Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


Alert! Misquote detected!

Hi, it looks like you're trying to paraphrase me. I'm quite certain that I've never said that performance is not a priority. Performance is a huge priority for us. Every major patch comes with tons of performance improvements.


Originally posted by CountVonRimjob

Sorry can you clarify this, skill points assigned to fire nova, under elemental nova, will apply to the fire nova from glyph of fire?

No. The skill you specialize is Elemental Nova, not Fire Nova.


Delete your graphics ini file and it will snap out of it.

09 Jul


Originally posted by UnholuKorgoth

The mobs are like where did he go?! That's hilarious. Though I wonder how it was not discocered in testing.

It was discovered in testing, but it's tricky to get the system to perfectly recognise when it should or shouldn't go the full distance to reach another traversable area. It's better for it to err on the side of the player's favour and end up with some situations where it does go the full distance, but shouldn't, than to do the opposite and end up with situations where it should go the full distance, but doesn't.


Originally posted by MarcOfDeath

They really should add a prompt for this with the number people who are confused about this.

It was supposed to happen automatically to everyone.


Get to a stash and merge (top right corner, new button)


Reset your bindings to default


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

Yeah, it's definitely something that takes more time and effort than other conventions.

Most of the English studios I see in the indie (where I'd guess you guys would be?) Have some support from a publisher or have a translator hanging around. Though I definitely do see some who rock up with just a translated game and some Japanese instructions and wing it. *I'm american myself, so it's never a problem for me.

Talking directly to the devs in the indie booth area is always my highlight whenever I go.

And yeah, making it a vacation opportunity is definitely the way to go.

We are in a kinda grey area. We are technically still an indie studio as we don't have a publisher but we do have investments from a bigger company that could probably help us navigate the show. LE also doesn't really fit the aesthetic of what most people think of from an indie game so we're not really advertising that much any more. If we did go, I think we would want a normal booth. That's what we did for PAX (3 times) and Gamescom.


Originally posted by leaguegotold

Does that mean controller support isn’t going to get improved, including the inability to select passives as mentioned above until 1.2?

Some now, some in hotfixes, some more in 1.2, and more after that too. We just don't have a full steamdeck verified checkmark quite with 1.1 launch.


Originally posted by tootubular

That's great to hear! I'm in Germany for the summer and only have my ally with me so I had just installed LE and tinkered with it to see if I could play the new cycle. It's close to playable even now I think, but the smoother the better.

It's not all coming in 1.1 sorry to imply that. Some stuff is but we aren't quite ready to go to verified for steamdeck (and other mobile devices). We are close to getting that checkmark though.


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

You guys gonna come to Tokyo Game Show?

I'd love to see more ARPG games there.

We won't be there this year. I would absolutely love to go to the Tokyo Game Show. We did Gamescom in Germany last year and it was incredible. We are a fully remote studio so conventions server double purpose in getting everyone together. Also Japan has been at the top of my vacation list for a decade now. However, we don't have many locals and I don't think more than a couple people on the team even speak Japanese. I technically took classes in grades 1-7 but I've forgotten almost all of it. I've gotta remember to start poking people about it in like January so we have enough time to prepare for September. Europe and North America are just so much cheaper to go to conventions because we've got people all over those places. But if we do the Tokyo Game Show, I'm fully bringing the family for a vacation afterwards.


Originally posted by Gackibaer

Will it also improve the performance?



Originally posted by Necessary_Lettuce779

Will these updates also affect controller support on pc? Controllers still have many issues related to the UI: can't select blessings (it selects a random one), can't select passives (it selects a random one), etc. Any idea on when those bugs will be revisited?



Just to add on to the mobile compatibility side of things, we are getting quite close to adding a sizable update to the mobile devices like steam deck and rog ally and GeForce now style systems.

08 Jul


Originally posted by tref24

Welp, Uninstalled/Re-installed. Turned off steam cloud sync. Same problem. Tried in online/offline mode and full offline mode. In full offline, items I put into the stash from my character tab would reappear in my character tab. In online/offline mode, those items were just gone after relogging in. /shrug . . . I wanted to play :)

Well you can contact support if you want more help. I was more just throwing out what it's been every other time I've heard someone having this issue.


Originally posted by tref24

I checked my Onedrive - there is no LE on there other than my desktop launch shortcut. I would prefer not to delete onedrive as I do use it for other functions. Any way to confirm STEAM is the issue? I tried creating a new character in legacy offline mode and the account stash is still bugged for them (new tabs bought are erased upon new login with gold spent refunded). So . . . if I can't fix it, all of my current toons are literally unplayable...

Turn steam sync off to see if it fixes the issue is how to test steam.


Falconers would be too OP if they could maintain their sanity on top of their other bonuses.

But, I will pass this on to our sound designer.

07 Jul


Originally posted by SleepCoachJacob

Hey, big fan of you guys and you truly are listening to your players. One example from D4 that really highlights how they excel in interaction design are Barbarian shouts. When a shout skill is used there is a blast wave animation, but also, enemies on the screen react to it. Like the enemies will stop and kind of lean back as if being blasted with a gust of wind. This attention to detail, taking the time to code subtle response animations for secondary use cases goes a long way imo. Players might not even consciously realize this is happening, but their brain does; it contributes greatly to a sense of immersion when the in-game physics of combat skills cause enemies to react in subtle ways. It doesn't always need to be a new mechanic or skill that adds to player immersion. Small tweaks to the interaction design between skills and enemies on screen can go a long long way to improving the user experience and adding a sense of polish to an already great base game. Don't underestimate...

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Big time, we just added the skeleton version of this in 1.0 and we have been adding to the animations available.


Originally posted by Srikandi715

I can attest that One Drive can really mess with game saves, and not just LE. First time I caught it doing that I ripped it out by the roots and won't let it come back, despite windows telling me I NEED it every few days :p

Yea, I went a little scorched earth on it a while back and now my windows explorer crashes if I accidentally mouse over a very specific spot while dragging a file or folder.