Enemy Changes
New or Replaced Enemies
Chapter 3
- Replaced all void cultists except for a few minibosses
- Replaced Voidfused Bears with Consumed Groles
- Updated Weathered Statue model and abilities
- Replaced Ruin Skuttlers with ...
Read moreAdded the third Rogue class mastery: Falconer
The falconer is a master tactician w...
Read moreLast Epoch 1.0 Overview by Game Director, Judd Cobler
Last Epoch is Releasing 2024-02-21T17:00:00Z!
Welcome everyone to the Patch Notes for Last Epoch 1.0! It’s been an amazing road to this point, and it’s unreal to be writing patch notes without using the term “Beta Patch”. With this patch Last Epoch will officially be leaving Early Access. We couldn’t have made it to this point without all of you, our amazing community driving the world of Eterra alongside us. We can not s...
Read moreSmall patch to add support for pre-order packages.
Update: 3:20 PM CT - Rolled out update to fix pre-order cosmetics displaying as equipable before February 21st when they should not be.
Thank you for the report! The team is currently investigating the Monolith Objectives issue as an urgent priority issue.
Update: 12/13/2023 04:24PM CT
Our team is currently hard at work to get a fix out for this issue with Ambush objectives.
As a temporary work around, If you notice you don’t have an echo objective in your quest list upon entering, you should be able to leave the echo, and re-enter it to generate a new objective.
Thank you for your patience, and we will have a hotfix out for this as quickly as we can.
This is a hotfix designed to fix very specific pressing bugs and does not reflect even a tiny piece of all the things we have been working on.
Full offline mode is still coming with 1.0.
In case you missed it, here is a screenshot of what the selection UI will look like when launching the game.
Hello Travelers!
A quick hotfix today to resolve an issue where a small number of players were unable to log in.
Along with today’s hotfix, we also want to provide a quick update of some of the bug...
Read moreNot unreasonable questions! The reason we want to fix the flurry bug has two major factors: The first is that the flurry bug is unreliable. It doesn’t happen all the time, nor does it happen for all players. It’s not a “fair” bug. The second, is that the flurry bug has a massive performance cost. Projectiles are one of the more costly things for both server and client performance as they need to track and check collision along their path as they travel, then calculating damage when they do interact with a hitbox. For server performance, it also has to share projectile information so other clients can render the projectiles. There’s certainly performance tricks at play to minimize this, but with the shear quantity of projectiles, it still adds up to a lot.
As for “Why not a corresponding buff with the fix?”. This is because discussions need to happen regarding the skill as for why it’s behind in popularity, what the best way to go about buffing it is, getting those buffs in, t...
Read moreThank you for the report! I’ve let the team know you’re still encountering it, and we’ve put it back on the board for further investigation.
“Larger” in this case referred to more fixes in a single patch. We’re not planning any Major patches (content patches) such as 0.9.3 prior to 1.0.
Hello Travelers,
We’re releasing a quick hotfix to address a few issues with Towns instances. This hotfix aims to resolve issues with Town servers ‘zombifying’ preventing new players from joining the Town instance. The most common incarnation of this issue was preventing players from being able to log in with characters to the End of Time within a given region.
We certainly understand the frustration of having a number of bugs present for weeks or more. We also want all bugs fixed as fast as possible for everyone (as well as less bugs released with a patch)!
We’re going to be doing a large sweep on bugs for 1.0, with a much greater time period set for QA and Bugfixes than prior, all with the plan to crush a ton of bugs. We are also developing and currently implementing better processes for bug prioritization where it comes to the community. Making sure the bugs the community encounters, values, and reports are being evaluated with community input in best reference.
Loading screens are also something we’re constantly looking to improve with every patch, we know they’re certainly much longer than where we want them to be and will be continuing to make improvements to them.
Hello Travelers!
We’re releasing a quick hotfix today to resolve a progression blocking bug within Council Chambers. We are still working on a number of other bugfixes for a complete patch, but wanted to get this fix out ASAP.