Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

04 Sep


We're still discussing it a touch but we're in the middle of some much larger balance changes for 1.2 that have knock on effects so we risk putting out things that will be perceived incorrectly.

Just know that we're monitoring all the balance conversations that you all are bringing up and taking it into account with upcoming changes. Some will just take a bit longer to do correctly, but they are in progress.

1.2 is going to be significant, haha. Even by EHG standards.


We're constantly doing work to improve combat feel including animation, sound, death effect improvements, etc. If you haven't played in a patch there are definitely improvements in many places. But even just today we're going through and doing a ton of updates to Imperial enemies - mostly animation based, we just made earthquake more visible in dark zones, reducing visual noise of Siege Golems, etc.

It's just a continuous improvement loop!


Originally posted by MoonMatterCookie

I believe Mike (developer at EHG) has said they plan to add this functionality to the existing text dummies…but now I can’t find the clip of him talking about it. I doubt we would see that until 1.3ish timeframe though. 1.2 would be awesome.

I think that there might have been a bit of a miscommunication that happened at some point. I have not said that we are going to add this to a test dummy. I've actually said as much on many occasions. If you can find the confusing clip, I'd be happy to try and explain more what I was talking about.



I’ll report this internally and have it fixed asap


Great thread - I’ll link it internally

03 Sep


Originally posted by ThatDCguy69

Thank you for the reply, this is a good comment. Could something be done on tweaking early leveling to be faster? I tried playing the new cycle and was having such a hard time playing with spells i don’t find fun on the acolyte.

We're actively discussing this as it's a common request. Nothing to share just yet, but we see the need.


Thanks for taking the time to write out your feedback. What I will say is that the issues your'e seeing are issues that we also see and are working to address, as always. If you know us, you know we work fast, and when we're not out in public just know that we're hard at work on addressing player feedback.

To address your bullet points
1/2. I'll take the melee vs ranged feedback and ward vs hp comments back with me to the design team. I know there's already WIP there but I'll make ensure it's a known and reinforced sentinment
3. MG balance has been hit by people finding ways to abuse the system through exploiting game code. We've addressed all instances of these abuses and the Cycle refresh should give players the chance to experience this without manipulation and give us better insights into how it's performing. Updates to things like MG search are coming sooner.
4. Lots of work still going on here. Reworks, balance, skills and passives updates, etc.

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01 Sep


I’m raising this up internally. Does anyone have any leads on if this is happening in certain zones, types of content, certain builds, etc?

31 Aug


Originally posted by recursiveG

Question on the steam deck verification. Will loot filters now be synced in steam cloud? The one thing keeping me from playing on my deck is that moving the loot filters from my pc and keeping them all in sync is difficult to automate.

For instance on my pc and laptop (both windows machines) I keep lootfilters synced by using onedrive and a soft link to the folder. Cant do that between windows and linux (steamdeck).

It's being worked on. I'm not sure if it will be available on the 19th or not but should be fairly soon.


Originally posted by Iorcrath

not exactly the same idea, but for a boss mechanic, what if they had a reverse health bar, where the more damage you deal to the boss the more/better stuff it drops?

like it will die after it has lost 100% of its hp and 15s(for a map boss, a big boss might be 3 mins). after that you just start doing over kill damage to it and each additional health bar you deal during its last (and probably hardest phase) you get more stuff. then, slow builds and fast builds are both balanced around the fight being almost the same duration but the reward scales based on how good your build is.

This is a really neat idea. I don't think it would work for every boss as a generic mechanic but I think it would be really fun as a specific mechanic.

30 Aug


On some bosses we set up custom loot spawn points and timers depending on the situation. It’s likely that some are too delayed. If you guys call out any that feel oddly long in their delay after kill I can run it to the team and get some adjustments in pretty quickly


Originally posted by HardenMuhPants

I thought the ward received was based on DPS done before breakpoint.  So lower dps chars should have lower ward. Or, is this not the case?

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This is not the case. One of the main reasons for the switch was to not have your current actions have a secondary effect on the remaining kill time.


Originally posted by BodomsChild

Thanks for the update, we all appreciate you guys and love what you have created.



I like that idea. I don't know if you'd even have to put a forging potential restriction on it. It could just use forging potential as the "fuel". So if the item started out with 50FP on it then it would get way more stuff than a fully spent item.


There is no information available yet on the time until the next significant balance update. Please ignore all posts with estimates.

28 Aug


We have very good Steamdeck improvements coming, especially regarding UI/UX to get across the line with Steamdeck verificaiton.

I'm curious what zones you're experiencing that level of performance issues in? I can have my development team take a look at it immediately. Also, is it happening with a specific build you're playing, certain enemies, or other things you can point out? Anything you can point to is helpful for diagnosing and solving things like this.

On a similar note, we just signed an agreement with a co-development studio specializing in console porting and much of the effort there is going to revolve around performance upgrades. Things that are more core as we've already made a ton of improvements related to specific zones, enemies, abilities, and other systems. But, we need to bring that memory foot print down significantly for consoles which we'll be starting work on... Tuesday!


We currently have three people actively in a call working on this as I type this, and there's been progress being made on it for weeks before now as well. It certainly has not fallen off, taking a bit longer than we had wanted, but we'll have updates soon!

27 Aug


Unfortunately, the answer is that it depends, because math. As you get more increases, each increase is less valuable and flat added becomes more valuable.

23 Aug


Originally posted by Gola_

I'm clicking.
Apparently the behavior occurs if the cursor left the item label in the few milliseconds between press and release, due to the char faster starting to move than my mouse button stops registering.

ok, I'll make a not to test on high latency to check that then.


Originally posted by Gola_

Try this to reproduce: Press mouse down on an item label and don't release the button while the character starts moving until the cursor isn't above the label anymore.

I would consider myself a experienced mouse-savvy user, I play on low latency (like to be seen in the video), and still this happens regularly when larger loot explosions are on the ground despite pressing and releasing the mouse button in a perceived "normal" manner.
Since item labels tend to have more width than height it's also more likely to happen when the char moves up and down instead of left and right.

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. I feel like this is really straight forward but I'm just missing something. Are you clicking or clicking and holding?