Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Aug


If it has been reported using the in game bug reporting tool, it's probably sitting in someone's queue listed as low priority. They probably have a half dozen high priority bugs that are consuming their life and haven't even noticed it yet. Who knows, it might even be sitting in mine.

We don't pull bugs from reddit as a primary reporting source. We sometimes get bugs from here if a dev stumbles upon it and you get lucky or it's so high impact that it gets a ton of attention. However, in that situation, they have also all been reported in game. The in game reports go directly into our triage system automatically.

Edit: but yes, this should be an extremely easy big to fix. However, it could be something crazy that's much more complicated. I doubt it though. Someone probably just typed 5 instead of 8.

04 Aug


Originally posted by GoldenPigeonParty

You can get omnis at only 345 that close to center? My luck is crap. I'll have to try this.

Distance to center is a fairly significant factor too, it's going to be rough farming omni there.

01 Aug


We have a lot of ongoing efforts to continue optimizing, some large some small. To give some specifics

  • we've very recently started an effort to pack textures differently for all visual effects across the game which should reduce their memory footprint substantially
  • we've just signed a highly regarded console porting studio to work in an integrated manner with our team with their main focus being performance optimization which is needed as consoles have strict requirements here
  • we've got an internal optimization team spun up and finding targets on a weekly basis to chew through empowered with newly licensed analysis software
  • we've got developers with a working prototype of skin meshed renderer batching for a many enemies of the same type on screen. This could be a very impactful update that would even allow for larger "swarming" events that are very performant
  • we are looking to implement addressables which would drastically reduce th...
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Originally posted by Shirofune

It's the custom one for sure.
Are you guys able to share it around for Photoshop purposes?

Thank you!

I don't actually know. I would send in a support ticket.


I can't remember if we switched it over to our custom one or not.

It's either Cinzel or Last Epoch

31 Jul

30 Jul


Originally posted by Skyqula

When I saw the new Phantom Grip rings, the first thing I thought of was combining 2 of them, a Julra's Obsession with Experimental Ward per Missing Health and then using a Chronostasis.

Though, I guess the swords themselves don't use a melee skill.

They do actually use a melee skill. It's just a basic minion melee attack but it counts.


Originally posted by zenless-eternity

Everything should work just as it does with players. Some things might need nerfed, but this would give the game a unique and dynamic build mechanism like POEs spectres. Which is lacking. I love the game, definitely better then Poe, but dynamically different builds and interactions would take it the next step

I agree that would be nice but it's not a balance issue preventing that from happening.

29 Jul


Originally posted by NotARealDeveloper

I thought manifest armor nodes would copy all affixes. Was very disappointed when it didn't.

Yea, if you've got some specific armor items that don't work that you wish did, I'm also interested in that.


Originally posted by Derpbettler

Anything that can proc other things e.g:

  • Palarus's Sacred Light - Smite Casts
  • Battlemage's Endeavour - Lightning Blast Casts
  • Volcanus - Magma Shards
  • Alluvion - Tidal Waves
  • Bane of Winter - Void Winter Bolts

and lastly Eye of Reen and Jaspars Searing Pride Stacks on hit

They would trigger their own versions of things so the smite casts would be vanilla but thanks for the good list to kick things off.


Forge Strike has the ability to summon copies of your equipped weapon but does not apply any of the special unique effects. I'm wondering which weapons you've wanted to work the most but just don't.

Like for example, maybe you've hoped that The Last Laugh's kill threshold (culling) ability was passed along or something.

External link →

28 Jul


Originally posted by Candid_Target5171

I don't know the name of what it's below??

Don't worry, I got the joke.

27 Jul


Originally posted by IlllllllIIIll

AFAIK more is additive with other more sources, but multiplicative with increased sources.

No, multiple more sources are multiplicative with each other.

25 Jul


Originally posted by RullRed

A year late, but I have a followup question:

Do flat increases from the skill tree itself (like Hammer Throw's Avatar of the Spire "physical damage: +12") get multiplied by the "added damage effectiveness"? Or is this added to the 'base'?

And likewise, does Void Knight's Void Bolts "Throwing Void Damage: +2 per point" get multiplied by the "added damage effectiveness"? Or is this also added to the 'base'?

Do flat increases from the skill tree itself (like Hammer Throw's Avatar of the Spire "physical damage: +12") get multiplied by the "added damage effectiveness"?


And likewise, does Void Knight's Void Bolts "Throwing Void Damage: +2 per point" get multiplied by the "added damage effectiveness"?



Originally posted by Jurez1313

I watched a video on COF favor gain yesterday that explained something not super obvious. Favor gain is directly tied to XP, as you seem to be aware. But this means that pushing corruption is really the only efficient way to increase how much favor you get.

As someone who barely pushed corruption last cycle (didnt even do 200), and instead made a bunch of alts, this explains why I didn't gain favor as fast as others were. Idk the exact exchange now, because the video was from back when there was only 10 ranks instead of 12, but 1 level 100 character should be enough to hit rank 9 at the very least. That's plenty fast, IMO. Your second level 100 character would be enough to max it out, if the total favor required is still the same. Alternatively, just keep pushing corruption on your first character, you'll probably hit max rank sooner than making a new one.

Total required to hit 1.1 rank 12 is actually less than 1.0 rank 10.


Originally posted by Derpbettler

This sounds like you can now farm orobyss pretty easily:

→ go to a timeline with at least 40 corruption lower than your highest timeline

→ do an echo and spawn new orobyss echo

→ kill orobyss and thus increase your corruption over the threshold

→ lower your corruption to at least 40 lower again by the temple echo at the start of the web

→ rinse and repeat from step 2

The chance of the Shade of Orobyss dropping its uniques scales very heavily with its distance from the centre of the echo web. The chance is also higher at higher corruption, so I wouldn't expect this to be optimal, but it might be if you're specifically trying to farm the ring or boots. We might need to disable those drops for shades that are unusually close to the centre if this turns out to be a problem.


It's not, the tooltip for triggered abilities shows you the DPS of that skill's base effect if you were to equip it on your bar. If you could equip it on your bar, it would scale with cast speed but you can't so it won't.

24 Jul


Sounds like we should add some large end game content additions :) working on it - actively!

And bug fixes. Keep submitting anything you see as in game bug reports so we get your logs (tremendously helpful). You’ve probably noticed we’re shipping lots of post-patch fixes and updates.

Also, thanks for your support at Kickstarter OP