Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by Dr_Chuff_Bunkers

Hello! Are there plans to address the memory issues that are still persistent after the launch of 1.0? I know you have many issues too contend with on the server front, but I would love to be able to play the game at all, and would welcome the server error versus hard crashes from memory usage. If a RX6700XT, Intel 10500f and 32GB of DDR4 memory (plus 32GB allocated to page file) aren't enough to run the game at 1080p, there is clearly a problem. I was able to play flawlessly in the beta circa January 2022, pre-multiplayer. Makes little sense.

I'm sorry I don't have details on potential memory issues that might exist or any information on plans or possible progress. Overall the game generally actually uses less memory now than it did in January 2022. Our systems are very comparable (yours probably has the slight edge) and I'm getting a smooth 80+ fps at 1440p. I know that doesn't mean anything specific but I just want to highlight that your hardware specs should have no problem at all and that the issue is likely unrelated to the power of your system.

We always plan to fix all bugs that have been reported in the proper channels. I don't record bug reports from reddit and they have to go through the normal triage and such.


Glad you’re enjoying the game :)


Completely understand why this would be desired right now with the server issues we’ve experienced during launch. Offline character data is stored locally on the players PC, meaning it has potential to be manipulated, so while we could make it so online character progress could go to offline with some effort we wouldn’t allow offline progress to go to the online servers because it would prevent us from doing leaderboards, trade, and in the future other competitive things like races, server firsts, etc. I very much suspect people wouldn’t like to make progress offline temporarily but have it locked to offline - splitting their characters state.

We’ll be making improvements to online stability at mass scale. We have enough real world data now to see where bottlenecks are and how things break in a real world scenario that our scale testing wasn’t showing us before launch.


We want to update the minimap/overlay map outline design to address this and just look a bit better in general. We even have some mockups of how we’d like to tackle it. When we have a little more bandwidth we’ll be on it


Originally posted by DenisTRUFFAUT

Can you release the new font somewhere so we can use it in Photoshop ?

I'll ask but I don't think I'll get an answer quickly.

Edit: nvm got a reply almost immediately but it's not a good one. Sorry, we aren't ready to release it. We will consider it in the future and look at some options but not right now. In the meantime, forum is still a font we do use in game for a lot of stuff and that's easy to get here


Originally posted by Junkers69

What about the character dialog art, it gives off an uncanny vibe...

Nope, all original human art.

25 Feb


Time to compete see who can get a Obsidian Resonance with them first, assuming they're not planning to make a Falconer now.


Love threads like this. Just got back from watching our composer conduct Last Epoch music with the UCLA Orchestra which was an incredible experience - but as soon as I wake up I’m going to start taking notes from what I see in this thread.

Thank you all for taking the time to give feedback. I appreciate it


Originally posted by amingolow

Thanks for the detailed reply, I really appreciate. I understand server stability is the first priority as I have login issue and long transition time as well, although it is quite random. At least I know these Totem related bugs will be fixed soon, Thanks!

However I am still confused about "number 5 actually affects all stats from the tree on cold bolt totem". I don't really understand what this means. My main concern is the cold projectile gained from disabling a Tempest type. What the cold projectile scale with and which skill nodes can affect it? In game doesn't have a tooltip to show its base damage and scaling tags. I tested and confirmed at least the "Heorot Arsenal" node doesn't affect the cold projectile.

Yea, that node doesn't currently work on live. I'm not actually sure which others weren't working before that got fixed but basically any of the damage increases in the tree were doing nothing for it.

24 Feb


Ok, so I just finished fixing these, in the process found a few more totem related bugs and those have been fixed too. They will take some time to make their way through QA and out into a patch because none of this is anywhere near as important as the stability stuff but it's on the way.

Your number 3 also is currently not working with Warcry totem and is the same problem as these extras which is how I found them.

  • 6. Refresh Random Totem On Frozen Kill for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem - shaman passive node
  • 7. spell lightning damage for existing totems when you directly cast a storm totem for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem
  • 8. heal totems and give them immunity on potion use for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem - I can't remember where this comes from but I think it's on an item with how it's worded.

These were still working for normal totems, just not for things that...

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Yes, this wasn’t a great response and Steve apologized afterwards. I also apologize. We have team members trying to endure a lot of really awful comments to them when the servers are facing instability due to load. Im pulling our team members besides our actual CM and myself out of Discord while there are issues as I need to shield them from the negativity.

Again, apologies for that comment.


Originally posted by Askani24

Interesting. Thanks! Can you speak a little more on CoF offline and how I won’t miss out much on power advancement? That’s my big worry. You don’t think I won’t regret it, gear-wise, if I play offline?

There are two item factions that you can join online. Merchant's Guild and Circle of Fortune. You can only be in one or the other at a time on each character. The incredibly oversimplified version is that it's trade or better drops. Offline only has the option to join CoF because offline trade isn't really a thing.

Full details on our forums. Dozens of videos explaining it on YouTube too. I'm sure there is a post here somewhere also. Trade is more powerful gear acquisition wise but this does make a significant impact in closing that gap.


Situation A only occurs with the root node because it doesn't have any requirements to advance to the next. I do understand the confusion in this situation. In general this is already done in non-root connections which makes this inconsistent.


Not to dismiss the bug that should be fixed but in the meantime, you can use A to command them to attack.


Player count doesn't change loot drop rate because it's instanced loot in multiplayer. For the purposes character saves, offline and true offline are the same thing. Trade is optional and you can play CoF offline so you don't lose out on as much of the power advancement missing from not having trade. On a good day, online loading times aren't that much different than offline, actually faster in the main end game area. Right now is not a good day for load times though.


Originally posted by TheoriginalTonio

Affixes become stronger the higher the level they are. You can craft up to affix-level 5 onto an item.

But Items can drop with affixes that are level 6 or 7. These are called "exalted" and depicted in purple. Usually you get one exalted affix, maybe 2 if you're lucky. The Item in the picture has a level 7 and two level 6 affixes.

Thanks for the thorough and helpful response to a new community member u/TheoriginalTonio


Originally posted by Narthy

Hey man - no bullshit - this game has been a blast and I just picked it up a week ago. I know I have a ton to learn as far as things like crafting systems and whatnot but I also know the game has enough information provided that I'll definitely learn as I go. It feels super approachable but really, really deep at the same time. I can't say enough about it. I've been online off and on the last few days and despite a handful of server issues, it's been an absolute blast and I can't wait to jump back in.

Kudos to you and the team. Incredible job.

Cheers and thanks for the kind words


Originally posted by Tyranith

If you guys do implement this please give us an option to disable auto-use potions. My forge guard has to be fairly picky with potions and I don't want to waste a potion that's sitting on the ground because I'm at 99% health but might need it later in a boss fight.

That’s a good suggestion


Originally posted by ExDoublez

WE internet (formerly known as TEdata).

Thanks for the reply you guys are the best fr!!

Thanks and appreciate the info