Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Timeline bosses have two types of specific drops. Common drops and uncommon drops. They will always drop one of their two common drops and increased item rarity has no effect on that.

They will occasionally drop one or more of their uncommon drops as well, and increased item rarity does increase that chance. Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros is an uncommon drop so it is helpful to try to get higher increased item rarity when farming it.

It's also probably worth mentioning that all timeline bosses have at least one uncommon drop that is specific to empowered timelines. In the case of the Emperor of Corpses, that is the shield, Horns of Uhkeiros. Its presence as a possible drop has no effect on the drop chance of Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros, so there's no point in doing non-empowered timelines just to avoid it.

01 Mar


Originally posted by queer-maths-girl

Oh interesting. Thanks for the reply. Is it a 1-to-1 ratio, so 200 charges results in 200 times the damage?

It's currently 1% more damage per charge, so 200 charges results in 3 times the damage. It will be higher in 0.8.5, and the value will also be stated on the tooltip.


It should affect ailments, but it currently doesn't because of a bug. That will be fixed for 0.8.5.

26 Feb


Originally posted by onikzin

Not taking a side (which counts as taking a side) and not offering relocation to employees from both countries? Very weak statement, disappointed, might I even say radio silence would be better than this.

We’ve actually brought up relocation but beyond helping pay for it and giving the time off it would necessitate there’s not much we can do in that regard. As a remote studio we have employees work from different locations quite often and I encourage people traveling and visiting one another as long as they can still reliably contribute to the development of Last Epoch. However, most people are rooted in their locations firmly due to friends and family and even during wartime don’t consider relocation a real option.


Originally posted by PrimeKronos

Some well said things. But pretty disappointing you have not condemned Russias invasion in this post.

Edit: opps I forgot to add the “not” after “have”!! Indeed f**k Putin!

To be clear, I completely and utterly condemn Russia invading Ukraine. It is unimaginably evil what is happening. I just know that it’s not what all Russian citizens want and sympathize with the enormous Russian population who feel embarrassed and ashamed of their governments actions at this time.


Originally posted by justchasingentropy

If citizens in Russia don't have access to Western entertainment and goods they'll be more likely to cause problems for their government. We can't just keep passing the buck if we ever want a better world. No one forced EHG to give us their useless thoughts and prayers, but if they want to open their mouths with lip service they should back it up with action.

I agree that more needs to be done than saying “thoughts and prayers” which is why you see a couple additional list items tacked on to that statement. The world seems to be all too comfortable just saying “thoughts and prayers” and leaving it to that which also bothers me personally. We’re providing and promoting to those team members unlimited PTO and sending advanced payments as helpful. Admittedly, I doubt our smaller studio can turn any tides but we’re doing our best to provide stability and comfort to our colleagues that are impacted. I do understand your sentiment but I hope someone sees this and considers that perhaps not all Russians want what is happening right now, because it is saddening to see so many that don’t want this war being generalized and vilified, and perhaps actively seeks out a more global forum to connect with people and develop friendships. It’s something that has shaped my perspective and thinking fairly quickly, for what I believe is the better, and I wi...

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25 Feb


Originally posted by AChillBear

Last Epoch twitch primes donated to Ukrainian Red Cross?

Great idea. We'll make sure we set up next weeks dev stream to go to an appropriate related charity.


Hello Travelers,

I want to speak briefly on the happenings involving Ukraine and Russia that is near and dear to our studio. Eleventh Hour Games is a completely remote development studio, now spanning over a dozen countries, and contains team members in both of the countries involved in this conflict.

Our hearts are broken for all of our wonderful team members, their friends, families, and countrymen that are impacted by this situation - both within the Ukrainian and Russian borders. They have been thrown into a horrific and turbulent situation that they have no control over. These EHG team members have had an opportunity to work together and form relationships with those that their countries are now involved in combat with. They are deeply worried, and deeply saddened and do not want conflict with their next door brothers and sisters.

Something that I am truly grateful for is our studio's global team providing us perspective and insight into the lives of ma...

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23 Feb


Originally posted by JoeRambo

Thanks guys, though it was reverted but it seems to be live today.

On seriuos note, I was 100% certain that Julra is dropping her uniques that are set to always have 1LP minimum and maximum, good that i was wrong :)

though it was reverted but it seems to be live today.

The original 0.8.4h was reverted. The new 0.8.4h that we just released to support backend account service changes is unrelated to the original 0.8.4h. Giving it the same letter was an oversight and we're sorry for any confusion it's caused.


Originally posted by perrythepig

for the sake of people checking this thread in the future:

yes, Julra uniques can drop with > 1 LP. It's rare, but it can happen. Try farming Julra tier 4 if you want a 2LP ring, instead of just Julra tier 1. it definitely feels more common at higher dungeon levels

This is correct. As with any unique higher levels result in higher LP on average. The only difference with Julra uniques is that they have a minimum of 1 LP, and that doesn't make it any easier for them to roll with 2+ LP.

11 Feb


This is a fantastic guide. Thank you for writing this out and being a helpful community member, Eric! - Judd, CEO/GD for Epoch

27 Jan


Completely understand the disappointment. It's a system that we were excited about early on as well but as the game has evolved and been iterated on it was clear that this system didn't make sense in context any longer. Considering we'll be expanding and adding content to Last Epoch for many years after the 1.0 release we'll look out for ways to scratch that same itch.

Remember that we're always looking out for awesome suggestions for content that could be added to the game and we take community feedback and suggestions to heart. Apologies for the disappointment if you were looking forward specifically to that system.

13 Jan


Hm. Hmm.

06 Jan

04 Jan


Originally posted by Mihai561

Very odd. What I am suspecting is that the game doesn't roll these affixes as integers, but rounds them up or down. When you use two together, it sums the rolls together, then rounds them.

So for example I could have two 1.6 rolls, individually they round up to +2, but together they round down to +3.

This is mostly correct. Affix rolls are always encoded as a byte [0 to 255] which defines their roll within the range of possible values, rather than being encoded as a specific value. For example if an affix of a certain tier has a range of 5 to 9 and the roll is 127 then the affix value is 7.

They should be rounded correctly on the backend the same way they are in the tooltip, but there is a bug preventing that in some instances, which is what the OP is experiencing.

03 Jan


Originally posted by shulgin11

Hey Judd, just want to say its so cool to see you and the team interacting here. Makes me happy to support you guys. Keep up the great work!

Thanks, Shulgin. It's the best part of the role.


Originally posted by onikzin

Another ARPG game director who likes MTG? Seems to be the secret of success really

Haha, yes! MTG was a big part of my life, spending sun up to sun down as a kid buying, selling, trading, playing MTG. I absolutely love it but admittedly haven't played to a large degree since ~6th edition, though I did dip my toe back in Khans of Tarkir block but realized my need to collect absolutely everything was going to be a financial issue quickly. Great game, tons of game design learnings to gather from MTG.

02 Jan


Welcome to the community, Itam!

Very glad you're enjoying Epoch. There's a lot more good things to come!
- Judd, game director

31 Dec


Originally posted by tiahx

X = ((iLvl - eLvl) + 20) / 120.0

1 LP chance ~ X^ 1.304 * 0.64

2 LP chance ~ X ^ 1.976 * 0.38

3 LP chance ~ X ^ 2.6 * 0.19

4 LP chance ~ X ^ 5.8 * 0.08

That's the approximate formula. Here iLvL is the zone level where the item dropped (100 for empowered mono and T4 dungeon). eLvL is the "effective level" of the legendary, which is just some arbitrary value set by EHG. Can not be lower than the required level of the item. For the mace it's 90 (despite the mace requiring lvl 76). It can be checked on LEtools for each given unique.

I can see how these would be inferred from reading datamined code, but they are not correct.

22 Dec


Originally posted by raptir1

I bought it on sale a while back and honestly wish I could pay you the difference.

Thanks for the kind words - very happy to hear you guys are enjoying the game this much and we'll continue to push hard and make it something worth your time and hard earned funds!