Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

16 Dec


She was always intended to be, but we didn't have the model and animations ready until 0.8.3 when we added all the other Nagasa.

14 Dec


Yes. We have a WIP redesign of the character sheet that will come with a lot more information for each skill. It's possible it's not a next patch thing since we're focusing on MP gameplay so much this development cycle but we'll see! Either way, before 1.0 you'll have a much better character sheet with skill details.


Great suggestion - we'll do it.


Originally posted by moxjet200

Hey all, very sorry about this. It looks like a change made at the end of the dev cycle broke this. We'll push out a fix in an upcoming hotfix hopefully in the next few days.

13 Dec


Hey all, very sorry about this. It looks like a change made at the end of the dev cycle broke this. We'll push out a fix in an upcoming hotfix hopefully in the next few days.

12 Dec


Glad you guys are enjoying it! There is definitely still some polish to go on the character select screen but we're overall very happy with it.

07 Dec


Hey, Fierce! Someone on the team caught this one and posted it internally - we appreciate you doing this! While we do hope to support additional languages in the future in a more official capacity, this is likely very helpful for a large number of people.

If there's anything we can do to help please let us know. A sincere thank you for your enthusiasm and contributions to the community from the dev team.

28 Nov


We'll see what we can do! We'll be going back to a number of VFX soon for some upgrades, especially enemy VFX. Abilities like this that are too noisy are high priority and are more on our radar as we are doing more internal multiplayer tests.

20 Nov


Hey everyone,

this post has received some updoots so I’ll jump in here with some insight.

First off, what you’re bringing up is something that is very prominently talked about internally and one of our biggest upcoming initiatives to address. There will be quite a lot of changes coming to the campaign to make the world feel better - from dialogue, chapter pacing, NPC visuals

, voice acting, events and more. You’ll see the start of this with things like ...

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03 Nov


Originally posted by Eight216

Because until such time as the game has a distinct legendary item type beyond just another tier of normal item that they'll call legendary, this is exactly how legendary items function in other games, give or take a bit of power. To me it feels like taking a resource we all are already familiar with (like mana) and then calling it something else to try and be unique, when there's literally no functional difference and no reason to not just call it mana.

For our core item types we use the same nomenclature established in Diablo 1 and Diablo 2, and which most ARPGs use either exactly or with minor variations.

  • Normal items have no affixes

  • Magic items have one or two affixes

  • Rare items can have more than two affixes

  • Unique items have fixed modifiers that you normally cannot find on magic or rare items.

  • Set items have a bonus from equipping other items in the same set.

We went with this naming scheme as we felt that it provided enough space to create new and interesting items without requiring existing ARPG players to learn an entirely new item naming scheme.

"Legendaries" as an item type don't have a standard definition within ARPGs. They always refer to high tier items of course, but their actual properties vary. In Diablo 3 and Torchlight 3 they replace uniques, but have a lot of non-fixed modifiers that can also be found on r...

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30 Oct


Yeah, this tree is old, was rushed at the time, and hasn't really been revisited since. We're planning to overhaul it.

22 Oct


This will be the last patch with that helmet in the game haha!


Thanks to everyone being helpful in this thread regarding drops.

Stickerhappy, in regards to the lack of debuff icons. Keep your eyes on patch notes!

There are no additional plans for a sidekick/mercenary style system yet... but we'll be adding content for years and its something the team has brought up more than once so we'll see what happens.

Glad that you're enjoying the game.

14 Oct


I think we can manage this one! Thanks for bringing it up

12 Oct


Originally posted by Airowird

You assume the base attack rate is 1 per second.

I think it is 1 per 0.7s

It's 1 per 0.68s for most abilities. We ended up with that number because we started with 1 per 0.75s, and then fairly early on decided to speed it up by 10%.

10 Oct


Originally posted by RimedGaming

Reflect is damage dealt too you. Keep in mind that this has to go through your defenses that is the amount that is reflected. Then it has to go through the enemies defenses that will be the amount they take.

Example: Mob deals 1000 damage. You have 40% DR so you take 600 damage 93% of that is 558 damage going back to the enemy. At level 100 enemies have 90% DR so then enemies without any further defenses would take 55.8 damage.

Just to clarify, this is mostly correct, but enemy defenses don't actually affect it, including their damage reduction from level. So in your example above the mob would take 558 damage.

It's still definitely weak at the moment, but not as weak as it would be if enemy defenses applied.

07 Oct


For the first part (about damage effectiveness), yes to 1 and 2, and for 3 it's 150.5. All added damage, whether it's from items, a skill tree node, a passive tree node, attribute scaling, or anything else, is affected by the added damage scaling.

I'm mostly confused as this seems to be one instance where flat damage somehow impacts ailment scaling

Flat damage affects damage instance of the same ability type (melee, spell, bow, or throwing), e.g. flat melee damage affects instances of melee damage. Most ailments don't have an ability type tag, but Abyssal Decay does, it's spell damage, so your sources of flat spell damage apply to it.

The second part is if I allocate Potent Corruption (Abyssal Echoes hits but doesn't apply Abyssal Decay. 20 void spell base damage)... What is the damage effectiveness scaling at this point?

It flat spell damage applies to the hit damage at 100% effectiveness. This i...

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17 Sep


Originally posted by paintergasm

Thats unfortunate, but thanks for letting me know. Now I'm trying to just get on without a crash

It sounds like you may want to try verifying your game files via Steam


Discussing this internally. Our initial thoughts is to make it so that you don't gain armament stacks when you hit barrels or crates. Thanks for pointing this out.