Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

06 May


Hmm well check into this and get a fix.

05 May


Originally posted by SourceAwkward

I read this while walking as a pineapple boss, now I'm disappointed

It kills by slowly digesting you with an enzyme that breaks down your body over a thousand years.


Originally posted by Lfemomo77

Thanks! Missed that response. Have you seen anything about PTR for 1.1? Haven’t seen that either

We call it the community tester (CT) program. It's what we use for closed testing of the upcoming content. I don't think it is currently accepting new applications but I expect that it will open up again at some point.

04 May


I'm not sure if it's obvious or not but just in case, those chances are the chance that the item will have that LP given that it is already dropping. So it only "rolls" those chances when you get one of those items. So your looking for single digit or less chance rolls on very rare items. It's going to take an extremely long time to find some of those. Each are mega chase items.


I’ll check this out with our combat lead next week

02 May


Originally posted by real1lluSioNz

Do we have a release date? The only reason I don't currently play is because I've tried all end game meta builds and got bored. I love marksman class but it is substantially weaker. Would be great for an arcane archer hybrid

No release date announced just yet. Core 1.1 content is being finished and heavily tested right now, lots of balance changes still happening, making uniques, making sure we’re addressing those critical points of feedback from 1.0, bug fixing, and all the good stuff that comes when we’re close to closing a dev cycle out.

We’ll probably have a date to share in the next couple weeks and a roadmap to share soon


1.1 is coming with extensive balance updates. The list is getting long!


Originally posted by moxjet200

 I got some time today to get a working session in with our combat lead and the following adjustments have been made thanks to your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to write out issues you've found so concisely. We verified each issue and made changes we believe will improve each of them.

Some additional adjustments may be made before release:

  • Osprix Lightmage Holy Meteor attack range reduced from 30 to 12
  • Wengari Shaman
    • Totem cast ranged reduced from 15 to 12
    • Shield buff range reduced from 25 to 15
  • Tundra Stalker
    • Reduced size by 30%
    • Damage of ice breath attack scales up over the duration of the cast from 50% to 100%
    • Reduced Leap attack damage from 60 to 30
    • Melee attacks reduced from 40 to 26.
  • Bitterwing and Gloomscreecher Bats
    • Damage of ice breath attack scales up over the durati...
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  • Possesed Construct in Soulfire Bastion
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes their visuals would not appear
    • Added a failsafe to ensure that their entrance animation will not override any ability animations
  • Ruby Captain Arjani
    • Fixed a bug where entrance animation wouldn’t play and played too quickly
  • Scalebane Saboteur
    • Increased the time till detonation of his thrown javelin ability from 1.2 to 1.6 seconds
    • Changed visuals to better reflect and indicate impending explosion
  • Storm Crawler Crabs now always turn to the target before shooting their lightning beams and the rate of lightning beams has been reduced
  • Fixed a bug where the following enemies could not be pierced by projectiles
    • Spirit of Grael
    • Son of Artor
  • Spine Hunter Alpha
    • Now idles for 1.3 seconds after howling
    • Reduced damage by 15%
    • Now tracks you...
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 I got some time today to get a working session in with our combat lead and the following adjustments have been made thanks to your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to write out issues you've found so concisely. We verified each issue and made changes we believe will improve each of them.

Some additional adjustments may be made before release:

  • Osprix Lightmage Holy Meteor attack range reduced from 30 to 12
  • Wengari Shaman
    • Totem cast ranged reduced from 15 to 12
    • Shield buff range reduced from 25 to 15
  • Tundra Stalker
    • Reduced size by 30%
    • Damage of ice breath attack scales up over the duration of the cast from 50% to 100%
    • Reduced Leap attack damage from 60 to 30
    • Melee attacks reduced from 40...
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01 May


Originally posted by Airowird

If you mean what I think you mean, I mostly had an issue with content being timer-based and understood that end-run loot was a compromise for not losing time over checking out drops.

Your argument also sorta falls short when completing an echo already gives me 2 bursts of loot, being the node reward and the completion chest.

Additionally I'ld like to add that, as someone who does Prophecies in bulk, it would be nice to see which ones I just completed, especially when it's been a while since I selected that Prophecy.

It could be as simple as marking Prophecies "complete" in the UI, and clicking them (or even a 'Claim All' button) would generate the reward.

This would also help when you complete an echo or boss fight and you had so many Prophecies proc that you get more interesting loot than you can carry. I have come close to this occuring and felt relieved I could still tetris all the good stuff in my bags. I would feel terrible if I go into a boss...

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Just got the record, there is nothing simple about this. We've been trying to find a nice way to do this for a few years now.


There was an ARPG that came out a couple years ago which held all loot to the end of a run. It has several other damning issues which caused it to shut down almost immediately. I had a huge issue with loot all coming at the end and I'm curious if you have played any games that do this.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Ysilla

Are seasons leagues?

Essentially, yes.

28 Apr


Originally posted by legiononeps4

no idea what that is but will do

It's just what you described.


I think this is a cool idea for a head to head competitive mode.

With regards to the ranking and matchmaking, in the future you can just say a modified ELO system.


There will be a new cycle whenever we release a big content update, which will generally occur a few times each year. For the first few of these all the new content will be available in legacy as well, so you can play it with your existing characters. For later cycles we may start introducing systems, mechanics, or items that are exclusive to that cycle, at least until it ends.


Originally posted by Krogholm2

Atleast for now* I think the wording they used was the first few cycles focuses so much on deepening the core endgame loop that not making them "core" would be weirdly insane.

This guy reads.


It's a universal bug, I've fixed it but I'm not sure if it will be deployed until we do 1.1 or not due to other changes to the system happening at the same time that would cause problems.


Originally posted by Willing-Monitor1502

Not sure if you're ironic or not, but it would probably be better, for me.

Nope, trying to find out if it's just a thematic disconnect.


Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

Maybe, but all I can do is speculate based on the fact that the delay between when the teleport moves the player on client and when it is yanked back to that exact same location grows at a completely predictable linear rate.

I am having trouble imagining any other explanation than something is accumulating. Either time value is accumulating over time, or there is a delta between 2 times that is supposed to constant, but one is advancing a hair differently than the other and they grow more and more out of sync over time.

Another observation is that at larger degrees of rubber banding, I can teleport to a location and begin to walk away and stop before the rubber banding happens. I can just sit there as long as I want and I won't rubber band until I actually try to move again, and only then am I yanked back. Even after a long wait.

Another test I tried was to intentionally create a higher lag scenario. I logged into the server location on the far side of the ...

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Yup, that's all consistent with what I was saying above given how movement works.