Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

17 Sep


It doesn't round, so if you have 20% increased poison effectiveness each stack will reduce the resistance of bosses by 2.4%, on top of dealing 20% more damage. This is very powerful of course, and that's the reason why increased poison effectiveness is harder to get than something like increased bleed effectiveness, which is just a damage multiplier.

15 Sep


Make sure you're a part of our Discord and follow our social media accounts this dev cycle!

14 Sep


Glad you gave it another shot and are enjoying it, Komodor!

12 Sep


Originally posted by buffinita

Hoard them just in case you need it later

This will soon be the even more correct answer. =)


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to take a moment to address some concerns that a few of our community members have brought up in regards to poor behavior in Last Epoch’s in-game chat.

First, we sincerely apologize that there are some messages coming through that have no place in any chat, let alone our community that is generally very positive and helpful. We have quite a few moderators and staff working over the weekend to monitor chat and are actively warning, giving temporary chat mutes, and even banning players in some extreme cases in accordance with our Code of Conduct. We are working on better tooling and reporting functions for chat as well. In general we have an awesome community facilitating good discussion about the game and we’re trying to make sure that a few bad actors ...

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10 Sep


Originally posted by Asteroth555

Have you guys thought about turning chapter 1 into a prologue and lower chapter counts accordingly? It always felt out of place how short it was compared to the rest

Funny enough the game used to start in Chapter 2 but we didn't like how you were immediately thrown in to the Ruined Era in a dark cave so we made the start of the game the Divine Era. Internally we call it the prologue or "Chapter Z" since internally we call them Chapter A, B, C, etc. "Chapter A" is Chapter 2.

08 Sep


Our team was very happy to read this and shared it around internally. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us this feedback.


Originally posted by Orzislaw

I agree! My only gripe is that now older chapters pale in comparison. First chapters are what gives first impression, so I really hope they get spiced up in the future

As Alex said, we definitely do agree. We won't have another chapter of content coming out for a while and we're now turning back to previous chapters to bring them up to the level of quality we have with Chapter 9.

A lot of the team is very excited about the opportunity to do this. Revamping Chapter 4, updating enemies in chapters 2 and 3, updating the deserts before chapter 9 to the same level of quality, and making the presentation better in general with voice acting, new dialogue panels, shorter dialogue text, etc. are just a few things I'm thinking of right now. Lots to do to bring the quality of the game up to the new standards with the expanding studio!


Thanks all. Consider us refueled for the day!

We hope you're enjoying the new Sands of Majasa patch - we'll have the forecast graphic updated with some of the headlining features coming for 0.8.4 soon!

07 Sep


We in the dev team sympathize with this. We’ll fix it

Edit: the ability to die in time rift sequences fix was just pushed in the 0.8.3 hotfix moments ago but there may still be edge cases where you die before you transition right before loading into the next scene. You would still have full control over yourself character during that brief period but it means escaping via a portal may not be the best solution in high intensity situations like being surrounded and hit by a pack of enemies


We fixed that bug a while ago, but if you're specifically looking for the Last Steps of the Living boots, we greatly increased their drop rate in 0.8.3. You should find one every two runs on average now.


Does ailments such as Ignite, Poison, Bleed etc. scale beyond 100% chance to apply?

Yes, at 150% you will always apply 1 stack and have a 50% chance to apply a 2nd stack. At 320% chance you will always apply 3 stacks and have a 20% chance to apply a 4th stack, etc.

does "Earthscorcher" from warpath tree apply to minions?

It does not. In general effects do not apply to minions unless they specifically say so.

Also I guess it's pointless to scale melee damage since it doesn't affect the ignite damage, rather you scale attack speed, elemental damage, fire damage, bleed damage, and damage over time.

Correct. It's also worth noting that most skills' attribute scaling provides generic "increased damage" which will also affect ailments the skill applies such as ignite. So, in the case of Warpath, getting more Strength will also increase ignite damage. You can check a sk...

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05 Sep


Hey all, most of the battle for us is finding the exact scenario when and where FPS drops like this are occurring. When we find the exact case/cause it’s usually a quick fix. Most of the time it’s not actually the VFX but other things that are happening at or near the same time. Though, sometimes it is the VFX (like the old lightning blast ability).

What is very helpful is notifying us what zone and what enemy/ability you can reliably reproduce an FPS drop from. We don’t expect anyone to do this of course because it’s actually a bit of work and sometimes a lot of work but we get tons of reports that are more generic that often result in a huge loss of productivity if our dev team goes on the wild goose chase without that specific information. So, while we don’t ask for anyone in the community to go and find the specifics like this, when they do provide specifics those are often the reports that we can track down and fix.

Thanks for your reports.


Hey everyone, we sincerely apologize that there are some messages like this coming through. We have quite a few moderators and staff working over the weekend to monitor chat and are actively warning, giving temporary chat mutes, and even banning players in some extreme cases as shown above in accordance with our community guidelines. We are working on better tooling and reporting functions for chat as well. In general we have a very helpful and positive community and we’re trying to make sure that a few bad actors aren’t ruining that for everyone. But again, I apologize and it’s on us to bring better solutions.

For those of you helping us foster a helpful and positive community by answering questions and having good interactions, we very much appreciate you and see you doing it. Thanks everyone.

02 Sep


Patch notes are dropping soon! Sentinel definitely has more updates this patch while 0.8.4 is going to contain large Druid updates.

18 Aug


Originally posted by 14779

Very nice teaser. Can't wait! If you're reading give us a cryptic clue to obsess over for weeks

Haha! I think we can do better sharing information a bit earlier this time and are planning our rollouts better than we have before. We actually have some people that aren't developing content that are covering marketing efforts now. I believe we'll have a little trailer next week - that paired with the new style of forecast should give you a pretty good idea of what's coming but definitely not all of it.


Originally posted by Mageofsin

I just started this game and its refreshing and comfortable. I have 5k hours in PoE and played a lot of Fellshrine and docks and then every league since Feb 2013, this is better in some respects, but worse in other specific ways (stat counters for enemies (poison stacks) I didn't see a stack count) but is in EA. I got to level 28 in my first sitting and will defo be giving some feedback. GJ so far guys! (Hype trailer too!)

Glad you're enjoying it, Mage! Welcome to the community.


Originally posted by No-Pickle-777


We'll be sharing our monthly multiplayer update on the forums in the upcoming days! Stanz is working on it now.