Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

22 Apr


Originally posted by BaldingMan1998

Lol sheep downvoting then upvoting. Very funny how their opinion is based on your opinion.

I think they were mostly being downvoted because of tone, not content. Having the post be endorsed makes the tone feel better I think. Also, it wasn't super negative.


make sure you post the finished version


Originally posted by Zylixae

The maze itself is the mistake.

I disagree but the way it is generated is a mistake. We are working on that too.


Originally posted by ArchMichael7

LOL wtf.

RNG is a rat bastard.

Thank you for confirming. :(

She is a cruel mistress.


Originally posted by DARKSTAIN

That boss made me quit the game today. Rerunning hat maze every time you die is stupid/tedius/ and just unnecessary. I am not going to deal with that bs

To the people down voting this, we agree with it. Having to rerun the maze is a mistake we made. It is unnecessary.

Edit: it was negative when I got here.

20 Apr


Originally posted by Cranked78

Ooh, that I did not know. Thanks for that info!

Shattering does grant a minimum of 1 total affix though so items that only have 1 affix, it does give you at least 1 shard of that specific affix.


Originally posted by CordycepsCocktail

Just wanted to hijack this 3 month old post in the hopes you can answer my very noobish question.

If an item has +10% increased lightning damage but I'm not using anything with lightning damage to begin with, is it adding lighting damage itself or only increasing what's already there, which in my case, is nothing?

Again, apologies for this but I am a dumb.

Try to take everything super literal. So 10% increased lightning damage, increases your lightning damage by 10%.


Originally posted by Airowird

Auto-compare, apparently there is actually a >4y old bug where turning it on basically tells tooltips to act as if Ctrl was pressed. It was recently fixed.

I blame u/ekimarcher for this!

You all enjoyed my bug for years. You think I fixed it? I'm not that good.

Also, hi from the steams


Originally posted by Tremaparagon

You confirmed exactly what I expected, since a while back I noticed the auto-compare flipping effect. But it's great to hear you've brought up the option to revert to what many are used to.

Yea, we are looking at options now, might consider an option to just have it be always on without any modifier.

19 Apr


Originally posted by Lurker14ownz

There is a few sets used in partial but few and far between. That perk won't be super useful until the set rework in the next release I suspect.

Edit: apparently no set rework. I've seen it mentioned many times but guess it's just a rumor. Continue filtering out anything green.

Set rework is not coming and has never been announced to be coming next patch. Please help me to squash this rumour.


Thanks for taking the time to call these out in this format, u/arbitrary_student, I've added this reddit thread in an upcoming working session with the combat team so we'll review and likely make some iteration then!


This is the result of a bug fix which caused auto compare the erroneously affect the alt vs ctrl+alt functionality. I'm actually the cause of the original bug, like 4 years ago. The whole way tooltips open was just redone to be way more efficient. Unfortunately, because the bug is so long standing, for a lot of people, it's just how the game works. I've just asked someone to put a separate option in to invert alt vs ctrl+alt for all items. (Blessings are items too)

18 Apr


Originally posted by Pandarandristt

Appreciate this! I'm just parroting what I've read on reddit, and now I will continue to do that, but from a reliable source!

It's a multiplier

I realize that you're saying it's not a flat adjustment, but I'm not sure what "it's a multiplier" means in this context. Certainly it doesn't mean you take the raw LP and multiply it by some number and that's the actual LP. Is it a multiplier on the odds of success? So, for example, every rank of LP is half as likely to occur? Have you stated anywhere what that multiplier actually is?

Sorry, it's so simple that I didn't think it needed explaining so I shortcut it and made more confusion. The chance to get 1LP is x% less, the chance to get 2LP is x% less, the chance to get 3LP is x% less and the chance to get 4LP is x% less.

I don't know what x is off the top of my head. It's just whatever the chance was before, it's x% less.


Originally posted by Pandarandristt

Does this account for the decreased chance of LP from ascended items? Pretty sure they just get a flat -1 LP.

No, that's not it. It's a multiplier. You can still get 4LP.


Originally posted by Beericana


I was wondering how you were going to handle the novelty of playing each class every cycle?

In PoE most of the time there are new skill gems, and I tend to only play new skills even if they are not very strong as I get tired of using the same builds over and over again. Lately they've introduced a few leagues without any new skills and I've skipped these ones.

Given how Last Epoch skills work I wonder how you'd be able to add new skills? I think it'll be needed at some point. Of course that's my personal opinion but I have played quite a few hours since beta and I already am sensing that. I have only played new stuff since release, new masteries, reworked skills, etc... Hope new gameplay gets added, in fact more than new content.

We've added new skills every major patch for the last 5 years. I tried really hard but I failed and 1.1 will be the first major patch we've done that won't come with new skills. I'm confident I can use feedback from their absence this patch to make sure it doesn't happen again any time soon.

17 Apr


So I know this is a joke but I actually agree. We are going to keep adding more and we have some strong systems coming throughout the year.


Originally posted by nzifnab

I really love how much you guys are present with the community :) <3



Originally posted by nzifnab

Er why not? O.o

Engine limitation, we are working on it.

16 Apr


Would if we could but we can't so we won't.