirror has been deployed to Singularity today. Everything should be configured pretty much the same as with the last mirror. Skill points from the last 6 mass tests have been re-deployed.

A mass test will probably happen on the 27th of September.

15 Sep


¡Hemos hecho que más jugadores puedan tomar parte en la oferta especial de
Omega! Después del mantenimiento diario o downtime, más jugadores serán
elegibles para esta oferta y podrán aprovechar de ella como detallado en esta
noticia : Mensaje de bienvenida a los capsulistas hispanohablantes | EVE Online


Hello Capsuleers!

The top 3 submissions of each group have been selected by the GM’s, your job is to choose the best video you liked for each category listed in this post. The vote ends tomorrow at 16:00 EVE time.

There is a link to the ´straw polls´ for each category below, please note that the videos are not in any specific order.

Group 1

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13 Sep


Hello! I can assure you that the contest is still on, we have compiled the videos and the GM’s are voting internally on the top 3 videos. After that has been completed, we will update this thread, hopefully, tomorrow at noon with a poll where players can then vote on the best video (1st place to 3rd place) out of the 3 videos provided in the poll.


Audio link fixed.


Corrected. Thanks for the heads up.


Capsulistas hispanohablantes,

EVE Online os sumerge en el enorme universo que los capsulistas han ayudado a construir desde el primer momento. Por eso, nos alegramos de anunciar en Fanfest que EVE pronto estaría disponible en español. Con el lanzamiento del esperadísimo cliente en español, ya disponible en el servidor de Tranquility, podrás entrar y disfrutar de EVE por primera vez en este idioma.

El español europeo sienta las bases, pero el objetivo es incorporar fielmente la terminología y la cultura compartida que tú, como parte de la comunidad hispanoparlante de EVE, has desarrollado durante tu trascurso en EVE. Teniendo esto en cuenta, hemos colaborado con varios jugadores hispanohablantes para que esto ocurra y nos gustaría dar las gracias a DR4GONS, Juvenius, orik Kado, Rei Arzi, IcyMind Arierep, Vizary Stahl y Juno Swanteisger por su inestimable ayuda.

El lanzamiento en Tranquility consta de un cliente parcialmente traducido de EVE, que ofrece a todos lo...

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Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 20.08 version of EVE Online, first released 13th September 2022.

Quick Info:

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Information relating to the 20.08 update, released September 13th, can be found below.

If you encounter a problem please check to see if its already been noted in the Known Issues thread.

Feel free to post any feedback you have in this thread.

Quick Info:

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Hello everyone,

Thank you for the feedback so far on Photon UI. It was great to hear everyone’s thoughts when we added the Compact mode and now we would like to hear your thoughts on the updated Drone window.

On the Drone window we want to address issues with visibility and overlap. We are adding glow and tooltips, increasing the minimum height, updating some positions and spacing of the controls and on the window itself.

There is also a slew of defect fixes for Photon UI in this patch which are too many to list here, but they can all be found in the Patch Notes. We would very much like to continue getting your feedback so please go try it out and let us know what you t...

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Hello everyone! The medals have now been distributed to the top 100 contributors for each megacorp. You may need to relog to see your medal if you were logged in when they were distributed.