Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown Dev Tracker

05 Apr


It's not possible to migrate that data easily, so we won't be able to move unlocks from test to live unfortunately.

The Book of Monsters is a test case for us at the moment, but the long term plan is to make the mastery unlocks persistent across Prestige even, so once unlocked they remain unlocked. They might still receive another reset during Early Access however at one point, but more on that in the future. :)

30 Mar


Originally posted by DeluxeDuckling

I love crytek but sometimes they're kinda weird.

New perk: Adrenaline

Known Bugs: Adrenaline trait is not working as intended

Edit: Right, don't criticize daddy crytek

We only noticed a bug slipped in when we were already deploying to test server, and I am sure you would agree having some other stuff to test over the weekend is still better than waiting for a fix and only be able to play on test server next week! Will be working correctly soon, sorry about that! :)

28 Mar


It’s working as intended!

The Bornheim has a small opening at the bottom through which the empty magazine falls out automatically.

If you have less than 5 rounds left, you cannot load a full clip in. So what do you do? Easy: Put an empty clip in and use your finger to prevent it from falling out. Then, start inserting whatever spare rounds you got left from the top to fill it up.

Like with many of Hunt‘s weapons you can optimize reload times for the Bornheim, if you pay attention to the weapons‘ mechanical details. In this case, try to reload full clips with five rounds and avoid less than 5 extra for the last reload, if you fully emptied the weapon. Saving those last 1-2 rounds can speed things up a lot!

Guns of the era were very often clunky and highly experimental still, meaning many handling procedures known today, simply were not invented in 1895.

Hope this helps clear this up a bit! :)

27 Mar


Originally posted by Nibblewerfer

Definitely, I cannot really think of a situation where using the flare gun as a flare gun makes it better than the perfect aiming arc you get with the fusee.

Fusees are great to create a wall of light at certain exposed doors when you are defending, like in the staircase at Crematorium. They have to push through that, giving me the first shot most of the time.


Originally posted by Schwahn


It takes 4 seconds to loot now, and even if I loot money, I have to extract with it.

Burning them to secure a bit of safety is more worth it to me.

I loot for the chance to replenish a consumable so I can use it again in the mission. That’s something no money can buy. Burning preventing looting also means I can never get my (hell)fire bombs back I used to set them on fire in the first place.

20 Mar


Originally posted by Nibblewerfer

Yeah, still shit compared to the concertina though, as of late I haven't been able to destory that with fire anyways.

Bleeding is always worse than poison, unless they make poison block healing (with medkits and such) it won't be as viable.

You might be on to something there... ;)

18 Mar


So far so good, reports on disconnects have died down drastically since the update!

Any fresh encounters with the disconnect issues for anyone since the update?

We want to make sure we got it fixed! :)

16 Mar


Reminds of this old Crysis bug! Memories! :)

10 Feb


Glad it improved things for you! - it would be great if you could fill out the performance survey (stickied at the top of the page)


We appreciate your patience and support :)

06 Feb


We had this as a very early prototype in Hunt with the map in one hand and the compass in the other but ultimately it didn't fulfill our needs in the longer term. We needed players to at a glance see their compass cardinals and needed more room and functionality on the map. It was pretty nice to have the map in hand without having to toggle a screen, but the current implementation was found to give us more functionality in general (not to mention resolution, zooming etc).

02 Feb


Please keep us updated with how the patch runs for you all and if you can fill in the performance survey as well. Thanks for your patience!

19 Dec

07 Dec


Originally posted by Alvisslp

I think they have crytek banner instead of mod title. Few weeks ago Moderators ensured that they were not mod and only had the crytek banner and they even said that they removed some of their rights

It's just flair, I have no powers here


You guys made the team feel real warm and fuzzy, thank you so much!

14 Nov


Hey I tried to ban everyone earlier and I can't, what gives?

06 Nov


Originally posted by Chapel-I-

So interesting thing, i've been running "Basic" options for the performance information and have had my V-Sync off but a cap of 60fps. I turned on "Detailed" performance information and I set the cap to 120 on FPS and reached all the way up to 90 or so, but was decenton both the Test Server and Regular server between 45-70 or so. It did dip into the low 40's and mid 30's and turned yellow briefly with "detailed" options on.

I'm afraid i get so dang immersed in the game. It's extremely hard to pay attention to the "testing" when you're so intently focused on all the visual and audio cues. I had to go back in on the Test server and just run buck wild trying to see as much as possible just to get some screen captures. Hell even on the test server I can't turn off the "on edge" awareness that seems required in order to survive!

I snapped a bunch of pics and even a video, how would you like me to get them to you? I will upload one here, but have a bunch more, as I j...

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Thanks - You can send them to me on Discord or upload the videos somewhere (youtube would be good). I'll be around later today so just feel free to drop any info there and I'll have a look

05 Nov


Originally posted by Chapel-I-

I'm assuming the F12 key from Steam will allow me to take the screen shot?

Additionally, I want to know if I bought a better monitor and ran with Vsync on if that would help or not.

Yes it does and no it won't :)


Can you please add a screenshot or video?