Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

31 Mar


Using a exploit is against ToS and will result in account bans.

30 Mar


Originally posted by Father_Toast

They hotfixed out a gold duplication exploit. News is surely on its way at some point, but the fix was clearly top priority.

This is correct


Originally posted by jRbizzle

What do you mean MG dies?

Good dupe was hotfixed just so everyone is aware


Originally posted by nanosam

As of this morning you could have sold them for 1.5 billion easy

Major gold dupe exploit

Has been hotfixed

28 Mar


Originally posted by Moontalon

Within the year may be a bit optimistic. As of like 4 months ago they said they hadn't even started the process of porting the game over at all. I would kind of be surprised if they'd even started it at this point since they're probably still very much neck deep in getting the PC version fleshed out.

Good instincts.


Originally posted by Narthy

Any word on the Silver Rune passive not lowering the CD of Reactive Ward? Been a bug for years apparently. Thanks!

I just took a quick peek at the code and it's not something obvious. It's set up the way I would expect it to be. I'll take another look at it later though.

27 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]



Originally posted by Green_Protection_363

To some players? Are you all just minimizing it like that? If you do care about what the community wants, you would clearly see the numerous posts on Reddit, Steam Forums and LE forums where we keep asking again and again for the removal of gender-locked classes, but still you say it's irrelevant and you need to focus on something else for the time being.

I've never said that it's irrelevant at all. From the feedback that we have received, this isn't a pressing matter for most of our players or potential players. Using the term "some" to describe the size of the players who find this to be a critical issue is generous and not minimizing on our part. As I've said on several occasions on various platforms, we understand that for those that this is an issue, it is a very important issue. We also do still plan to add it. This hasn't changed.

Every perspective game feature gets evaluated on a few axis to get prioritized. Simply it's a cost to reward analysis that gets ranked against all the other perspective features. Gender lock is often perceived to have a low cost and high impact. However, it is actually very high cost with high impact and low reach. This means that it often loses out to medium cost, high impact and high reach features. We have many features that fall into this category which directly compete for the time of t...

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Originally posted by SnooTangerines5661

I tried looking for how the current rank 6 works and to me it doesn't seem to double the chances of getting higher LP Unique Items, that's why I proposed to change it in this way. Do you have a source that describes Rank 6 working the way you mentioned?

Of course Rank 9 is the weakest reward at the moment. From how the rewards are set up it seems to me that they don't want to have multiple rewards having similar effects, which is why I thought a change of Rank 6 would fit better than addressing rank 9.

The person above has it right. I suspect that the video linked below is probably a clip of me on stream.

Rank 9 will be a lot better once the set the changes come (not 1.1).

26 Mar


Originally posted by jrw174

Hiw about enabling mtx in offline. Considering they are paid for

Yep. Also in the works!


Lol, yes. Sorry about this. Fix is already in our QA's hands and will be deployed in an upcoming weekly patch


Originally posted by Roguetamer

  1. "Cannot be traded" is a tag placed on some items. Does this not "Account bound" an item without adding a faction requirement? I have several items like this stored in my cache and they can not be sold at the MG or traded via Gifting.

Yes, it does not "Account bound" an item. You can still gift items that can't be traded.


Originally posted by _megazz

That's not good. Maybe u/moxjet200 should take a look?

Thanks all. I have our backend team looking into this.

If anyone is aware of a way to duplicate items please let us know. We’re not currently aware of any dupe methods, however there was one early on in the Cycle that we fixed. The may be someone who exploited that and kept items in their stash - though we’ve done some digging for that as well.

25 Mar


Originally posted by Roguetamer

We NEED this put somewhere in game. Both that you can not use 2 separate faction items AND that the result will take on the exalts faction requirement. There are no warnings and players can spend a lot of resources crafting an item they can not use. Imagine finding a 4 LP item, getting hyped, crafting it with a drop you've been saving from your main/alt and can't use it and it's now not tradable. Swapping factions to use a single piece of gear is not feasible in most situations.


  1. Make Factions Account-wide. Simple and clean. No more issues.
  2. When combining, the items retain the faction requirement of the UNIQUE. (None, MG, CoF)
  3. A REASONABLE fee from a neutral vendor to remove the faction requirement of an item, but forcing the item to be account bound. (Cannot be traded tag)
  1. It is?
  2. No, it has to take the faction req from either.
  3. No, we have no mechanism for account bound.

I love seeing suggestions paired with a mockup. Great idea, though I'd need to ask the dev team how involved this would be. There are of course a ton of sources of stat increases.

We intend to upgrade the character stats screen significantly by the way. It's actually a very large project though so it won't be at 1.1.


Originally posted by Lfemomo77

Are you guys willing to post a roadmap for us? This way we can know what’s coming down the pike.

We're actually going to release one but it'll be extremely macro.

The problem with roadmaps is always how macro/micro do you go when calling out what will be added - and what we perceive as large/small may not seem large/small to the community - resulting in people saying "What about X!" which often times we are including but didn't make the cut for the graphic. Then there's things that we don't know that we'll add till much later into a dev-cycle as we act on feedback regularly and not everything is planned out many months in advance.

We've had a ton of talks about how to create a roadmap and we've decided that we just need to get something in front of everyone that says "We have big updates to end game coming", "We have Pinnacle Boss Content coming", "We're going to expand on the Ancient Era", "We have big itemization plans tied to X" - and things of that nature.

As soon as you get into anything more micro - it's a slipper...

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We're aware of this and one of our developers will be assigned to investigate soon


Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback /u/RLutz. I’ve read over this and while most of these are things we know about and are working to address, or they’re on our roadmap, seeing the major pain points summarized like this from someone who’s spent the time is helpful. I personally agree with literally all of this as well.

Some things will come sooner. Like a way to get to empowered on alts faster. Some things will come a touch later like Set item changes. This has prompted me to go ahead and mock up a “generic” unique reward icon to give to my artists as that’s been in our backlog too long haha.

Again, thanks for taking the time to give the feedback and I’m glad you’re enjoying the game

24 Mar


If either of the unique or exalted items have a faction requirement, the resulting legendary item will also have that same faction requirement.

You can't put items with any conflicting requirements in the eternity cache at the same time.