Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

25 Jul


It's not, the tooltip for triggered abilities shows you the DPS of that skill's base effect if you were to equip it on your bar. If you could equip it on your bar, it would scale with cast speed but you can't so it won't.

24 Jul


Sounds like we should add some large end game content additions :) working on it - actively!

And bug fixes. Keep submitting anything you see as in game bug reports so we get your logs (tremendously helpful). You’ve probably noticed we’re shipping lots of post-patch fixes and updates.

Also, thanks for your support at Kickstarter OP

23 Jul


We'll be taking a look at dungeons in the near future. We agree they needs adjustments.

22 Jul


Originally posted by Same-Celebration-211

You mean for 60 hours?

Shouldn't be remotely close to that.


Originally posted by vaporcake

Can you link the build you are using with it? Also is there a way to trade it to you if I'm CoF?

There is a way to trade it between you two but it would require playing the game together for quite a while.

21 Jul


Originally posted by Tee_61

Rank 9 in the harby faction doubles them too. Not sure how those two interact. Are the 5x combined? Or just 4.5x? Either way, still quite strong. 

Read more

They're multiplicative, so you get 5x.


This is already on our radar and we'll be making adjustments in an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by blackjack47

and can you track errors submitted after the client restart? I literally had my HC char die the other die, because Unity crashed with a crit error. The only way to interact was to kill the unity error from task manager.

We can pull game logs from your previous session (if you tick the box in the bug reporting form in game). The unity logs are in a different spot and aren't automatically submitted.


Originally posted by Tronicolol

Same happens with stats like X crit chance for totems, right? Is there any future change to reflect all these stats? or just to improve minion dps tooltips? is really hard to try to find an upgrade for a minion build, for example +10 spell damage or 10% penetration for my cold storm totem shaman because i dont really have any information about what is better. I would appreciate this kind of information for minion builds. Thank you for listening feedback and continue improving the game, im loving it.

Both are on the list


Originally posted by devkdup

Oh wow and I had no idea ha, thanks for the info!



Originally posted by devkdup

Pls add a third option, when killing a timeline boss, next to “keep” and “replace” that just adds that blessing to your codex without replacing your current one

It has that already. If you just keep what you have, it adds all of them to your codex if they are higher rolls than what you have already.


Originally posted by Bragisdottir

Bro this has been reported all through release and nothing has changed. This is not a 1.1 specific issue

It's actually not just one issue. That's the problem. We've fixed several sources of this and are seeing a much lower report rate per player on this issue than before. It's inconsistent and not reproducible in the editor. I know it can seem obvious but it's not that simple.


Originally posted by PiousDevil

How can I use the tool if the game freezes though? I've mentioned this issue multiple times as the game causes my laptop to BSOD and I can't report the bug at the time it's happening.

I stopped playing the game until a fix comes in which really sucks :(

It saves logs from your previous play session and will upload those if you tick the box after you restart the game. We have accounted for this.

20 Jul


Originally posted by VegetableParking9129

I also feel like the stutters might be caused because the game might constantly be recompiling shaders causing permanent stutters

The last successful solution to the stuttering problem that I saw was something very weird. The person replaced the CMOS battery on their motherboard so their system time was able to maintain accuracy. Instantly fixed. It does underscore an issue with the game that we are working to fix also because this shouldn't cause a problem but it might be worth a shot.


Originally posted by Orsick

May I give a suggestion?

IN the blessing selection screen after you kill the boss there's a a "?" Button that you can hover over, I believe it would be quite nice to put this information there ( If by chance it's in fact there and I just didn't pay attention disregard this comment)

I'm like 80% sure it's there. I know it was on my list of things to put there.


Originally posted by Orsick

Didn't expect someone from EHG to respond. Thanks!



Originally posted by AmSoup

Perhaps a silly question, but I think worth asking anyway: if we experience a crash that fully closes the game on us, will the report pull data from before the new login session when the crash happened?

Important to note I have not experienced that this cycle at all

It won't be able to grab server logs but if it's the first start up since the crash then it can get client logs if you tick the box. It has logs from your current and last session.


New respec NPC in EoT near monolith entrance.


The minion crit stat on your character sheet is the crit chance that you would give to a normal minion like your ballista for example.

The falcon ability to get crit from other places than normal is not reflected in that stat because it only applies to your falcon.

Don't worry, it is working, the character sheet just doesn't have a spot for your falcon's crit chance.