Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

02 Mar


I feel like the answers so far are going to make crit very confusing.

The only stats in the game that have base values are things like health, health regen, mana, mana regen, speed stats and critical strike chance.

Stats can be flat like health or percentage based like resistances.

Affixes come in 3 varieties, added, increased and more.

  • +10 health is an added stat
  • 10% increased health is an increased stat
  • 10% more health is a more stat

If you have 100 base health and the 3 stats above, you would have (100 + 10) * (1+0.1) * (1+0.1)=133.1

The same works for percentage based stats. It's just not always obvious that when you see a stat that says +100% increased critical strike chance will only actually give you 5% additional chance to critical hit over base because 0.05 * (1+1) = 0.1 or 10%.


/u/sinfulken1 if you believe you know of a way to duplicate items please send me a direct message. If there is a method to do this we will take swift action to address it.

It would be very unlikely that we would roll back as our systems make this impact users much less than if it were a free-trade economy, and we have other ways to mitigate impact additionally.


Many people from our team have been refreshing this page constantly since launch and to see the score recovering is giving us a lot of peace of mind.

Thanks everyone for leaving reviews post launch - even if they’re negative. We just want the review score to get back to reflecting the current state of the game with less impact from the few days of launch turbulence. Appreciate you all!


Originally posted by sunny4084

Feels more pike its based on number of kills ,

Ive leveled many 14-18 during campain and never gelt it was too long

Yeah, it's a random chance on each kill. It doesn't require high experience to go quickly, but it doesn't work on enemies that grant no experience, such as summoned enemy minions.


I’ve personally played grim dawn for something like 3,000 hours and now have the pleasure of chatting directly with Arthur Bruno. It’s a phenomenal game.


David Breviks wife designed this item. JQ is hilarious and streams sometimes

01 Mar


We have messaged our Steam contact to get it taken down.


If you guys find certain skills, areas, interactions, etc. that cause performance dips please do let us know. Generally when we have a target we're able to solve performance issues very quickly at this point. There are some that are a bit more tricky, but most are quick.

We are releasing a hotfix soon that alleviates a couple memory leaks that we've found as well.

Edit: this fix is released as of Friday 4:30 CST


Originally posted by gandhikahn

@ u/moxjet200 got an actually good suggestion here.

Yea that is a good suggestion. I’ll bring it up at dev standup


Originally posted by aaOzymandias

Any thoughts on doing something with the blessings? I would be nice to have them available to be selected once unlocked, and if you find the same one again have them improved (up to max). :)

Yes actually hah


We agree that this should be improved and have future plans for second play throughs/alts.


Hope you enjoy it, u/IAmFern!


Originally posted by Airowird

T1 is guaranteed iirc, not certain about the rest (yet)

The chance depends on the number of affixes on the item and whether it's exalted too. T1 is guaranteed for 4 affix exalted items, but for other items it has a chance of failing.

Each subsequent tier has roughly half the seal chance of the tier below.

29 Feb


Originally posted by AceWissle

You probably have better things to do but can you share some pseudo-code for how you implemented this? Genuinely curious

I don't remember what it looks like exactly but it's probably just the most basic thing possible.

sort list of items based on size. loop through the list and try to put every item as close to the corner as possible.


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

Yes we were in a monilith

Please report the bug using the in game tool.


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

i ahve tried gloves belts boots and som weapons

my group is all in CoF but none of us can trtade with each other

and you're 100% sure that you were in the same zone and party when it dropped?


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

i have tried resonances too but wont let me put the item in gift window

What item is it?


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

is there a reason why all my drops asy cant be traded and i cant even gift stuff to people im playing with

Have you tried gifting then yet? Gifting is not trading.