Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Originally posted by T-T-N

I don't think they test it 3 times (online, offline and true offline), and sometimes the latency also matters

I just went back and tested all 3 right now. I can't repro this to save my life. I'm not sure what I'm doing right or wrong to make this not happen but it's definitely intermittent. We have ways to artificially inject latency with our staging client that they will check this on. I just wanted to see if I could see it on the live client because I haven't noticed it in editor at all recently and this change has been done internally for much longer.

22 Aug


Originally posted by MathieuChiasson

The crash on the steam deck never stopped since 1.0 release for me and my friends who are playing LE on their steam deck... I just got tired of reporting it. That's why I don't report it anymore.

RAM usage keeps rising and at around 14.1GB that's where it is most likely going to crash.

We are still working on Steam Deck specific issues and are getting close to officially supporting it. Until then if you'd like to try and make it work anyways, I hear CryoUtilities does a lot of heavy lifting.


Originally posted by T-T-N

That DoT can be a bit hard to see, any plans to make it more visible? I've stood in those a few time

I'm not sure if there is or not. Generally we want all damage sources to be obvious if you are expected to move.

21 Aug


Any chance you're accidentally standing in one of the overly subtle ground effects? I've seen several ability hitbox bug reports for this boss and so far they have ended up just being standing in a dot that isn't obvious enough.


weirdly something I would hang onto as an anti-trophy

20 Aug


Originally posted by TheRaveDigger

Oh my GOD!!!!

uh oh


Don't let the guy who is hundreds of uniques deep looking for this see it.

18 Aug


ok, the really messed up thing is that I had no idea it was there either.


Originally posted by perrythepig2

hey thanks! you might mean my Easter Egg video. It turns out that most the nodes in the game are puns about something, but there's other good Easter Eggs in that video also. There's a handful of secret zones too, some of which haven't been utilized yet.

  • in the DPS Dummy area, there's a weird zoom-in feature that might be a secret in the future

  • there's a "Broken Key" prophecy, and there's a corresponding artwork for it...but the art hasn't been added to the game yet, so presumably in the future...?

  • there's the zone in the Ancient Era with the totems that float up and down. No one has figured it out -- probably hasn't been implemented yet

and of course, "How to Grow your Spriggan"

Puns or references to magic cards....

17 Aug


Check perrythepig on YouTube for a good secrets video.


Welcome back! Hope you enjoy it.

There’s many creators and sites that have put a lot of effort and love into creating build guides that you’ll find with a quick Google search. Some of those classic sites you may know from early access days continue to level up. I won’t call any of them out specifically to avoid bias though.

16 Aug


This has already been fixed internally, and that fix will be included in the next patch.


The ability to switch is more of a failsafe release valve than a mechanic to be used. It's more of if you really don't like one but you didn't learn that until most of the way through the campaign on your first character then this let's you switch without having to remake the character all together.

15 Aug


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Awesome to hear that! Do you think you're gonna revisit current dungeons when that tech is up and running or are you only gonna use it for future content?

Fix existing first for sure.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

The devs just really need to work on a proper map layout randomizer like Path of Exile has. That single-handedly makes everything feel WAY less repetitive and boring and with that in place they could also get rid of all the arbitrary dead ends in dungeons that just feel bad due to all the backtracking.

I bet that takes a crapton of work to get done properly, but the longterm payoff is massive.

Big time. We've been working on it for a little while and it's a huge project but it's going to be so good.


Originally posted by bierzuk

Could I get a separated image of it?

Yea, I'm already looking for it for you on discord :)


Originally posted by johnyWUTA

just let us use key to fight boss again, not to run dungeon again

Yea, options for using keys to resume or reuse are on the table.