Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

22 Apr


Originally posted by GayMakeAndModel

Noooo! Easy performance changes should go ASAP as part of a one-off release. I don’t see why the low risk performance improvements should wait. Before someone is like “but nothing is low risk”: that is not true. Adding an index is an example of a performance optimization that has high reward and low risk.

I understand the thinking here, unfortunately releases in general require a lot more attention than people may suspect. Performance changes are merged into our main development branch with other development changes, many which are directly tied to performance gains, like skill changes, level changes, shader changes, you name it. To release we also have to take the QA team and growing build and release team off what they’re doing. We also have to have the social and marketing team draft patch notes, have them reviewed by game design and others, and post them everywhere and we have to follow up by monitoring for any issues that are accidentally released which then activates quite a lot of other procedures. Unfortunately, any release does entail quite a lot of effort that directly takes time from other progress. Hopefully that sheds some light! I remember being on the other side and wondering what the heck those silly devs on other games were thinking haha

21 Apr


Originally posted by one_horcrux_short

I look forward to seeing what progress you guys come up with! Afraid my GPU is going to boil me to death this summer while playing this game.

I'll let the team know that lives are at stake for that extra oomph, haha!


Hey all, we know there are still a lot of optimization wins to be had and spent last dev cycle creating tools to help target zone and abilities, among some more complex areas, that cause drops in frame rate. This dev cycle there is a major push on optimization and while I don’t want to over promise and underdeliver, the results we’re seeing with the changes we’re implementing are even better than what we’d hoped for. This patch cycle’s timing may look a bit different than others as we’re nearing our MP community tester release and prepping more things for the switch to live services…so these changes may not be in your hands for a while longer, but everyone should see noticeable FPS improvements when we do ship the next patch.

Apologies that it’s not as buttery smooth as we’d like it to be yet but we’ll hopefully have some happy players in this regard come next patch if they’ve been experiencing poor FPS in certain areas or situations.

15 Apr

14 Apr


Originally posted by _jad00by_

Even making space bar the default key to accept the dialog box, and other dialog boxes in general would make the UI experience more fluid. Could also maybe have a checkbox to enable/disable asking for respec confirmations

Those are good suggestions and you’re right about the level of effort for modifications like that being low. I’ll bring it up internally. 👍🏼


This is something we’re aware is in need of improved UX and is in our dev tracker but it hasn’t surpassed other priorities just yet. Apologies that it’s a bit clunky at the moment!

13 Apr


Originally posted by thedefiled

it happened!

Haha, enjoy!

12 Apr

08 Apr

07 Apr


The way it's word it should apply to ailments as well, but it's currently bugged and only affects the damage of disintegrate itself. 0.8.5d will include a fix to this.

31 Mar


Originally posted by Vaxivop

Sounds awesome, thanks for the dev reply <3

Of course!


It’s something we’re very well aware of and agree with. I won’t give too much info here but keep an eye on patches coming out over the course of this year. It’s been quite an adventure going from 0 resources and ~10 people to where our studio is currently!

30 Mar


Awesome, Dammit! Let us know if we can assist in any way and thank you for your commitment to the community. Sent some coffees your way. Cheers

29 Mar


Originally posted by DoingbusinessPR

I think the shop being empty is a great sign that they clearly have prioritized development of core game mechanics and features instead of cosmetic revenue. The fact there is a shop at all should let you know they intend on offering them, but as long as there is more important work to do, I’m glad it’s empty.

This is accurate and how we view it. We need to get multiplayer out the door before we invest time into creating the shop. We do have a ton of awesome concepts created for MTX already but the development for the system will have to wait just a bit longer. We’ll have a ton of fun creating MTX when we get there!

24 Mar


We will absolutely be expanding on the Monolith. Our very main goal with the system was to create something that is expandable since we’ll be continuously adding content to the game for years.

16 Mar


Originally posted by sleepyooh90

Not anything to do with this post really but damn all these posted, I can't see the red text it's super hard.

Nice that you got av upgrade though 👍

Yea, we still see that too. We have a new custom Last Epoch font being created that I believe we'll be able to get in for 0.8.6 that should help and 'll raise the color concern once more internally.

Congrats on the bow, Duality!

07 Mar


Originally posted by Ikkaro77

Thank you very much for the reply. Another question, does increased item rarity affect the items obtained from the completed exclusive echo rewards, or only from the monsters we kill within the echo?

It does not affect items obtained from exclusive echo rewards, only from monsters killed within the echo.

However, on a related note, higher corruption does result in a higher chance of uncovering rarer exclusive echo rewards, such as ones that give unique and exalted items.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

The "rarity" argument regarding shards is pretty hollow when almost no one is actually reading shards, you know? I agree with your argument, generally speaking, but there needs to be more done to make players aware of when they've found a rare shard and when they haven't.

As it stands, you just pick up all of them, but it's a huge hassle. Meanwhile you have thousands of some and actually zero of others. If a shard dropped that I currently have zero of, I probably wouldn't even notice.

Rare shards will have a different colour on the ground in 0.8.5.


Originally posted by _Duality_

Thank you very much! I'm sorry for making sure but, since increased rarity affects the drop chances of the uncommon uniques, I would want to get the Blessing which increases relic drop chances to increase my chances then no?

I tried googling but apparently some answers say Blessings only affect uncommon to exalted drops and not uniques/boss-uniques?

The blessings currently don't have any effect on boss specific drops. This is something that we're hoping to change in future, because it would be more intuitive if they did affect them, but unfortunately it's not so simple to actually do.

The blessings do, however, affect all non-specific random item drops from enemies, including non-boss-specific uniques.

06 Mar

