Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

24 Feb


If you guys are experiencing frame rate dips in a certain scenario that’s helpful to report. Typically when we hear of frame rate issues these days it’s either a certain skill interaction or area which we can target and address quite quickly. Other than that it’s often just the users PC being lower in specs. From the specs you’ve posted though your game should be running very smooth.


I’ll take note of this to spread to others. This happens with EU players a lot as well. Would you mind sharing your ISP and I’ll actually document it?


Id ask my dev/design team to come in and answer quite a lot if this was put together. They still come and try to communicate in many posts but this would be more succinct


I’ll run this by the design team. Shaman got some updates to his kit so it’s possible we could improved passive synergies for the reasons you’re calling out. Thanks for the feedback


Posted on our socials:

In our most recent server update (no game client update needed) we introduced improvements to transition times for all players, especially solo play.

We are now seeing that oftentimes players in parties are arriving at different scenes when transitioning zones. We'll be working to resolve this as soon as possible, in the meantime if you are experiencing this, the temporary work around is to allow one player to go through to the next scene and once they've loaded the zone teleport to them via the party frames located at the top left of the screen.


Progress up to that door on the minimap and keep going!


It’s increases the rate which the next ones fall when you have the multi meteor nodes. I am also a meteor enjoyer


Haha we will not ban anyone for this and thanks for providing the tip to the community, shinnyx. We are working on the real fix though and I know we have at least good progress on it.

Generally our rule is don’t have anything that manipulates or controls gameplay.


More good gamepad updates on the way too. Glad you’re enjoying it. We put a lot of efforts into improvements and again there’s quite a lot more to come!


We certainly do not region block but we have heard that EU ISPs are sometimes block connecting to online gaming services. I’d be interested to start collecting info on our EU players having issues and see if the ISPs are the same


Agree. I’ll talk to the team


Originally posted by 1trickana

I haven't either but pretty sure you need to be attached to MG when the item drops to be able to sell it. Not sure how resonance works only played solo

If you haven't joined a faction yet, then the items that drop for you can also be traded once you join MG.


You click it and it frees the mage that was imprisoned inside, which is a slightly randomised miniboss. It's hostile to both you and other enemies, and it drops an experimental item if you kill it.


They might still be in your buyback tab.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Kelpsie

Ooooh, I didn't know that was a thing. Thank you!

There are multiple low cost spells that cost exactly 3 mana, so that their cost can be reduced to 0 with certain caster weapons equipped. Other examples include Rip Blood and Lightning Blast.


We're planning to change it. It's something we've been able to change since a few patches ago, but actually switching over requires manual adjustments to several zones to ensure that you can't walk past the transition area. I'd expect it to be done for 1.1, but can't say for certain.


It's worth keeping in mind that they'll level up much faster than they did before now that you're at a higher level. If the current spot in the campaign is too difficult with lower level skills, I'd suggest just going back to a slightly lower level part.


Nearly all skills have a base crit chance of 5%. "increased crit chance" multiplies that base value rather than adding to it. 80% of 5% is 4%, so if your only source of increased crit chance were that node that gives you 80% increased crit chance, you would have a total of 9%.

However, it looks like you probably have a separate source of either 40% increased crit chance, or +1% crit chance, which would add to the base to make it 6%. 80% of 6% is around 5% so that would bring you up to a total of 11% too.


Originally posted by Olegos1337

  1. Not low life, invested points in health
  2. No damage at all
  3. I cleared mobs before entering any location, no aggro
  4. Yes
  5. Seems like I didn't get "Grace period" invulnerability at all. Also I opened steam overlay before entering and closed it during mid load. Forgot to report, kinda sad moment

This is likely due to the much longer than normal transition times we’ve experienced since launch. I deeply apologize for that and I’ll be talking to the team about ways to combat any instance of grace period failing if there’s a fail to load state or a transition takes much longer than anticipated. It seems we may be able to do something like ensure that a character has moved at all before grace period falls off, though I thought we already did. I’ll run this by the dev team and again apologies that this happened


Originally posted by Xyed

Is the game not saving the character data every few minutes ?

Or say on zone change ?

Save events happen very frequently. Item pickup, transition, item change, etc.