Read moreHey, big fan of you guys and you truly are listening to your players. One example from D4 that really highlights how they excel in interaction design are Barbarian shouts. When a shout skill is used there is a blast wave animation, but also, enemies on the screen react to it. Like the enemies will stop and kind of lean back as if being blasted with a gust of wind. This attention to detail, taking the time to code subtle response animations for secondary use cases goes a long way imo. Players might not even consciously realize this is happening, but their brain does; it contributes greatly to a sense of immersion when the in-game physics of combat skills cause enemies to react in subtle ways. It doesn't always need to be a new mechanic or skill that adds to player immersion. Small tweaks to the interaction design between skills and enemies on screen can go a long long way to improving the user experience and adding a sense of polish to an already great base game. Don't underestimate...
Big time, we just added the skeleton version of this in 1.0 and we have been adding to the animations available.