Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

24 Mar


Originally posted by TwitchTVBeaglejack

Any update on this? Recently purchased this game, loving it, and curious if the alt leveling is currently worth it

Yea this should be in at 1.1 :)


Originally posted by TeraGerard

unfortunately the vanguard base haste effect implicit is bugged and does not work. Volca_ from maxroll tested it on stream recently.

I believe a fix for the is has gone out. Please let me know if on live you’re seeing this still be the case


Originally posted by IngenuityThink3000

He's still going.

Pressed. It's going to be okay big guy. Just calm down

Just to clear some stuff up, they are right though. This has nothing to do with MG.

22 Mar


Originally posted by No_RLZ

Can we get some love for our hp bar on offline? It is invisible

Checked in on the status of this for you. A potential fix is currently in QA being tested.


Originally posted by lancer2238

I love how they added TLDR versions too

It's Friday, I know my own attention retention needs TLDR's, so I only felt it fitting to provide them :D


Originally posted by NotARealDeveloper

Are you open to having mid season reports? Like telling us what you are closely watching or is likely to change for next season? I think just hearing that "you are thinking about ways to bring cof to mg power" or "looking at forge guard rebalancing" for next season, would go a long way.

Not sure if this makes sense from a dev pov though.

Yea that’s a good idea.

21 Mar


I think where we will fundamentally diverge as years continue is that we’re aiming for a middle ground of complexity and depth and want to provide more to sink your teeth into if you want to play for thousands of hours. We’re not catering to the lowest common denominator of casual gamer as we don’t need to capture the same amount of resources, nor market. We’re making LE for gamers/ARPGers, not every casual gamer that exists.

Cool to see us heavily influencing the biggest players in the space. It will create better games for all of us.


We don’t intend to extend that policy to overarching game systems, though we do heavily monitor community sentiment and if we find that changes to systems like this are preferred to be adjusted at Cycle patches we’ll start to lean that way.

We’ll continue to adjust the game and our approaches as we find what is preferred. Just know that we’re listening/closely monitoring and we’re willing to make adjustments based on feedback.


Items that were found as a result of a CoF bonus have a CoF rank requirement. Any of those are eligible.


Originally posted by Her_Champion


One more question if you don't mind about the 'shared enhancements' node on Ballista.

Based on how you said things with work penetration (that the node DOESN'T apply to penetration) I assume it also doesn't work with other things that increase your 'damage' overall, but aren't explicitly adding raw damage.

For example, it wouldn't work with 'Attack Speed'. Because even though attack speed technically increases your damage, it itself is not a 'damage' stat, it just augments your damage stats.

Therefore, the only 'Attack Speed' that would benefit Ballista's are minion attack speed, Ballista Attack Speed, and Attack Speed from the Ballista's tree itself.

Is how I'm conceptualizing that correct?

It's very rigid. So you can't make a case for why something technically increased your damage. Attack speed does generally increase your damage but what if you can only cast spells or you deal 0 damage? Then attack speed does not increase your damage.

No, only the damage stat is damage. Attack speed is the attack speed stat.

He is a very easy chart to tell if it's a damage stat or not.

Is it worded like [optional tag] [optional tag] damage?

Yes? Yes.

No? No.

It doesn't matter if that in most cases it will end up making you deal more damage. Only damage is damage.

20 Mar

19 Mar


Originally posted by Pandarandristt

Yo Judd, thanks for you and your team putting together such an awesome game. Disintegrate node "paralyze" (new in 0.9 or thereabouts) is bugged and not providing more damage. Submitted a bug report this morning, but I fully expect this will become your team's TOP PRIORITY.

There's one thing this build needs, and it's 250% more damage.

New content can wait, I want more melting.

We have some plans for disintegrate to bring its power up and make it a bit cooler! Not sure if it’ll be in for 1.1 but we’re going to try.

I’ll bring up that node with the team


EHG is in favor. We'll need some time to make it happen in the way we're envisioning it.

I think I played WoW for like 3 years more than I would have if I couldn't play dress-up with all of my alts. Haha.


Originally posted by Techsentinal

+/- are meant for zooming right? im talking about the resizing of the map. shrinking the size of the box

oh, no way to do that


There should be little +/- buttons on the edge of the minimap.


Originally posted by tazdraperm

Not like I do not trust you, but what's that then?
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

To be clear, there could be a dupe but if there is our team is not currently aware of it. When there was a real one previously we received a lot of messages and videos on how to reproduce it and we were able to fix it very quickly. Since we’re not getting those I assume this is either a remnant of the one we fixed from before or a new method exists but is not widespread.