Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

23 Feb


Originally posted by Lillith_Was_Right

I'm one of the people who bought the game on launch, essentially going in blind as I've not followed the game at all in early access, and left a negative review after the servers failed to work. My review was short and simple, it said "the servers don't work, avoid for now."

After coming to this subreddit and seeing how you and the rest of the team have handled it I just removed my negative review a moment ago. I now have faith that the issue will be fully sorted in good time and that the launch day issues are not a a reflection on the game.

Its still annoying of course, but its far less annoying after seeing how you've all responded. Its so uncommon to see this level of communication and honesty from anyone these days, let alone a game developer. I can't wait to see what you all accomplish going forward.

We really appreciate it. Sincerely.


Originally posted by fearliatroma

Appreciate it and I understand its not an easy task, as I say I'm happy with the great game that's available in offline mode etc but just don't like how people with imo valid complaints about the online are treated in the community.

Hope the launch is just a bump in the road for you guys and its all uphill from here because what I've experienced of the game you've made, it deserves to be played by as many people as possible.

Like I've said elsewhere, the dissatisfaction with online for launch is completely valid. We are presenting an online-enabled game and it's on us to ensure that it's playable online, and right now we're struggling to keep online services operational without issues under load. We'll get things in a good spot as we have a lot of talented engineers putting in a ton of effort to do so, but it's not a simple as "buy more servers" which so many people seem to think. We have plenty of server capacity.

The comments of encouragement from the community have certainly been appreciated as we have a lot of humans that have put a ton of their effort into preparing this game for everyone, including the team that works on online services, that are saddened by how launch has gone because of the issues at scale that we didn't anticipate. Seeing so much hate from those that are less patient is demoralizing, and there are some people on our team that are impacted more by those negative commen...

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We've not seen this before...

- Are you running a low-life build?

- Did you have any damage over time ailments on you before trying to scene transition?

- Were there aggro'd enemies in the scene you were transitioning from?

- When you relogged did the death persist?

- Is there any other context you can provide?

Also, did you submit an in-game bug report?


We're making sure that our backend dev team is shielded as much and ensuring that they're getting rest. The "war room" sentinment is still positive and diligently working towards improvements. We're all certainly putting in more hours than normal which we expected, but leadership is actually ensuring that no one is working too many hours, taking stand up breaks, etc.

Sentinment internally is still very postiive. We're pumped that there is so much demand to play the game we've made and we know that we'll be able to work out the online gameplay experience issues at high load and we'll be better for it.


Originally posted by 09jtherrien

Are they always shields, or can they be other weapon.

There are 10 different Weaver uniques, a Shield, Ring, Belt, Gloves, Boots, and 5 Relics which are specific to each base class. We'll add more in future. The first 9 were added in 0.9.1 and the belt was just added in 1.0.


Originally posted by Prestigious_Set_4575

Is there an ETA on this? Because I literally can't play without this and I don't understand how it isn't driving all the veteran ARPG players absolutely mad to fight decades worth of muscle memory. Somebody on Steam said the last time this bug popped up in early access it took 2 months to squash and no offense, but I won't be waiting anywhere near that long.

We have a fix that's been reviewed and is with QA. However, QA are currently very busy helping test potential improvements to server issues, so I can't give an exact ETA on when the fix is going to end up in a patch.

It'll definitely be much less than the 2 months it remained unavailable after 0.9 though. The issue then was that the whole system needed to be overhauled to work correctly with multiplayer. The current issue is just that a bug that was introduced and discovered so late that properly fixing it for 1.0 was deemed too much of a risk to stability, because changing player input code at that point had the potential to inadvertently create a more critical bug.


Originally posted by Hot-Olive-9532

I was playing my way through my first ever campaign and I came across the legendary shield from a drop. Thought I was super lucky and moved on. Then I started researching how rare a legendary drop is and found multiple articles saying legendary items can only be crafted, not dropped. Did the devs add legendary drops at some point?

Note: I'm playing full offline to not deal with any server issues. I was also planning on playing circle of fortune so I didn't worry about missing out on online features.

Also, to all who may not believe me. I was only level 55ish when this dropped and hadn't even got to the endgame at this point, so I can't have crafted it.

Also if it is a bug, please don't take it away devs :(

There's no bug here. There are two type of uniques when it comes to creating legendaries.

Regular uniques have a small chance to drop with 1-4 legendary potential, and can be upgraded to legendaries by crafting the affixes of an exalted item onto them using the Eternity Cache in the Temporal Sanctum Dungeon.

Weaver uniques always drop with 5-28 Weaver's Will. When you kill an enemy with a Weaver's Will unique it has a chance to consume one Weaver's Will to either add a new affix or increase the tier of an affix that it's already added. The shield you have there would have dropped as a unique item with 14 Weaver's Will. Then during combat it added an increased physical damage legendary prefix, becoming a legendary item, and then upgraded that prefix to tier 4.


Originally posted by Contamijin

"Prototype LE-61" or Lebi for short

I just linked this in our slack.


This was a mistake on my part. There was a single change to a service that was being reverted from a change earlier in the day and I both understood our engineers incorrectly and worded that poorly.


We truly appreciate the confidence and kind words. The team is excited to be on the other side of online stability issues and back to discussing game design and content with you all very soon.


Originally posted by Robbeeeen

I really dont understand why the hitbox for the TP is so absurdly large.

It register a zone switch while my character is half a screen away still.

Reduce the hitbox DRASTICALLY so I have to walk my character all the way into the portal for it to switch zones. No toggle or confirm feature needed.

The zones don't go that far and you end up seeing the edge of them if we shrink it much more. They are all actually reduced in 1.0


Originally posted by Tig3rba7m

LOL this has to bee because there is not stop spamming on the refer code in the chat.

Yup, in hindsight it should have been obvious that this was going to happen but we just though it would be a cool way to get a new pet for people. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Aequitasddx

every critic on reddit, seam forums, EHG forums and especially on discord is shut down immediately. If i buy a game and cant play it for 2 days almost straight, like what do they expect?

We completely understand people being upset and we don't fault them. If you buy a game that is online-enabled it's on us to make sure that it's playable online, and unfortunately we're struggling to keep online services stable under the load - though we are making significant progress even if it is up and down.

It's certainly saddening to the team that launch has gone this way and our Steam reviews are being decimated, but that's on us.

We'll get things stabilized. We have a lot of very smart engineers putting in a lot of effort to make that happen.


We're discussing what to do about this and intending to make changes. Is there any certain way that you all would like to see this handled? I can take your input to the team who's considering options.

Edit: look out for messaging from official channels on this shortly


Lol u/GroovySock - we're just looking out for ya!

Fix will come in a 1.0.x follow-up patch.


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This is the main thing that we're investigating and hoping to address today. You all can follow along with updates in the following places:

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Here's the thing. Game looks gorgeous. Tons of additions to 1.0. Everyone is in love with the bones you've made. The other stuff will work itself out. It took ggg a full decade to have stable launches!! The whole team should be proud. I'm excited to play a Falconer when I have some time :)


Originally posted by Silverneelse

Thats very good leadership. Have you seen the TED talk from Simon Sinek? I use that all the time in my courses about teamwork (I work at a highschool).

I don’t believe I have. Is this the one?


Originally posted by Armi5

Do you know if the Last Epoch banner was a paid marketing banner or Valve chose you and you had to make a banner for the launch for Steam store?

Unpaid but we were able to work with them to put it up as there were no other big releases today. I wasn’t directly involved in that effort though so I’m without much context.