Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by DarkLordShu

I am also an EA adopter and I have happily used the chat to help others but if I have to fear losing my Steam account due to moderation, I might never use the chat to help anyone again.  You have to be careful not to create a situation like in Heroes of the Storm where no one talks because bans are automated and appeals are replied to by cut and pasters who just say no.  I understand OPs point but moderation can lead to disengagement to protect ourselves.

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It has to be a pretty serious offense for a ban, like selling gold and spamming it in chat. Being helpful in chat I can assure you will not lead to an account ban


Originally posted by Original_Mix9334

Mox - since I have you - I'd greatly appreciate if you could tell me if the team is aware of the XMP profile RAM game crashing that is happening? Is there someone on your team that I could talk with to help iron this issue out? I've seen a lot of forum threads discussing something very similar to this issue.

Original, if you send me a message to carry over I will gladly do so! I can also relay that you've offered to have a further discussion on it if you have more insight. I don't see anything "XMP" related in our dev tracker


Originally posted by Daqqer

Is there any chance that you could also fix the bug where Apogee of Frozen light doesn't correctly give the +3 levels to Upheaval Cold totem or Tempest totem? They are both tagged cold minion skills and this bug is killing my dream build :(

I think what I've done should fix that too.


Originally posted by Original_Mix9334

Mox, the link function is bugged. I've tried using and it spits out "??" as the link.

Oh blah I just checked and you're right. I haven't been able to be in game much with everything I've had to orchestrate for launch. Hotfix incoming


Originally posted by wewfarmer

Didn’t read due to formatting.

LE has things that D4 doesn’t. D4 has things LE doesn’t. I enjoy both. Both need work.

It doesn’t have to be a team sport.

Can I take that line about it not needing to be a team sport? That's a great way to put it.


Originally posted by Qswyk

any new news about that?

Two sites are using it and it's going pretty well.


Originally posted by Duder_Mc_Duder_Bro

Why does the automod prevent someone from using the word "bilirubin"?

Bilirubin is an orange-yellow pigment that occurs normally when part of your red blood cells break down.

I guess I can understand why "vodka" is banned although that's funny because potions are occasionally labeled as beer in the game.

But the bilirubin one really surprised me. Why is EHG anti-biliruben?

The moderation system is an industry leading tool that contains probably millions of words. We commonly go through and adjust what it has moderated for future cases as with tolerance thresholds it gets a ton right but some it’s still too conservative on - like the case you just stated.

It moderates quite a lot we don’t immediately understand… then we bring up urban dictionary and get taught how creative people are and it makes us appreciate the tool even more. Lol


Originally posted by KarvarouskuGaming

One beatiful day in the future they'll stack, or have a keyring -type storage system.

Karv’s right. The birds will sing and grass will be taller that day.

This is on our dev tracker and just hasn’t reached high enough priority yet. It’s way more time intensive to develop that you’d expect as we have to make them stack, split stacks, change item data so multiple items can exist in a single slot, whenever we move the item it has to recognize multiple items being moved, etc.

We all want it and know it’s not ideal to have a key per inventory slot so we’ll get to it hopefully soon!


Our community has been amazingly welcoming and warm throughout early access and as the dust settles from launch I suspect we’ll have it back to this state. Remember you can link new players in game guide articles! We added a way to do this more easily as we expected many new Travelers to join us


Yea. This one is certainly going to hurt us long term if we can’t turn it around. We’re very much hoping that as we improve online service stability at mass scale and people are playing that they see we care deeply about the game and the community and change their minds.


We care about the health of in game chat. I can point to the fact that we’re using an auto-moderation system that we’ve been tuning for a year that is quite costly compared to other options as proof (it’s far more than just a blocked list of words). If we’re seeing chat have off-topic dialogue that is extreme like this I’ll make sure we invest the resources into creating more moderation tools though like right click to report and keep team members active in muting, banning, warning, etc.

Also, re: gold sellers. This is one of the major things I was considering when thinking about the monetization model. Admittedly I think if we were free to play with some pay for convenience we’d be generating slightly more revenue for the studio. However, for gold sellers we can ban their accounts and they’re forced to make a choice - stop or pay for the game again and make a new account. I suspect after enough remaking accounts and having to pay this game cost again this won’t be lucrati...

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Originally posted by SkydiverDad

I understand percentage increases of percentages. I assume you are saying the crit chance gear is a percentage of the base percent increase and the spell crit gear is an actual flat increase in the base percentage. But on the items they appear to be worded the same? Is there additional info in the tooltip I missed that says which is which?

Also if the base crit percentage is 5, why does my character have 13% after I've stripped off all their increase to critical chance gear?

I think the spell crit was probably flat and didn't have the word "increased" but I'm not sure. Do you have an example in a screenshot or link on last epoch tools? Edit: The only other explanation that I can think of is that you've got some source of "more spell crit chance". That could cause this to spike harder because it's multiplicative with increases. However, I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist anywhere in the game. (I could be wrong on that though)

I'm also not sure why when you take off all your gear, you still have 13% crit without seeing the character. I suspect that you might have had some passives or maybe a monolith blessing that was giving you some crit possibly. You can use last epoch tools to load in your character from offline save or online lookup on their site and link it and we could probably find it.


Originally posted by Swirly1988

Wow, thanks for such a quick reply! Loving the game btw 😊. I have 16gb RAM - do you think that could be it? I have tried rebooting and only starting the game and it still crashes. I’ve also tried a few other tricks like deleting temp files, running as admin, starting from the folder via steam. Nothing really working unfortunately. Maybe I should get more RAM? Thanks again

16 should be well more than enough. I think you're more likely having a different issue. I don't really have anything else tricky to try. The usual stuff applies, verify game files in steam, check drivers, check for updates. There are a couple low popularity anti virus programs that conflict with unity in general. I think Avira might have been one of them but it's not like a hard conflict, just weird issues.

Sorry, that's all I've got.


Fairly recently, people were having boot up issues on systems with lower RAM quantity. We made some changes which made it easier for them to get in and we got good feedback on those chanyces that it was helping. I'm not sure if this is related at all or not but you could try rebooting your system and only attempting to start up the game and nothing else. (Also just worth while to clean up your startup programs if you don't keep a close eye on it already). Bit of a shot in the dark.


Originally posted by EzSkillshot

Funny enough I hit a 4 lp hammer of lorent about 40mins afterwards. Placebo cake buff!

Haha that’s a great find actually


You have 5% base critical strike chance.

If you have 100% increased critical strike chance, you will now have 10% critical strike chance.

If you then added on +5% critical strike chance, you would be up to 20% critical strike chance.

(5 + 5) x (1 + 1) = 20

Percentage increases of a percentage value can be confusing.


Originally posted by stubbieausi


What were you smoking when you made that decision??

I hate that damn bird always screeching. It is annoying as hell. I can't believe you wanted to hear it more often.
Unfortunately it is linked to the battle sounds slider which no arpg player wants to be quiet.
If you can't give us an option to decrease the amount of times it screams (or get rid of it completely) maybe attach it to the ambient sound slider, or just have a screech only when attacking.

As it is now I don't want to play a Falconer simply because it is that distracting and annoying to be constantly subjected to.

Haha that bad huh? Well since we’ve got the server fires mostly calmed down I’ll have a chance to take a look at it with our sound designer and see if we can make it more reasonable as this has been brought up a number of times


Happy cake day. /Insert joke about cake day drop chance increase


Originally posted by HappyFir3

Genuinely apologise for my ranting and raving, not very constructive of me. You guys are doing great, thanks for communicating!

Haha it’s fine. Typically people think that if they bring up a problem like this it’s not going to get noticed by a dev team and it’s just shouting into the void - and that’s frustrating. I used to do it too.

We’ll fix it :)