I didn't hear no bell
I didn't hear no bell
My god PLEASE make the icons for 1-h and 2-h weapons different. Stopping to look at every sword is so tedious.
confirming this is on our list of to-dos!
1.1 is now Cycle 1 Part Two
The perfect naming conven…
We're going to call them Cycle 2, 3, 4... etc. going forward. This has been brought up elsewhere and we agree it's less confusing for external communication.
Hello Travelers,
We are currently planning some server maintenance taking place Tomorrow, 10/9/2024 at 9:00 CT (14:00 UTC) . During this time, we will be making a number of backend service changes as part of our ongoing efforts to improve transition times and overall online performance. We do not anticipate any disruption in game services. However, if at any point you notice a change or disruption in the ability to play, please let us know immediately.
Thank you all, and we will see you in Eterra!
External link →I’ll bring this up with the design team tomorrow. We know we need to make some changes here. Having to transfer them when I’m playing on Gamepad is especially annoying. Haha
Some of the upvoted comments here tell the story quite well. From our point of view, it's clear people significantly enjoy the game at its core and we just need to tackle some player feedback mostly related to balance, bugs, performance, some system-related wants, and add more to do at end game. This is precisely why we're taking a little extra time for 1.2 to address the wants that we hear echoed amongst you all.
We appreciate all the feedback
When you’re done making them faster, make them faster again.
This is the type of feedback we assume we’ll get if we don’t make them real fast lol
We have adjustments coming to arena maps in our next patch. Feedback heard and agreed with
But why? Will you make skin color changes too?
It's a very passionately requested feature that many players point to as a requirement before they will play the game. I'm not sure what options the eventual character customization system will launch with or grow into.
We have some good adjustments coming 1.2 that will address this feedback - a bit too early to share but your feedback is heard and similar to other's feedback we've received.
We’ve got this on our production tracker for future. 1.2 development is packed so it’ll likely be after that.
May the RNG overlords bless you with a new ring asap 🙏🙌
I appreciate the response. We hear a lot from you guys that the bug reporting tool is pretty much the best way to get simple-ish issues like these straight to the team, and it's frustrating when you want to raise an issue but the in-game way just doesn't suffice, so I'm glad it's on your radar. Hopefully being able to see bugs that couldn't be as easily captured on screen before will help with the bug spraying.
Yea perhaps what we need to do is actually allow an attached screenshot or video in addition to the ability of sending with an in-game captured one. Most of the time we can understand the issue from text and logs though
I’ll raise it with the team. Also, we’ll check the issue with Nemesis and gamepad and get a fix in if that’s happening. There’s a ton of gamepad work happening right now as we’re aiming for consoles.
Can you fix the fps issues while encountering the event skeletons? FPS tank because of them.
Yea we're working on some client-side optimizations right now. Lizards and the skeletons both are causing too heavy of a hit on client-side performance when you encounter them
very cool, I just shared this on our internal channels.
Fun fact, this unique is designed by David' Brevik's Wife "JQ". David Brevik being the founder/designer of Diablo 2. You can find her on Twitch streaming sometimes under "thejunglequeen".
Must be some teenagers from Last Refuge venturing too close to the surface and being mischievous… may Eterra guide them.