Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

10 Apr


Originally posted by DT777

but it wasn't adding any fun to the game.

Honestly, then it doesn't make sense. ARPGs are basically the dopamine machine of video games. If it's not fun in some fashion, it doesn't belong in the game.

Yea, it didn't make sense, that's why we removed it.

08 Apr


Originally posted by That-Grapefruit-

Thank you Judd. Really happy that you liked them, but sorry to disappoint, the art is AI generated so I can't take credit for that. Everything else is my work though!

It looks like you do have some photoshop skills considering the prism, thunderlash, and meteor mock ups! The team is waking up and the thread where I’ve posted these are getting a lot of attention from the team 👍


Haha these are awesome! Definitely going to post them in our channels. Bravo on the associated artworks!

05 Apr


Originally posted by PeppersPleaseTy

Unique Shield: Surfboard - During Shield Rush you ride your shield gaining x% movement speed and can change direction at will.

Very BotW-esque!


Originally posted by GavrynGaming

My Dungeon Key idea from another thread

And a personal ask as someone who appreciates the lore:

A game guide esque lore book, complete with bestiary and boss journals for mechanics (particularly for dungeons) and abilities, similar to WoWs dungeon journal!

Good ideas, Gavryn. I’ll bring those to the design channels


Originally posted by Morsexier

Can we please just get Frozen Orb? Heoret already has it, and Volcanic orb is a simulacrum of it.

For whatever reason, GGG refused to just copy the ability, but it was always my favorite ability (though frost claw is super amazing as cold!), but id really love either the ability straight up, or maybe a sceptre that turns volcanic orb into cold.

I believe we still have this as a key node on the volcanic orb tree


Originally posted by Ricocheting_Potato

  • Handler's Grief (primalist, unique accessory slot item) - Skills that normally summon companions no longer do so. Using them makes the Primalist cast the companion's ability as their own with increased effect. So for example you could self-buff with Raptor's Rampage, or cast Crowstorm as a nuke spell.

  • Parry (Vengeance skill node) - Vengeance now has cooldown and only lasts for 1 second. Any damage taken in this 1 second is negated, and following Riposte deals up 500% more damage based on how much damage you negated this way

  • Sword and Board (Shield Bash skill node) - Vengeance triggers Shield Bash instead of Riposte, but Shield Bash triggered this way doesn't apply stun

  • Battering Ram (Rebuke node) - If you are wielding a Shield Rebuke no longer restricts movement

  • Preemptive Strike (Sentinel passive node, 30pts req) - W...

Read more

Love these


Happy Friday! In another thread I said we’d listen to unique ideas if people had them and as a buried comment it’s getting a lot of traction. People seem to be enjoying it so I thought I’d make it its own post. Feel free to pitch ideas for fun and I’ll share this post with the team. Maybe we’ll implement some of them! Upvote your favorites

External link →

04 Apr


Originally posted by R3TR1BUT1ONZ

I understand it it a huge undertaking, but would you and the team be willing to just do like, the top..let's say 10 or maybe 20 of the most popular items?

We intend to keep on modeling weapons and offhands based on their unique item art for now. I could see some popular helmets making sense - but it’s not currently in planned


Pitch some unique ideas you’d like see - I’ll copy them inside the team channels!


Very sorry for your loss, /u/SirMariio. You’re never too old to do what you enjoy and it sounds like video games will be a comforting thing for the remainder of your hopefully long and happy life, considering your father played as well. Heck, sometimes I buy Pokemon card packs for my kids and it’s really because I like them more than they do.

I’m glad that we’ve been able to create something that’s given you some respite. Cheers


Originally posted by R3TR1BUT1ONZ

Any reason tho why many items on our characters don't look like their icons in the inventory?

We have over 300 unique items and that would require modeling and skinning on all the classes that can wear them. It’s a surprisingly large amount of resource cost for a team our size


Originally posted by CaptainKickass26

It looks something you'd see a Power Rangers villian wear

Rita is our inspiration for most things in Last Epoch

03 Apr


Thanks for the awesome work for the community u/musholic! This is very cool to see

02 Apr


No, your account will not be banned for making a large sale with a legitimate item.

01 Apr


Yep - banning the people who used exploits. We’ll post about it tomorrow - we have a post ready to go but didn’t want to send it at the end of day


Originally posted by Arkavien

My first bit of feedback as your new QA hire:

The space between the Q and u in Quality for the font used in this image is insanely too big.

I see a couple hires in this comment thread already


Originally posted by Skate0700

Ok but why are cycles a thing until there is content to cycle??? Why not just release 1.0 and updates till they have cycle 1 or season 1 or whatever.

Aside from the things gatekept in league, there is zero reason to play league. Why would I build a character for 3 months then reset it for no reason. Starting over with no content just to regrind out favor and mono's etc.

Also, I'm a LE fan boy with almost 1k hours over the past few years bit Jesus, I had no idea.

There will be absolutely be new content released alongside new cycles. There'll be new systems, bosses, items, etc. It's just that for the first few cycles, those won't be exclusive to the cycle, they'll also be accessible in Legacy.