Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown Dev Tracker

07 Dec


You guys made the team feel real warm and fuzzy, thank you so much!

14 Nov


Hey I tried to ban everyone earlier and I can't, what gives?

06 Nov


Originally posted by Chapel-I-

So interesting thing, i've been running "Basic" options for the performance information and have had my V-Sync off but a cap of 60fps. I turned on "Detailed" performance information and I set the cap to 120 on FPS and reached all the way up to 90 or so, but was decenton both the Test Server and Regular server between 45-70 or so. It did dip into the low 40's and mid 30's and turned yellow briefly with "detailed" options on.

I'm afraid i get so dang immersed in the game. It's extremely hard to pay attention to the "testing" when you're so intently focused on all the visual and audio cues. I had to go back in on the Test server and just run buck wild trying to see as much as possible just to get some screen captures. Hell even on the test server I can't turn off the "on edge" awareness that seems required in order to survive!

I snapped a bunch of pics and even a video, how would you like me to get them to you? I will upload one here, but have a bunch more, as I j...

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Thanks - You can send them to me on Discord or upload the videos somewhere (youtube would be good). I'll be around later today so just feel free to drop any info there and I'll have a look

05 Nov


Originally posted by Chapel-I-

I'm assuming the F12 key from Steam will allow me to take the screen shot?

Additionally, I want to know if I bought a better monitor and ran with Vsync on if that would help or not.

Yes it does and no it won't :)


Can you please add a screenshot or video?


Hey there

In the graphics options is a setting to display performance information (detailed) - Can you please run the game and take a screenshot with this mode enabled when you are dipping down. I would guess at your specs you are CPU limited, but the data from the screenshot can help.

Your monitor refresh rate won't make much difference unless you're running with VSYNC on.



There's a known issue with Window 7 (and to a lesser extent) win 10 (when you have very high FPS) in which fullscreen can (but not always) be lower FPS than borderless. We are investigating it - apologies.

(I love parenthesis)



Originally posted by [deleted]

It seems to be every time. I've also put my graphical settings to the lowest to see if that would speed it up but no luck. It just freezes for a while with the sound still playing then eventually continues loading for a few seconds then puts me into the game.

Can you contact me on Discord (Barney#3357) and I will do my best to look at it with you. 3 minutes sounds much too long.


Hey bud - Contact me on Discord (Barney#3357) and I will do my bestt to look at it with you.


Everytime or just sometimes?

30 Oct


As others have said, it really does depend. Can you share your specs with us?

17 Sep


If you're still having issues you can ping me on the Discord


We are investigating this, but please let us know as well


The setting is in the graphics options root menu, at the bottom. You can set it to basic or off and basic will only show FPS and ping.

09 Sep


I would like to see more posts about you /u/R3hab- especially your favorite food and past-times and how your skin is soft and lovely.

07 Sep


It is our goal to always make sure player concealment is consistent over all specs. We don't want performance to be addressed at the cost of gameplay bias between the different settings, that would be sh*tty.

If you come across any examples of that, an object that's missing or rendered differently on a spec please let us know asap and we will address it.