Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

29 Apr


Originally posted by dr_eh

Hilarious. I heard one of xcom devs mention that the real number is different than the displayed number... But the other way around, so when it says 90 it's actually 95.

Yeah, perception of chance is kind of a nightmare to deal with as a developer. It's a big reason why we ended up removing % fail chance when we overhauled the crafting system.


That whole section of the game is getting completely overhauled anyways.

28 Apr


Originally posted by Mako_Toy

Ohhh thank you!! What does reroll chance refer to?

It's basically an item rarity value. It's the chance that if you were going to get one it will be replaced with something else instead.


Originally posted by Mako_Toy

Thanks for the reply! What do you exactly mean with prism wraps exception?

Is there a way to check each gear piece LP chance or something like that?

Lord Motas was right about Prism Wraps but you actually can check the levels here:


Love threads like this. Let’s see what gets some upvotes!


Originally posted by Westonard

I can double check but I don't think so. When I have reloaded they can be picked up.

Try alt +z


Lots of mistakes in the comments here.

All unique items can be obtained at 0-4 LP. Each unique has a hidden stat which is its specific relative LP chance. Generally this follows the harder to find uniques have less LP relationship but there are some notable exceptions like prism wraps.

Given that a unique item is dropping, the only thing which affects if it has LP or not is the zone level, not dungeon tier or corruption.

The two ways you can affect your chances of finding LP uniques.

  1. Play in a high level zone.

  2. Get more unique items to drop.

Edit: the quest uniques need to be found from the soul gambler in the dungeon in order to have LP.

27 Apr


Originally posted by samoox

I feel like the only person that plays this game that is really looking forward to joining the trade faction. My favorite part about PoE is dropping items that are worth insane amounts of money, taking that money and putting it towards something I need in my build.

I get a lot less joy from picking up random loot and trying to see if I can fit it into my build. Still a lot of fun for me, but if I'm playing SSF I generally tend to ignore valuable drops that would be good for other characters because I'm not the type to roll a character based on a good drop. But with trade, I feel much more incentivized to look for good loot for other builds so I can sell on the market

You’re not the only one! I’m the game director and I’ll be repping MG. We are seeing slightly more people lean towards CoF, even internally, but I think the Bazaar will be quite an enjoyable place to hang out and feel like a lively marketplace, and trading of course is a major want of many players.


We're certainly aware of instances where people are experiencing "lag" which is manifested from a number of different things. Sometimes its a skill being used, sometimes its a certain function being called that is less performant than it should be, etc. A number of fixes we've been putting out are to rectify certain cases of these but we have plenty more in the works. We're aiming to eliminate all of these causes by 1.0 and ship them as we make the fixes.

Apolgoies for when you do experience these in the mean time!


Originally posted by MoDaddy69420

Ill have to try that i guess. Just doesnt feel the same. The game is amazing and is a true contending ARPG in the market right now, its just really demoralizing. I think ill just give the game some time for some optimization patches before i try again. Maybe ill get back on when falconer drops.

Yea, it's not ideal. We're working on it.


Originally posted by YewbSH

I believe they used to be called beers, and then EHG realised that was kind of silly. Either way, there's now an Easter egg where healing pots have a small chance to drop as beers - just a different name for the same thing.

They were initially potions.


During this initial online phase, I've seen some people doing a self imposed no-BSdeath HC where you just pay SC and if you die when you didn't have control, you just keep going.


Having a wand equipped has always been considered "armed". Fun fact, wands are melee weapons.

26 Apr


Thanks for the kind words. We really do have a great community around the game. I’ve also been absolutely hooked on the genre since Diablo 2 and am now living the dream of being at the helm of one! Cheers

25 Apr


Originally posted by I_AM_ALWAYS_WRONG_

Take the strength off my anchor and replace it with attunement and I leave a bad review.

Nah, I'll squeak it in on a new item.


Originally posted by Little-Ad-9506

Ya'll need to sprinkle some attunement here and there

On it. I'll add a few points of attunement to a random unique that looks out of place


Originally posted by Just_Django

Why does this thing have strength

Because I hate it when level 100 characters have 0 in an attribute category.

23 Apr


During the conversation with Liath in the second quest echo in Ending the Storm, you can make a decision which results in it unlocking Fall of the Empire instead of Reign of Dragons.

The connection to Blood, Frost, and Death is in the other direction to your diagram. It's unlocked by a choice in Blood, Frost, and Death, not one in Ending the Storm, so it doesn't contribute towards the Ending the Storm branches objective.

22 Apr


Originally posted by PierreGrenX

Maybe not be a jerk to players of your game, with the EHG-tag.

The very veeeery obvious reason for still doing them, is because they get in the path of something good.

Shame on you ekimarcher.

How is that being a jerk? Should I apologize for offering more information to help alleviate their problem?