Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

19 Mar


Originally posted by deadlycherub

That's correct. I suggested a melee skill, upheaval and replaced the physical tag with a cold tag, and specced pets into cold tags. That way you just throw cold damage wherever and the player's melee, along with pet spells, all scale. If I understand correctly, both melee and cold melee on OPs item would scale upheaval, which would then be scaled more with shared cold damage affixes. Minion spell damage on item would scale pets cold spells along with shared cold damage as well. The bleed would turn into frostbite from the upheaval, which is a cold dot and I believe shred cold resist, making pets and upheaval that much more efficient and I believe the DoT from frostbite would scale up from cold damage as well.

Edit: u/ekimarcher is my understanding correct on the scaling of cold upheaval? All other stats aside. The item above is 130 base melee and 88 cold melee. Say upheaval is purely cold, but still scales off melee tags. Would increased cold dam...

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All added damage is added to base. Added melee damage (weapon implicits) is converted to cold if the ability in use is pure cold. (Split at whatever the base damage ratio is for multi element).

Add all increases together and apply. Increased cold damage applies to all the cold damage, which in your scenario is all of it. Generic damage increases apply to damage.

Apply all more modifiers individually. Same rules as above.


Originally posted by johnyu955

I think there's an edge case that is not being caught in regards to save file names. For context here's the characters I had before:

1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_1 (first character ever created) 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_3 (my level 88 sorc)

1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_2 would have been my character that originally got deleted on patch day. Yesterday I created a new rogue. I would expect the new character to either take slot 2 or slot 4 depending on your naming priority. Instead I got 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_0. I'm assuming this is new code added if you're starting at index 0 now instead of index 1 prior to 0.9? After I created the rogue I immediately exited the game to verify if all my characters were there and they were.

I then created another character, this time an acolyte and played for a few hours without checking save files. When I was done for the night I went to check characters and my sorc was gone. My acolyte had overwritten my sorc as the new 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_3. In orde...

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I suspect that the fix just hasn't been rolled out yet because this is exactly what we found.


We found a method by which offline characters were getting overwritten. We have a reliable fix for it. I thought this went out in the last HotFix but I could be wrong about that.

It is possible that you are experiencing a different reason for characters being overwritten that we don't have recorded yet or was possibly mistaken to have been the same cause as the other bug for this that we fixed.


Originally posted by Ghintonic

Thank you - I'll check this one I'm nach home later today. Sounds like this could be the solution

It used to be Z, it's actually alt + Z now.


That character and everything exclusive to that character was moved to SC. Your stash, gold and crafting materials are still there in HC because they are shared among all your HC characters.


Originally posted by ImYourDade

Have you guys put out the % chances for different tiers?

I think someone in the community figured it out at some point possibly. I'm sorry I don't remember where that was.


Originally posted by random_script

Do you have a probability estimate?

I am also curious about how much easier it is now with the increment to exalted drops than before

I'm sorry I don't know. The numbers get a little nutty on some of them. They start getting described in scientific notation to make it easier to read all the 0's.


Originally posted by Fexxzz

At least in online mode there is some weird delay between each strike meaning you either have to constantly spam the button for it to make sure the moves actually execute with low delay or it will just get stuck between animations and take up to a few seconds to do the next. It's not great. But EHG is aware and working on it

This has been fixed internally and the fix will most likely be included in the next hotfix.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Keys for each dungeon can drop from any zone which is higher level than the entrance to the dungeon.


That's one of the highest tier items I've ever seen. Wow.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Which you can get from any zone that is higher level than the entrance to the dungeon itself.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is as high as Artem has. The soul gambler can go higher.


Try making a couple new categories. The missing tabs and items should come back.


I'm sorry, I'm going to delete this as it might be attempted to be used as a method of getting the game for free.

Thank you for reaching out to support.


Originally posted by Rhubarb-Alternative

Sry for the dumb question but is making Dodge as the main defense ok in hardcore?

Ok u will avoid 90% of hits but 10% of the time u will get cooked by 1 hit kill? Is it the case in this game?

There is a node in the BD tree that I highly recommend which converts your dodge to glancing blow at a 2x rate.

Generally HC doesn't like using dodge as dodge.


Once you get to end game, every character is going to be very hard for a 1st playthrough. Pay special attention to boss anticipations as some really big hits can come pretty quick if you're not paying attention.

Rogue has the best battlefield maneuvering movement ability in shift. You also have some great tools in smoke bomb and decoy. Lots of skills can have little movements added for even more mobility too.

You will probably rely on Dodge or glancing blow as your main secondary defensive layer.

Good luck.


Originally posted by suriuken

It resetes the entire timeline with vesself of memory included i think, also normal moniths can only go to 50 corruption i think, so for 100+ you need empowered but i might be wromg, if so sorry

This is right


Originally posted by XR-17

Thanks for the reply, even if it's not a golem viable character I'm still hyped to see what you guys will bring. Your game is great!

Thanks, I'm confident that people will have lots of fun with it.


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