Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by SleepCoachJacob

Hey, big fan of you guys and you truly are listening to your players. One example from D4 that really highlights how they excel in interaction design are Barbarian shouts. When a shout skill is used there is a blast wave animation, but also, enemies on the screen react to it. Like the enemies will stop and kind of lean back as if being blasted with a gust of wind. This attention to detail, taking the time to code subtle response animations for secondary use cases goes a long way imo. Players might not even consciously realize this is happening, but their brain does; it contributes greatly to a sense of immersion when the in-game physics of combat skills cause enemies to react in subtle ways. It doesn't always need to be a new mechanic or skill that adds to player immersion. Small tweaks to the interaction design between skills and enemies on screen can go a long long way to improving the user experience and adding a sense of polish to an already great base game. Don't underestimate...

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Big time, we just added the skeleton version of this in 1.0 and we have been adding to the animations available.


Originally posted by Srikandi715

I can attest that One Drive can really mess with game saves, and not just LE. First time I caught it doing that I ripped it out by the roots and won't let it come back, despite windows telling me I NEED it every few days :p

Yea, I went a little scorched earth on it a while back and now my windows explorer crashes if I accidentally mouse over a very specific spot while dragging a file or folder.


This is usually caused by steam sync being a little too over zealous. It is also sometimes caused by a third party cloud sync software like one drive. Check to make sure that you don't have something like this interfering.


I find it so funny that the full range of answers is here. Which isn't too surprising with, as you pointed out, how subjective it is. Moment to moment combat is something we did see as a negative showing up in reviews frequently a couple years ago. It still shows up as a criticism from time to time. We've been working on it and our feedback shows it is improving.

1.1 brings a new evade ability to all characters. It makes combat feel a lot better to me. And for those that don't like it, we've got replacement effects that are sweet too. It also brings a lot of changes to channeling abilities to make combat better.


We never planned to make a mobile version but with the popularity we saw on steam deck earlier this year, we have recently decided to work on getting that verified properly.

As for accessibility options, among others, the biggest one we've been working on lately is localization. We will be exploring more as we go forward. UI scaling is a much bigger challenge than you might think but we do have an early version of it working.

06 Jul


Only one eye is required, but the player that provided the eye will get more loot and only the player who provided the eye can get any of the pinnacle boss's specific unique drops.


I'm not sure if this applies to this specific item or not but in 1.1, many of the items with this issue are having the restrictions relaxed. Like if you have a 1H sword cosmetic, it can work on 1H maces and 1H axes where it used to only work with swords before. We are trying to open these up more so this doesn't happen.

05 Jul


Everyone gets gaze stacks, gaze is buffed. Added needles as a dropable item which advances corruption even more. And yes it's all in the patch notes and the last devblog too.


Originally posted by DrMarloLake

Streamer suggested two ways to bypass limit. I get that tribal knowledge slowly grows with games like this (things like numlock trick) - still a little frustrating when the game could just provide it naturally and not make players jump through hoops for QoL.

It's not a matter of wanting it or not, it's a matter of the game locking up or not. We've already pushed the filter to the limit. We can't add more rules without compromising performance.


No, it's already too high. It is bursting at the seams as it is.

04 Jul


Originally posted by SamSalim

Sadly did not get an answer

Every message gets an automated reply at least which confirms the email was entered correctly so if you didn't get an answer, check your junk mail. If you did get that reply but just haven't had a human follow up yet, someone will reply.


No, 200 is plenty.

03 Jul


Originally posted by hierox

/u/ekimarcher does rank 8 of the merchant guild have a typo? It says "All exalted items - including those with legendary potential"

The image does contain a typo - the written descriptions are correct. We will be updating the in-game text to match. Our apologies for the confusion.


Originally posted by bujakaman

Any date?

I don't know when.


More info on the topic is coming in the next devblog post. All that's known so far is that the ranks are going up to 12.

02 Jul


Originally posted by its_Khro

Dont know if its just me, but on mobile (chrome, oneplus m8) the countdown is overlaid on the "Ruin approaches" purple block and it probably isn't supposed to be :D?

yea, it's not you, I just checked and it's happening on my phone too. Desktop is still solid at least. I've passed it on to the website team.

01 Jul