Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

19 Mar


Originally posted by Practical-Face-3872

Why dont you add a UUID to every item drop, so if anyone dupes an item you suddenly have two identical UUIDs in the system. Might even be enough to do this only during active play sessions to be able to identify duped items and notify the server of a dupe.

It’s a good thought, but it would nearly double our item data which has performance and cost concerns. Then to ensure it’s actually unique across all those records would probably entail the identifiers being prepended by the actual character ID to ensure we don’t have to do a comparison check across all records(that would be a crazy operation to perform each time an item is generated)… making it ~triple the data. Our engineering team may have a more optimal way than that, but either way it would greatly expand data storage, and keeping individual item data as condensed as possible is very important.


Originally posted by mcbuckets21

It's not probably possible. I know the exact details of the dupe and I have reported in the first week. Still hasn't been fixed. I even have seen people post it in the suggestions channel on the discord and no mod removed it.

We’re not aware of an active dupe exploit as all the ones we’ve reproduced at this point are a client/server mismatch and visual only which resolves on the players end as having no duped item as soon as the leave a zone or other.

If you think you know an active dupe that is not a client/server mismatch where you keep the item please message me with details and we’ll make it our highest priority to hotfix. We did have an actual dupe that we fixed the same day we were made aware of it.

18 Mar


Originally posted by DarthNemecyst

The devs coming and seeing this thread like the palpatine meme "Gooood gooood" writing down the busted classes 😂


Originally posted by Valderius

I'm not ignoring you at all. I think we're describing different experiences, and I'm failing to emphasize the pain point.

Interestingly, if it is EoC (and maybe abom after you destroy the soul vessels?) that has the extremely punishing dot zones, those serve a hugely different function in the fight. The outer ring degen zones in both those fights segment the arena and create big, telegraphed no-go zones. Presumably, to force you into closer proximity with the brusier bosses and prevent you from BVR sniping them into trivialized oblivion.

Cremorus' degen zones make the player engage with the main SFB mechanical gimmick of swapping barriers. The difference here is you MUST engage with the fire/necro fields in SFB. They're placed under you, swapped under you, and the boss is pummeling you with his spells the entire time. I'm unsure if there's no time between the fields switching or if the slow-fade vfx of the fight kinda disguise that "no degen" time. There's a telegra...

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ok, so I was just wrong on a few things, it's just a normal dot that's strong.

So here are the stats on that damage. The base ability does 100 damage per tick on a 0.3s interval.

I also went and did the fight real quick to see if the switch had any sort of indicator and while I couldn't notice a visual one, it does play a very distinct "shing" sound about half a second before it switches. As far as I can tell it only plays that sound when it's about to switch so it should be reliable to just hit the switch when you hear the sound. That should give you just enough of a jump on the effect to take way less damage.


Originally posted by Valderius

Even if the degen can't kill you, Cremorus absolutely can. "It's % of current HP" is very small comfort to a melee character who just had 60% or more of their HP removed in a blink and is still tanking the same amount of substantial punishment from a very powerful boss. At least a ranged character can continue to dodge and evade the projectiles coming their way. For them, "it can't kill you" matters. If you're point blank getting frame 1 hit by projectiles, "it can't kill you" becomes much more effectively "get dead, idiot. Shouldn't have played melee."

It's expected that melee characters will endure much more punishment than ranged, and it's not that hard to build accordingly. But when damage just says "no" to all the health and defensive layers you've invested in and, in doing, becomes even MORE punishing the tankier you've built, there's a problem. If you're familiar with some of the evergreen challenges with the League of Legends character Vayne, I think you might see ...

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Once again, just to be clear, I'm not entirely sure that's what this is. I'm going to keep saying it because it feels like it's being ignored.

I strongly disagree that it's a problem that different build archetypes have different danger levels in different situations.

The damage that dots do is designed around people's armor not applying at all. If you do have extra mitigation from that, it's gravy.

I'm also starting to think that the % current HP drain is actually on the Emperor of Corpses.


Yup, you can view the info on the forums. They were a very active member of our community in the early days.


Originally posted by Valderius

Is there a way that could be countteracted? Seems like a really weird mechanic to just be "here's hp loss you can't interact with or mitigate in any way." Making the barrier swap an instant cast would also help a ton. Taking 2 or 3 ticks of massive unmitigatable damage because you're finishing a skill animation and the boss placed fire underneath you feels insanely bad.

I could still be wrong about why this seems to be going through defenses but if I'm right, no, you can't mitigate it. I know we have this somewhere, I just can't remember where it is.

The key thing though is that because it's % of current HP, it can't kill you.

17 Mar


I could be wrong about this and I'm on mobile so I can't check right now but I think the confusion comes from the ability draining percent current HP over time instead of dealing damage.


Originally posted by Cog_HS

I’ve read somewhere that primalist and sentinel were two of the very first classes in the game. I would guess that their uniques were designed along side them, so they’re certainly due for review.

The timeline isn't quite that condensed. Almost none of the original content for either is still in the game. Also the first 2 classes were sorc and Beastmaster. VK and Necro were the second wave at the end of the Kickstarter. This was before we had masteries at all. And more than half of the uniques in the game were added after all the base classes have been in the game.

I think the acolyte having a lot of transformative uniques stems from a high concentration of supporter uniques as they generally have a higher complexity budget and are very popular to make.


Originally posted by vidhartha

You keep saying wrong but where do you see what it right? does it specify what it should be anywhere that I should be checking?

The tooltip said what it should have been.

Edit: also we always do increased area, not increased radius.


Originally posted by vidhartha

Was there any reason players should have known it was off? Aside from it being strong of course

In order to know for sure, you would have needed to take screenshots of the size at each point invested and measure them. It would be pretty obvious that it was wrong at that point.

So I wouldn't expect players to have known it was off but we can prove it was off.

16 Mar


Originally posted by Her_Champion

Oh yeah, it absolutely scales damage from minion damage/damage inheritance nodes.

I should have clarified I meant scaling the size of that particular AoE itself (that one doesn't scale with dex).

It's tagged fire, bow attack, and area on so I was wondering if stats like these:

28% increased area of effect for area skills

33% increased area for fire area skills

Are just general, generic stats and apply even to minion explosion area without the need to be inherited (since the explosion is technically tagged as 'area' and 'area' + 'fire' in the case of the latter one)

Its area should scale with area stats like normal. It is an ability used by the ballista though so it only works with minion area stats.


Originally posted by Her_Champion

Thank you so much! I really appreciate a reply from someone from the team. It's awesome that you guys on here.

One last question regarding ballista's if you don't mind.

I know a lot of people are scaling the ballista explosion itself right now (when the ballista itself actually detonates) and I know that it scales with dex and was recently nerfed.

What I was wondering is there any way to scale the other explosion, the one from the ballista just hitting the monster?

Does it benefit from skill area of effect? Or since there isn't an explicit inheritance node for stats like that would it not scale the on hit explosions at all?

You can find that ability listed on the only way to scale it would be through relevant minion damage or inheritance damage nodes. Both where the tags match. I expect that it's fire, spell but I'm not sure on mobile.


Originally posted by Her_Champion

Ah okay, so my ballistas will basically never inherit any form of penetration?

It will only work with my character, unless and item specifically references 'minion penetration'.

I should also probably mention that the cold penetration from snowdrift boots only applies to frostbite itself. I'm not sure exactly how you were reading it but it almost sounds like you are trying to use it as "could penetration against enemies with frostbite".


Originally posted by Her_Champion

Ah okay, so my ballistas will basically never inherit any form of penetration?

It will only work with my character, unless and item specifically references 'minion penetration'.

That's right


Penetration is the stat penetration. Only damage is the stat damage.

Freeze is not an ailment.

Sorry but this doesn't work the way you want it to at all.

15 Mar


Please don't shut off the breaker, /u/gordopotato


Originally posted by aemerzelis

Correct, also you start at ~50% life

K I’ll make sure it’s on the dev tracker