Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

15 Aug


Yup, we have both short and long term changes planned for dungeons.

14 Aug


Made me smile. Tell your buddy the game director says he's glad he's having a good time!


Glad you enjoyed this cycle u/TheStinkBoy! Agree with all of your suggestions. We're literally working on improvements to all of them for 1.2, haha!


Hey u/NotARealDeveloper, funny enough this topic was something we discussed last week in a game design meeting and your suggestion is actually what we landed on. Current plan is to boost the minimum level so you can experiment more easily early on in a skills development.

Learn some C# and come join us!! Haha


It does a few other things too. If you are wanting to apply a lot of ailments all at once to hit a threshold to trigger something. Or maybe a chance based on hit effect that you'd like to significantly up the chance on a single ability use.

It is really focused around hitting one big target with many arrows.


Sorry, this is the age old multiplicative vs additive chance sources issue in a different package.

There is a big response I left on one of the forum or Reddit or discord threads about this but the specific suggestions just don't work the way you'd expect them to.

It's also possible to add new factions but adding more to the MG/CoF subset breaks the primary reason for having them in the first place.

12 Aug


So if we are going to get crazy pedantic with it, technically no. Actors (players, minions, enemies) don't have added damage effectiveness. Each individual damage source has an added damage effectiveness. Most ability objects have just 1 but some can have multiple and each ability can create multiple ability objects (e.g. volcanic orb creates several different types of ability objects depending on how it is specialized).

If a minion or player use the same ability, they get the same added damage effectiveness. Because minions get way way way less added damage in general, their abilities have much higher base damage so they can still scale effectively with % damage stats in the late game. This means that because they have different abilities, those abilities have their own added damage effectiveness stats so minions kinda in a roundabout way have their own added damage effectiveness.

11 Aug


Originally posted by bierzuk

Do you have a link maybe?

Hi, it's me, Mike from the EHG stream.

You are more than welcome to get a Rah rune tattoo.

I have but one request (that is fully optional). Please post a picture of it :)


Originally posted by raziel_r

omg i still have ptsd from those hammer pets knockdown in GvG. As the ele or mesmer player i keep getting targeted lol.

Yea... Sorry...I would have been running straight at you the whole time.


Originally posted by Subject-Home9911

I am shamelessly gonna reply to you and ask you to even throw the slightest glance at my last post on cold flask rogue. It's fine if you're too busy to answer.

The first reply is almost exactly what I would have put.

10 Aug


Originally posted by 19_more_minutes

Isn't 2h rogue Mike's favorite archetype? /u/ekimarcher

Well, more specifically 2H sword but I did main a bunny thumper in GW for a long time. That was a 2H hammer ranger which was kinda half rogue, half primalist. Still a very cool build.

08 Aug


Monolith is our next target for some substantial updates - appreciate your feedback and suggestions u/xenosteel ! I'm also reading through the additional comments in this post. Someone mentioned a crab Echo and I'm for it


I’ll bring it up tomorrow to the balance gang

07 Aug


Originally posted by cealicuca

I will raise a bug, but I still don't understand how you can claim you tested and it works.

the OP clearly states that:

"Hand Of Aurelus won't trigger a zero cost Healing Hands from Smite if at negative mana"

So the preconditions to the test are:

<0 mana

cast smite + zero mana hh (w Hand of Aurelus)

So if you were indeed to re-test, following the OPs exact conditions, you'd have seen that smite no longer casts (only the casting animation is activated) if you're stationary (like the OP video).

Now, if you stutter move (like you need to do in-game to dodge all the stuff that's thrown at your char or be ready to split immediately) you'd see that while smite is now fully cast, HH doesn't trigger.


I misread it. This thread is 3 months old.

There is a sword Aurelis that has a triggered smite ability. I checked that.


Originally posted by cealicuca

The way I tested was to continuously cast Sigils of Hope to bring mana down while casting Smite.

Once mana goes into negative, Smite simply doesn't cast anymore (only the animation, no smite on the target). The interesting thing is that if I keep doing it for 10-20 secs, suddenly the mana goes into the negative hundreds (-200 or something) and then goes up, as if Sigils would be still casted (even though it shouldn't since mana is in the negative, and Sigils is not a 0 mana cost).

I did this twice already, so I can reproduce it.

Unfortunately I don't think I can post a recording.

To reproduce - put sigils (E for example) on skill bar and smite as attack. attack (keep mouse right click down) and keep pressing "E" at the same time.

I made a mistake and checked the Aurelis interaction instead because I thought that's what the post was about. It's months ago. Just make a bug report in game.


Originally posted by cealicuca

fixed 4 mo and yet no release?

smite 0 mana cost + HH 0 mana cost (even without the wand discount) still not working.

what a joke

with the ward nerf (which nerfed all but the most OP builds anyway... look at who got the pinnacle boss ffs!) this hits pala so bad.

Edit: I read it wrong, tested Aurelis instead.

I just tested it again to be sure. It is in and does work. Best guess of why it's not working is that the mana cost is technically slightly above 0 but the tooltip is rounding down. I thought we made it never round down to 0 unless it was actually 0 specifically because of this situation but I can't think of another reason. You can try using the free when oom node in the top left of smite's tree or try using a wand and Aurelis in the off hand to force the mana cost down to zero all the way for sure. I just tested both and they work.

If you'd like to submit a bug report, please use the in game bug reporting tool as it is much more effective.

05 Aug


Originally posted by Airowird

Also unrelated; Isn't it past midnight over there? To quote my mother: "Don't you have work in the morning?"

Get some good sleep please, it's more important for your health than people realise!

(And totally not because I want you properly energised to make LE even better!) 😉

Nah, it's still yesterday. And I'm "on vacation" right now so I don't have work in the morning.


Originally posted by Airowird

Atleast now we know why you're not a fan of turning shards & glyphs into currency, you'ld have to redo all that shoddy forge code!

Nope, unrelated.


Originally posted by Sembiance

If you always just prioritize the higher priority bugs, this bug will literally never get fixed. Like ever. There will always be something more important.

Have you thought about tagging the bugs with a rough guesstimate of “time to fix” and then allocating 1 or 2 days every month or so to fix a bunch of the easy to fix bugs, low hanging fruit?

Sometimes fixing 100 little things like this will vastly improve the perception of quality of the game, rather than in the same time only fixing 1 higher priority bug.

Yes, part of the triage process is age and estimated duration. I frequently just grab a bug or two like this in between bigger ones. Or even if I just need a break from working on a big one. We also will sometimes put someone on task to just hit as many of these as possible. There was a patch a couple back that had a ton of little skill bug fixed, most of those were 2 people.


This isn't actually a bug but it might not be designed well (I can say that because it was me). It's not using 2. The slot in the forge which holds the modifier item is actually a full on storage slot that you are moving a rune into. This means that as soon as you select it, one has been moved and the count in your materials panel is one less. When you used it, another was automatically moved into the modifier slot. If you clear the slot or select something else, it will get placed back in your storage.

Edit: airowird has been around for a long time, I think they were just having some fun, no need to downvote so hard.