Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

30 Jun


Originally posted by LightningYu

Neat to know, i'm also curious... do you plan maybe someday add a functionality where you can craft obsidian out of golden ones, like if you gather 20 golden or so you can craft a obisidian one out of them?

Very unlikely


Obsidian drop rate is being increased. Zones do not persist if you leave them.


We have had some issues with specific ISPs which essentially don't like the type of traffic going through the network. We have contacted each that have had this issue. Some of them just added us to some list and it was fine but a few didn't really give us the time of day and basically said that their customers need to contact them directly. I think these were mostly in Europe but I'm not sure about all of them.

This might not be the issue. If you want help finding out if it is and possibly get some help fixing the issue, you can contact us on our support site. Replies are way faster right now than they will be when the patch drops next week.


It's likely that steam cloud save us overwriting your saves. Do you share the computer or use your steam account on multiple computers?

You can manually backup the save folder after playing to see that it is updating based on the file modified date and time.

28 Jun


Originally posted by crispfuck

More importantly, LE is 32bit? I had no idea tbh. Can’t wait to see who manages to hit the dps overflow first.

Lots of data that gets sent over the network gets compressed down to save bandwidth. The actual values used to calculate the game are often more precise.


There was a bug where removing a -1 more modifier would be transmitted as infinity because it tried to divide by 0. It's fixed for 1.1

It's also just a display bug.

25 Jun


new speedrun category incoming: crab %


Originally posted by AlienstyleL

If you put it in and you lose the fight is your unique lost?

Can you put in a unique as often as you want? Like power it up until LP 4?

Is the LP gain weighted towards rarer items getting LP slower/rarely?

If you lose against a Nemesis or just run away while fighting it, then the next time you encounter a Nemesis it will have the same items, including the unique you put in there, so it's not lost.

The exception to them keeping the same items is that below level 57, if you didn't empower the items and they were generated at a much lower level than your current level, it will roll new ones. But, the egg can only spawn from level 60 onwards, so you can never lose one of your own uniques this way.


Originally posted by WhiteSkyRising

Looks great, I'll dip my toes back in. Biggest gripes that had me drop the game were performance on steam deck, QoL issues with the controller, and imbalance/nodes not working.

We have started work on getting that steam deck checkmark.


Originally posted by Guffliepuff

Circle of Fortune IS the crafting faction...

1.0 list but all of these effect crafting:

Rank 1: Grants a 35% increased chance of enemies dropping twice as many items. (more crafting bases)

Rank 2: Grants a 45% chance to preserve Runes of Ascendance when using items that require Circle of Fortune Rank 1. (crafting materials saved)

Rank 4: Grants 50% chance that Affixes are Exalted. (more crafting bases)

Rank 5: Grants 25% chance for double rewards in Monolith Echoes. (more crafting materials dropped)

Rank 6: Uniques twice as likely to offer Legendary Potential. (more bases to slam; crafting.)

Rank 7: Increases the number of T7 Affixes on items. (more crafting bases)

Rank 8: Items that drop as Rare above level 44 have a 25% chance of becoming Exalted. (more crafting bases)

Rank 10: Duplicates items granted from Prophecies. (more target farmable bases and materials)

Then there's ...

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Stay tuned for the revamped list of faction rewards.


Originally posted by techiya

everything here looks really great! super excited.

one question i have: if we defeat a nemesis, and its rewards include an egg, are we able to portal out of the monolith, grab the unique we want to replace it with from our stash, and portal back in to use it without issue? i think it would feel really bad if that didn't work, like if the interface locked you there until you picked an option or something.

You can access your stash while interacting with a Nemesis to place a chosen unique in place of the Egg.

24 Jun


Originally posted by jcm2606

From memory, Mike said in Aaron's podcast that they'll likely drop a few days before the patch.

I was wrong. I just found out that due to feedback that people weren't getting enough time with the patch notes and that hype week was too drawn out, we are condensing the number of posts so that you'll get more info earlier. I don't have an exact date for it yet though.

22 Jun


Originally posted by kkfactory101

Answers :

  1. Oh you mention something that didnt cross my mind . So gear isnt class locked and you can techically equip everything and anything on anyone even if it isnt optimal . Or at least thats my take away from your answer . If yes then thats also really intresting when builds are considered .

  2. Mmmm yes thats the good stuff . But with what you are saying right here , right now is that if i plan to play 95% offline the game shop I saw in the steam page is almost completely useless ? If so thats in a way funny .

  3. Noted noted and its what I have gathered after reading other peoples replies here but still a its extremelly nice to see that this game has such depth .

  4. Wait has the game offiaclly been out for more than a year ? I thought it was at most 6 months but yeah I believe the devs and most of the other things you have mentioned here will be added / fixed in due time . At least I am hopefull that they will .

  5. ...
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Well, some gear is class locked. Most helmets, chests, relics (trinket) and idols (charms) are class locked but not all. Other gear slots are mostly unlocked with some select uniques as class locked.

21 Jun


Originally posted by darthpsykoz

When are we getting patch notes? By end of June (hopefully)?

I'm not sure exactly when. I think we are doing them slightly earlier than usual but we are still making changes so we can't finalize them until the patch is finalized.


Originally posted by VapidActions

It's an extra defensive layer if you don't have any other use for the weapon prefix, such as some minion builds.

Exactly what it was designed for.

20 Jun


Originally posted by Necessary_Lettuce779

I get that, but as you're seeing doing it exclusively that way makes it so many people think that nothing's been announced ever since the teaser trailer, even though you've been doing "leaks" in twitter for about a month now. Please consider posting these leaks here too, even if you eventually compile them all together for one big article.

I'll be honest, I'm a little gunshy about it. Someone just posted a recap video of the last 3 weeks of leaks here and it got downvoted into oblivion.

(the video was mostly just a bunch of clips of me)



In order to do this, each unique would need to have a different number of stones required. Like if it required 1 stone for the Bee Keeper gloves, Ravenous void would need like 5000 stones.


Originally posted by Necessary_Lettuce779

Could these news also be posted in here? I feel like people expect this reddit to be the game's main source of information, but then a lot of smaller news and teasers are kept to streams and twitter only, so many people miss them completely. Would be great to have them here as well!

We do eventually post them all in a big proper post. It's why we call these little early bits leaks.

19 Jun


Originally posted by xlieon

oh, cool!

There is another even more secreter potion variant that you can find too. (they don't do anything special, just named different)